

In London in the 1990s, Harry was thrown into the garden of No. 13 Privet Drive by his cousin. In fear, he saw the evil wizard who was rumoured in the neighborhood to do all kinds of evil. "Kid, do you know how precious the Moon Spirit Flower is?" "From today on, use your life to atone for your sins." As a result, Harry was forced to sign an unequal labour contract. But gradually, he discovered that the wizard was not that scary. He had a cat head formed by a curse. There was Lucifer, a talking stove, and a broom that automatically swept the floor. What’s more, the cabin looks like it’s just a two-story building, but it’s actually a huge moving castle! ! A year later, in the winter at Hogwarts, when Professor McGonagall was collecting Christmas homecoming forms, Harry resolutely submitted the application. "I am going home for the holidays!" It's a translation. Raw name : 霍格沃茨:移动城堡的猫巫师

The_Dream_Wanderer · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Lucius is very angry

Borgin quickly suppressed the excitement on his face and first apologized to Felix, then turned around, putting on a businessman's flattering smile and adopting a smooth tone. "Mr. Malfoy, it's wonderful to see you again. Whatever you wish to buy, please feel free to browse."

Lucius Malfoy glanced at Borgin Burke. "No, I'm not here to make purchases, Mr. Borgin. I'm here to sell something. You must have heard that the Ministry has intensified its raids on several of our prominent families. The Aurors suspect that we are associated with the troublemaker who caused havoc here a month ago."

As soon as Lucius finished speaking, the smile on Borgin's face froze abruptly, and he involuntarily glanced towards the door. It was a primal instinct to escape that drove him, despite now being a living dead.

Realizing this, he turned back somewhat stiffly.

Felix casually flipped through the ancient Greek manuscript, paying little heed to Lucius's words. Unperturbed by the change in Borgin's expression, Lucius retrieved a roll of parchment from his inner pocket and unfolded it to reveal its contents to Mr. Borgin.

"I have some... ah... items at home that might cause me inconvenience..."

"Apologies, Mr. Lucius, could you please wait a moment? I need to speak with this gentleman first," Borgin interjected swiftly, then turned to Felix regardless of Lucius's response. "Sir, let's adjourn to the back room for discussion."

Felix nodded, gathering the manuscript, and proceeded into the back room ahead of Borgin. Borgin glanced back at Lucius. "Mr. Malfoy, you can attend to yourself."

Though Lucius's expression remained unchanged, his breathing grew heavier and his eyes darkened slightly. He fixed his gaze on Felix's back, attempting to discern his origins.

Borgin Burke. His full name was Caractacus Burke Borgin, but he was generally addressed as Mr. Borgin.

Yes, with respect. Even Lucius Malfoy was no exception. No one in the British wizarding world would underestimate this oily-looking old man.

In addition to vending various strange and perilous dark magic artifacts, he also amassed a collection of sinister and malevolent objects. Many families pawned their illicit magical possessions here out of fear of Ministry raids.

Anyone with sense knew better than to underestimate this man's prowess; he was indeed a true master of dark magic.

Even the enigmatic man who had just graduated once ran errands here.

Lucius knew his employer well enough; he was certainly not the sort to run errands.

This fact served as strong evidence of the establishment's and its owner Borgin's influence.

However, now, Mr. Borgin was extending such deference to a person of whom Lucius had never heard...

The back room resembled a disordered storeroom, but upon entering, Felix sensed a malevolent aura enveloping him. The magical fluctuations emanating from various dark magic items were potent enough to corrode and fray a young wizard's mind, causing alarm and distress.

Borgin waved his wand, summoning a large box from a corner, then proceeded to wipe away the dust and cobwebs, releasing the box's enchantments.

Inside, Felix beheld a small wooden box emitting a strong salty odor, approximately the size of a jewelry box. The wood was somewhat decayed, covered in moss and barnacles, with water trickling constantly from its fissures.

Borgin regarded the box with a degree of trepidation. "This is it. It has been sealed for many years, yet it perpetually appears as if just dredged from the depths."

With that, Borgin extracted the small box, revealing its contents upon opening: a snail number, a small stack of fish skin rolls, and a gold disc necklace.

