

A real definition of 'The Devil' is someone who'd have an amused smile on his face when the world is burning to ruins, someone who'd create chaos to watch like a spectacle, and someone who goes crazy over the scent of blood. That best describes Vincento Roberto, a ferocious mafia who stole the throne from the devil immediately he was birthed. He has endless number of dead victims who had their share of his dark heart, both guilty and innocent, and in the midst of his victims, she stood out. A girl who lost everything to him, he got rid of all her family in a day, leaving her in ruins and nothing but agony to dine with. He left a piece of his dark heart behind, and she etched it into hers, she must get her revenge for everything he took from her. She'd give him a gift worse than death and make him beg for his life on his shredded knees. Finding his weakness made thinghs easy, and now she only has to penetrate into his domain and plant pains in his existence. Will this be possible? What's the Devil's Weakness? How will she get to him. Will she be able to her Revenge. Who exactly is she? Find Out!!!

RainyLisa · Thành thị
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14 Chs


"It's not a wish, it's an order...I'm not repeating myself again.....STRIP!!!!!"

What the hell???

She screamed inwardly, remaining on a spot as he stared at her.

Yes, she wanted to seduce him for her revenge but having sex with him is out of it.

Her whole life she have been keeping her virginity for the man she'll call her own, and now she's going to loose it to a Demon like him.


'This is all your fault, Franco...' She cussed, beneath her breath.

If she really want to leave here untouched, she has to think fast.

"I just told you to strip didn't I? What are you still waiting for!!" His voice suddenly, sounded and she looked up.

"This is the third time I'm repeating it, Strip right this minutes!!!" His devilish voice echoed in the room, as he located his gun on the table.

Natalia eyes become clearer, she's surely in trouble if she didn't do what he said.

"I...i..." She began stuttering as he brought the gun to her face.

"Brother!!!" The door suddenly, bursted open and Lotus rushed in.

Natalia sighed, in relief immediately she saw her.

"What are you doing?" Lotus rushed to hug him, and took the gun from his hand, she dropped it on the table,turning to Natalia.

"He his not in his right mind, Leave now!!!" She said, and Natalia didn't waste any minute before rushing out.

Lucky enough for her, she didn't run into any guards, but immediately she stepped out.

She felt something dropped on her skin and she looked up. Another fell on her face and it's become clear.

It's rain droplets, it's came with a loud thunderstorm this time.

"What!! It's going to rain?...wait a minute, Lucky is....alone" She panicked, rushing to thier room.


"Are you okay?" Lotus asked, as she made Vincent sit on the bed, she touched his head and truly he his hot.

"Why...are...you here?" He asked, blinking constantly.

"It's gonna rain, and I know you can't sleep alone? Your phobia, Remember?!" Lotus faint voice said.

"I've gotten over it..."

"Ion this so, Why are you getting hot if your phobia stopped?"

"You weren't here for a year and I managed alone, It's no more a big deal...You can go back to your room Lotus" He said, standing up.

"I insisted...I'm sleeping next to you, and you can't stop me" Lotus muttered, stubbornly.

"Fine!!!" Vincent groaned, entering his bathroom.


Luca could be seen seating in middle of one of the corridors, smoking.

It's late and the rain already start before he could get back to his room, so he just decided to sat there till it's stop.

He hated getting wet, Especially when he hate rain so much.


His whole family died in an accident, involve in the rain.

The memories he never wanted to be reminded of.


A middle aged woman entered a big spacious room, meeting 19 years old Luca on bed.

"I can't believe, you're still sleeping Luca!!!" The woman exclaimed, sitting on the bed to wake him.

"I want to sleep more, Mom! Just go without me!!" Luca murmured, in his sleep.

"Com'on it's your brother's 10th birthday and you're going to miss it? Hell no!!" The woman urged, tapping him.

Luca finally sat up on his bed, squirting his eyes.

"It's raining so much and you're still insisting you wanna party, Who does that? Let's just stay home and order something huh, Jake will understand" He pleaded, and his mom stood.

"He won't, he will be disappointed cos we already promise to make it the best. You can stay home him all you want...I and your dad will just threw him a party, Okay?" The woman pecked his cheek,before going out.

Luca smiled, and fell back on his bed.

Minutes after his family had left the house, the rain increased and the thunderstorm woke him up.

He got to the living room, and went to the window side, watching at the rain from there.

"F**k,, This rain is too heavy, I should have stopped them..." He muttered, taking a seat.

He got his phone and dialled his mom line.

She didn't pick so, He hung up and dialled his Dad line instead.

He didn't picked at first, getting scared, He stood up, pacing around the living room.

The whole room is dark and the silent for a while, the phone began ringing from the table as he dialed again.

"He didn't left with his phone?" He bit his lips, as fear gripped him even more.

He grabbed the phone and sat back on the couch, then his Dad phone ring from his hand.

It's an unknown number, and the caller was saved as BLACK WOLF. He didn't want to pick it at first but the caller won't stop calling, so he picked it anyway.


The scary voice sounded on the phone and Luca began trembling as he hunged up, The caller laughing evilly all through.

He got lost for a minute, thinking of what to do then his phone rang. It's is Mom on the Caller ID.

With shaky hand, He swiped green and the unexpected voice sounded.


"WHAT!!!!!!!!!" Luca had screamed madly, and passed out that night.


He became a mafia gangsters to avenge thier death. The name Black Wolf kept ringing in his head anytime it's rains.

Before he knew it, he was already in tears.

"Didn't know you cried..." A voice said behind him, and he turned at once to see Grinder.

"Grin...der??" He gasped, wiping his tears.

"You don't have to,, I've been watching you for a while now. Didn't know you were a cry baby" Grinder said, and he chuckled.

"You're smiling now?"

