

A real definition of 'The Devil' is someone who'd have an amused smile on his face when the world is burning to ruins, someone who'd create chaos to watch like a spectacle, and someone who goes crazy over the scent of blood. That best describes Vincento Roberto, a ferocious mafia who stole the throne from the devil immediately he was birthed. He has endless number of dead victims who had their share of his dark heart, both guilty and innocent, and in the midst of his victims, she stood out. A girl who lost everything to him, he got rid of all her family in a day, leaving her in ruins and nothing but agony to dine with. He left a piece of his dark heart behind, and she etched it into hers, she must get her revenge for everything he took from her. She'd give him a gift worse than death and make him beg for his life on his shredded knees. Finding his weakness made thinghs easy, and now she only has to penetrate into his domain and plant pains in his existence. Will this be possible? What's the Devil's Weakness? How will she get to him. Will she be able to her Revenge. Who exactly is she? Find Out!!!

RainyLisa · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Fall, The Crazy Word.


Franco laughed out loud while on a call, The caller hanged up and he smirked, throwing his phone aside.

"I knew it, He his so hard to get....How come he doesn't f**k..." Franco said, and Noir walked in.

"How much are we getting paid after the mission is accomplished? The last one didn't work at all!! They pulled a fast one on us" He said, and Draco faced him.

"That's because you didn't f**king inform me before you and Grim acted, You guys make me look like a fool in front of that idiot!!!  We need to be careful. Vincent is quite corny than we thought.." Franco muttered.

"Didn't you get any update from your girlfriend?"

"I don't even know what is going on with her, The last time we get in touched.. The phone was disconnect, Maybe she was caught or something?"

"Why asking me?? You just drop Ice Snake call right? She didn't tell you anything?" Noir asked.

"She only went there to make friends, She is of no use to me" Franco hissed.

"What did you suggest we should do now?"

"He don't even think the seduction, works on him. I heard he his a virgin...But can that be real?

"Godfather said that?" Noir asked.

"I didn't ask him" Franco sat.

"Why?? Still not in touch with him cos of what happened?"

"Stop taking about him, I want to get rid of Vincento already... I'm getting impatient" He cut Noir off.

"About the seducing, Aren't you worried he might f**k her since you like...

"Like who? Me? I was only going to f**k her @ss too, Who does like help? I don't care of he f**ked her or not. I'm only using her"

Noir sighed.

"But I got a useful info from Snake earlier...

"What did she said?"

"Magnus didn't mentioned Vincent have a younger sister, Or should I say maybe he thought she died in the house with their damn parents"

"He has a sister?" Noir asked, surprisedly.

"Yes, and she might be his weakness...We should get rid of her first then he will have any choice but to come crawling in front of me" Franco smirked.

"I don't think we should kill her?"

"Why?" Franco raised his eyebrow.

"It's will only make him more angry" Noir muttered.

"What I want exactly...

"We should use her as a bait to get him, what did you think?"

"Brilliant idea, I never know you've got something reasonable in that skull of yours" Franco laughed devilishly.

"Are you saying I'm dumb" Noir frowned.

"Of course not, Smile bro" Franco pat his shoulder.

The door opened, and Grim came in, dressed b*tchly as always.

But this time, she went overboard cos she had only her panties on. Her b**bs were not covered at all.

She left her room, for here like that.

"What took you so long before you got here?" Franco angrily demanded from her.

"I was.. I'm sorry Fra...Boss!!!!" She stuttered, rubbing her n*pple with her hands.

She turned to Noir who was still standing and their eyes met.

"Are you not leaving untill I tell you? Do you want to watch a life porn?" Franco's voice brought them back.

The tore their gazes away, immediately.

Noir walked out dejectedly.

"Get on the bed!!!!!" Franco ordered and Grim did exactly like he said.

She didn't wait for his order, parting her legs...Waiting impatiently for him to join.

Franco joined her in bed, and he didn't wait in any minute to buried himself Inside her.

"Franco~yes!!! Yeah!!!





Luca was staring at space as he laid on his bed, every words Grinder said echoing in his head.

Every words hurt like mad, but no matter how hurt he his...It's won't make her like him back.

The truth he don't want to admit.

'Why can't I just forget her and move on' He muttered, and the door suddenly opened.

He sat up and behold the disgusting scene.

Tomcat came in with a b*tch, and they didn't even notice his presence as they kept devouring each other.

The didn't the worst by felling on the sofa, and Tomcat came on top of the girl, almost tearing of her skirt.

"What the heck is going on?" Luca asked, and they both disengaged in shock.

"What are you doing here?" Cat asked, liking the girls lips on his.

"Shouldn't I be asking you this? The last time I checked this room is f**king mine so tell me why you're here, You even bring a b**tch with you?" Luca yelled.

"Calm down...I was too impatient and mistook your room for mine, Why are you so mad?" Cat rolled eyes.

"I...think...I should... leave" The b*tch muttered, and grabbed her clothes.

Before Cat could have stopped her, she stormed out.