"This necklace brought upon me the curse," Borgin remarked, his eyes betraying a blend of fear and fury.

Indeed, Borgin's curse shared the same origin as the curse encountered by Jack Barbossa and others in the Caribbean.

"Mr. Borgin, you know as well as I do. It's easy to end lives, but far more challenging to save them," Felix stated calmly, stroking the invisible cat's whiskers.

"I am aware," Borgin affirmed. "As long as my curse can be lifted, sir, you may select from my wares."

Felix nodded. "I will do my utmost. I must confess, I possess some understanding of this curse."

With that, he conjured his wand, which, though oversized by the standards of this world's wizards, materialized in his hand.

Wielding the wand, Felix produced a luminescence in its skull-adorned tip, casting an iridescent glow in the dim room, akin to two fire dragons ablaze in brilliant hues.

Finally, Felix directed his wand towards Borgin's forehead, channeling all radiance through it into Borgin's mind, illuminating him like a lantern.

The luminance circled from top to bottom before...

Borgin pursed his lips, his pupils dilating gradually. He withdrew the wand, then aimed it at his wrist. The wand's tip transformed into a blade, which he then drew across his skin.

Crimson blood welled from the incision.

"I... I... have succeeded," Borgin murmured, his voice trembling.

The sensation... the sensation of being human had returned to him after so long. In his quest to lift the curse, he had exhausted every avenue, even resorting to the slaughter of the French family and returning all looted items to the decimated mermaid tribe, all to no avail.

For decades, he had existed as a living dead.

Now, the semblance of humanity had been restored to him.

"Don't get too excited. I'm only temporarily suppressing the effects of the curse. It can only last for about an hour. If it's to be truly lifted..."

Borgin quickly interjected, "Sir, you can do as you please." With that, he took the initiative to hand the box to Felix. "You can take anything I have here. Borgin Burke is always at your service."

Felix was somewhat surprised. He hadn't expected that merely suppressing the curse temporarily would elicit such enthusiasm from the other party.

Though he harbored some suspicions, he found Borgin's honesty refreshing, devoid of any hidden motives.

Aren't you afraid I might take advantage of you? Felix thought silently.

"I've been a living dead for forty years; there's nothing left to fear. As a human being, if you can't feel anything, what's the point of it all?" Borgin spoke candidly.

"Indeed," Felix nodded, smiling. "I'd rather not spend the rest of my days being stared at by a living dead. That would be too disconcerting."

"I assure you, I have no such intentions," Borgin quickly reassured, lowering his gaze.

Felix paid little heed to these words. He rose, wrapped the wooden box in parchment, then picked up the ancient Greek manuscript, gesturing to Borgin.

"I'll study these when I return, and I'll be back."

"Please take the books," Borgin said hastily. "May I ask, when can I expect your next visit?"

"Perhaps next week?" Felix casually suggested a timeframe before making his way out of the establishment.

Meanwhile, Lucius was in the shop, inspecting an ancient silverware piece when he noticed Felix and Borgin emerging from the back room.

Borgin's smile seemed strained.

As Felix approached the door, Borgin hurriedly caught up. "By the way, what should I address you as?"

Taking the box, Felix paused, pondering briefly...


With that, he teleported away.

Lucius watched the self-proclaimed "Captain" depart solemnly before turning his attention back to Borgin.

"Mr. Borgin, I believe we..."

"Oh, Mr. Malfoy, isn't it?" Borgin cut in, apologetically. "I'm afraid I must close up shop." With that, he practically ushered Lucius out of the store.

"It's difficult to explain, but... well, if you truly wish to sell something, do return in an hour." Borgin seemed eager to shut down the stall.

"Why?" Lucius's tone hinted at annoyance. Even a clay figure could be irritated, let alone the head of the Malfoy family. Making him wait outside had nearly exhausted his patience and whatever respect he had for Borgin.

Borgin smiled nonchalantly, unconcerned with Lucius's feelings. When Lucius was but a babe, Borgin was already established in Knockturn Alley.

In the past, appearances were paramount in business, but now...

"I intend to savor this rare hour of my life, Lucius."

With that, he too apparated away.

There is an error made by the author, Borgin and Burke are two distinct wizard co-owning the shop. Here the author mixed the two as the same person.

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