
Hogwarts: I Really Am a Model Wizard

On a perfectly sunny afternoon, Kain finally received the eagerly awaited acceptance letter and arrived at Hogwarts, the prestigious school that has stood for a millennium. Here, Kain's life was full, spending his days not only studying but also using his free time to grow vegetables, tend flowers, or venture into the dark, sunless chambers beneath the school to provide psychological counseling to a small animal that had been abandoned for a thousand years. Dumbledore: "Kain is an honest, brave, kind, and sincere good boy." Professor McGonagall: "The headmaster is right, Kain never breaks the school rules." Snape: "Ah, yes, yes..." Quirrell also thought so until one day, he pushed open the trapdoor and jumped into a room full of biting kale...

Zaelum · Phim ảnh
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30 Chs

Chapter 16

Kain had always been curious about what propelled the small boats ferrying new Hogwarts students across the lake. He had initially thought it was magic, but now he had his doubts. Despite observing carefully, he couldn't find any trace of magic on the boats.

Then there was Hagrid, a half-giant nearly four meters tall, certainly weighing much more than four first-year students combined, yet his boat sat in the water just like all the others, which seemed quite unusual.

Of course, it was possible that the boats were enchanted with a more advanced and hidden form of magic, or they might even be some type of alchemical artifact. Still, Kain preferred to believe something beneath the lake was holding the boats up.

"The giant squid, maybe?"

He leaned out over the side to peer into the murky depths of the Black Lake, but visibility was too low at night; he could see nothing but his own reflection.

Soon, the boats emerged from the tunnel and docked at what looked like an underground pier.

Everyone disembarked and followed Hagrid up a cobblestone path to a flat, damp patch of grass beneath the towering presence of Hogwarts Castle. They ascended some stone steps to a massive oak door.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," Hagrid announced, before knocking three times on the door with his enormous fist.

The door swung open, revealing a witch in emerald green robes—Professor McGonagall. She had an aura that demanded silence without a word, much like a headmistress appearing suddenly at the back of a classroom, causing every student to instinctively fall quiet.

Hagrid, now more formal, announced, "The first-year students have arrived, Professor McGonagall."

"Thank you, Hagrid. I'll take it from here," she responded, surveying the group before leading them inside.

The castle's stone walls were lined with torches that cast a warm glow, dispelling the chill from outside and comforting many of the shivering young wizards.

To their right was a closed door behind which Kain could hear buzzing voices, but Professor McGonagall didn't stop there. Instead, she led them into an empty chamber on the other side of the hall.

"Firstly, welcome to Hogwarts," she began, delivering the school's traditional welcome speech with practiced ease. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you can take your seats in the Great Hall, we need to sort you into your houses. This ceremony is very important as your house will be like your family here at Hogwarts..."

Kain listened attentively, aware of his position in the front row right under Professor McGonagall's gaze. Getting caught daydreaming now could make his life at Hogwarts rather difficult. Besides, it was a significant moment, a one-time experience he didn't want to miss.

After discussing the House Cup, she explained the characteristics of the four houses.

Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin—or as some students might think of them: the brave, the loyal, the wise, and the ambitious.

Everyone listened intently, their eyes filled with anticipation and occasionally darting towards the Great Hall, eager to rush in.

"In a few minutes, we will perform the Sorting Ceremony in front of the entire school. I suggest you use this time to tidy yourselves up and look presentable," Professor McGonagall advised.

"Once everything is ready, I will come to fetch you. Please remain quiet while you wait."

Her final comment about silence was perhaps unnecessary, as the room burst into chatter the moment she stepped out.

A group of excited first-years huddled together, speculating about the upcoming Sorting.

"How do they sort us? Do we get to choose?" asked one nervous little witch.

That seemed to be the question on everyone's minds.

"It might be some sort of test, like at Smeltings Academy," suggested a Muggle-born student. "I was accepted into Smeltings before I received my Hogwarts letter, but I chose here instead… after Professor McGonagall convinced my mum, who really wanted me to go there."

Though he was showing off, his words didn't have the desired effect; everyone was too focused on the Sorting to care about Smeltings.

"I think the heads of the houses pick us," confidently stated another student. "In Ilvermorny, they use statues, but here it might be different. My dad's friend works with the International Magical Cooperation Department at the Ministry, and he told me about it."

This one-upmanship brought him a brief moment of pride as he repeated his father's connections.

Just then, Kain felt someone tug at his robe. Turning, he saw Conner looking up at him anxiously.

"Kain, is it really the headmasters who choose?" she asked worriedly. "What if no house wants me? Could I be sent home?"

"Don't worry, that won't happen," Kain reassured her with a smile. "Think about it, Ilvermorny and Hogwarts are different schools; they wouldn't use the same sorting method. That'd be lacking in style."


Conner seemed relieved but pressed on, "Then how are we sorted?"

"Well…" Kain pondered, then leaned in to whisper conspiratorially, "It's nothing really. Each of us just has to withstand a Killing Curse from a professor. Survive that, and you're in. Don't worry; you won't be expelled."

Just then, a ghost floated past them.

Kain waved casually, "Hello there, fellow student. We're about to be sorted too—wish us luck!"

Though the ghost didn't grasp the little wizard's words, it nodded in response.

Watching this, Conner's face lost all color, and she stood frozen in place, completely petrified.

(End of Chapter)