"You're my reason to smile..." He muttered, puffing out smoke from his mouth.

A long silence evaded between them, before Grinder broke it.

"You smoke?" She asked, and he faced her.

"Yea" Luca nodded.

"I hate guys who smoke" She mumbled to herself, but he heard her.

He removed the cigarettes from his mouth and threw it down.

"I'll stop smoking then...What else do you hate in a a guy?"

"Why??"?" Grinder asked hesitantly.

"Just curious, Aren't you cold?" He said, changing the topics.

Grinder nodded, slowly.

Luca took off his jacket and made to wore it for her but she spoke.

"I have to go back to my room now" She stood up, and he grabbed her hand, stopping her.

"It's still raining,, Wait here till it's stopped, Please!!" He spat and Grinder took her hand from him.

"Okay" She nodded, sitting far from him.



Apple had just her panties and bra on and she's trying to put on one of her skimpy skirt, when Paramour rushed in.

"Can't you f**king knock?" She glared and Paramour just chuckled.

"Guess what babes!!!" She giggled and Apple rolled her eyes.


"That new b*tch went to Boss suite last night, and...

"And what??" Apple shouted, before she could landed.

"Call your nerves down....I heard Trigger telling Pipe, Boss asked him to let her in himself...Do you think he f**ked her?" Paramour said, and Apple wore her clothes quickly.

She pushed Paramour aside and dashed out of the room.

She stopped in front of Vincento suites and didn't even wait for Trigger to let her in, before she stormed in angrily.

Vincento was in, smoking aggressively as usual.

"What did you want?" He asked, still backing her.

"F**king explain to me why you let that idiot into your room last night? Vincent!!! I'm still trying to f**king understand why you haven't killed her yet...If it's really because of the money, we can retrieve it in a month. Don't tell me you f**ked her" She ranted, angrily.

"If I did, What's your business with that?" He turned to her and ask.

"Your business is my business...I won't sit still and allow a f**king w*tch from no where take my place, I've been with you long enough Vincento and I've been laying low cos you said you don't know how to do it, From now one expect me in your room every night...I'm going to force you to it forcefully or willingly" She said seriously, and stormed out.

"What the heck??" Vincent muttered, remembering what he said last night.

Was he really moved by her last night or He was just drunk??

It's been long since he last f**ked, Was that what cause his arousal??

He dropped the cigarette in the ashtray and got his phone. He called Trigger and he entered almost immediately.

"Boss!!!" Trigger called and he turned to him.

"Never let Apple in here without my permission or else you'll loose your eyes" He said, and left for the bathroom.



The hall was already full when Luca came in, he started searching for Grinder with his eyes as he stood by the door.

Tomcat suddenly rubbed his tattoo, from the back and he turned.

"Searching for Grinder? She's in the training arena" Tomcat said beside him.

He turned around to see Butthead walking in, Venus is behind her, obviously begging for her attention.

Luca turned to leave but Tomcat ran to his front, blocking his path.

"Don't tell me you're going to her again? Aren't you've done enough, She just don't like you" Cat said.

"I know but I'm not giving up" Luca pushed him out of the way, and left.

"Geez...What should we do with him?" Cat said, sitting beside Pipe.

"Let him be...He's boring for my liking, Who else chase a girl around, when millions of girls are dying to be under me" Pipe said.

"Urrgh...F**ker" Scar rolled her eyes.

"You're welcome" Pipe smirked.



Natalia could be seen seating next to Lucky on bed, as she hold her hand.

"Lucky....Are you okay? Open your eyes please!! I'm getting scared!!" She muttered,fearfully.

Lucky slowly opened her eyes.

"I'm glad you're okay, I almost died last night when you passed out" Natalia said, worriedly.

"I'm fine...and I didn't have the same nightmare last night" Lucky said and Natalia gasped.

"You didn't?"

Lucky nodded.

"How come?? It's rained last night and you were trembling as usual"

"I don't know....Maybe my memory will start coming back, actually I saw something else apart from the little boy face being blur" Lucky said.

"What is it?" Natalia asked, curiously.

"A birthmark..."



"Whoa!!!" Eight exclaimed loudly, immediately Grinder's bullet hit the range perfectly.

"Did I tried?" She asked, taking off her goggles.

"Tried is far from it, You are perfect Grinder" Eight giggled and Grinder smiled.

"I'm glad I'm slowly getting it, I wanted to try something new apart from shooting arrows, good thing I'm a fast learner" Grinder winked proudly.

They both sat.

"I was already asleep before you came back last night, It's was too late....Did you come alone??" Eight suddenly asked, and Grinder looked at her.

"Luca walked me back" Grinder replied, unexpressionly

"I knew it!!!!" Eight screamed.

"Why did you ask when you already know?"

"I didn't know, I just guessed. Don't tell me you don't know he likes you...

"I know, it's obvious..." Grinder cut her off.

"And??" Eight blinked.

"And What??" Grinder questioned back.

"He likes you and you know so..."

Unknown to them, Luca was just getting there and immediately he heard thier conversation, he halted by the door, to listen to her reply.

"I already made it clear to him I don't like him, but he won't stop...I don't like him at all...

"Why?? He his handsome"

"This is not about handsome Eight, I just don't like him...He his kinda annoying" Grinder muttered, grabbing her bow and arrow.

"Why does it looks like you're leading him on?" Eight said, sadly.

"I'm not leading him on, He just don't see it" Grinder replied.

Eight sighed.

"If you're that sad for him, You can date him instead. Since he his handsome" Grinder chuckled.

"So you like someone else...

"Yes...But I'm trying to get over the person cos it's wrong!! I don't want to like anyone. It's headache!!!"

"Gosh...You're so boring" Eight sighed, once more.

Luca ruffles his hair, and walked away dejectedly.