"F**k, I lost her because of you" Cat muttered.

Luca said nothing and sat back, palming his face.

"What is wrong with you? Why the long faces?" Cat asked, in mockery tone.

Luca remained silent.

"Your problem, I better go get another b*tch at the bar house..." he started walking out...

"Can I come with you?" Luca suddenly asked, and Tomcat halted, shockingly.

"You wanna come with me? What has gotten into you bro?"

"Is something wrong if I want to come?"

"I was just taken by surprise, I thought you like Grinder? Why the sudden change of mind?" Tomcat chuckled.

"She doesn't want me and I needed something to clear my mind..." Luca replied.

"So you're gonna f**k?"

"Maybe" Luca responded almost, immediately.

"What!! Is this really you??" Cat exclaimed, in utter shock.

"Let's go before I changed my mind" Luca said, and they both left the room.

Cat wouldn't stop teasing him as they walked, Luca suddenly halted and Cat looked up, he then traced his eyes and it's landed on Grinder.

She is in the training Ground, shooting arrows, with Eight screaming her name as she shoot.

"Thought you get over her?" Cat said, and Luca nodded, still not looking away.

"Take your eyes off her then" Cat laughed, and Luca face formed a frown.

"You aren't helping at all, I hate you" He finally faced him.

"Hi Cat!! Luca!!!" Eight suddenly waved at them, and Cat waved back.

Grinder stopped shooting and looked at thier side, Her eyes locked with Luca and to everyone surprise.

He look away from her first, and began walking out of the area.

"Hey!! Luca wait for me!!!" Tomcat ran after him.

"What just happened?" Eight asked Grinder.

"Meaning?" Grinder ceased her brows.

"He just ignored you...babes!!!" Eight exclaimed aloud.

"So??" Grinder rolled, her eyes and resumed shooting.

She suddenly missed a spot and the bow fell from her.

"You never missed the middle point, What is wrong with you?" Eight said.

"I want to be alone!!" Grinder cut in, and left.

Strangely, She is bothered he ignored her.


<GYM >

Jerry was doing the push-ups when Scar entered the placed.

She stood by the door and allowed him to finished before walking up to him.

"Whoa, I never know you could do push-ups?" She muttered, smiling.

"What did you take me for?" Jerry said, confidently.

"A fool...." Scar replied, admist laughter.


"Just kidding!!" She winked, cutely and Jerry smiled.

"I've been looking all over for you...You weren't in your room..

"Why would you go to my room? Aren't you scared at all?" He asked, seductively and Scar chuckled.

"Don't make me laugh, Scared of what?"

"Nothing...Why were you looking for me?" Jerry muttered and brought his face closer to hers.

Scar froze,wondering what he intended to do. He shifted his hand backward and he removed a strand from her hair.

A hand suddenly grabbed Jerry from the back, and threw a punch at his face.

"How dare you kissed her?!!" The person yelled, punching him once more.

"Piper!!!!" Scar gasped, pushing him off Jerry.

He was already bleeding from his nose and ears.

"Why did you punch him? Are you insane?" Scar shouted, at Pipe.

"He f**king kissed you! And you let him" Pipe growled, angrily.

"He didn't kiss me and even if he did, How dare you punch him? You're my brother not my boyfriend" Scar shouted, at his face.

"Yes..and as your elder brother, I'm only trying to protect you from this scumbag! Stay away from him if you don't want my trouble"Pipe said, and left.

"You okay? Are you alright?" Scar asked, worriedly and Jerry nodded, wiping his bursted lips.



Immediately Grinder got to the rooftop, she come in face to face with Rusty.

He had been there for a while, since he has no b*tch to f**k, he decided to come here for rest instead.

She stared at his back for a while, before turning to leave but his voice brought her back.

"Grinder!!" He called, and she halted and swallowed hard before facing him.

"Yes!!" She covered her nervousness with a smile, as she walk to him.

"Can you stay? I needed someone to talk to?" He said, and she nodded slowly.

"Thank you..." Rusty smiled, turning his face from her.

"It's going to make year she left me!!" Rusty suddenly muttered, and Grinder looked at him.

"I missed her so much, I missed her so damn much!!" He said, and before she could say another, he burst into tears, surprising her.

He has never seen him cried so much except the day she died, and it's strangely breaking her heart so much.

She walked closer to him, and pulled him closer for a hug.

"I miss her more!! It's okay to cry....I miss Valerie too!!!" She pat his back, sniffing back her tears.



Natalia was already fast asleep. All of a sudden, Lucky started whimpering from her sleep and that make her spanged up.

"Are you okay? What's wrong with you?" She asked, feeling her temperature.

She was burning up so much, that Natalia had to quickly retreat her hand from her forehead as a result of the hotness.

"Why are you burning up so much? You're scaring me?" Natalia said, fearfully almost broking into tears.

She raised her head to her legs and began fanning her with her hands, but it's only add to her hotness.

She stood up and laid her on the bed, opening the window. That was when she learnt it's was raining outside.

It's f**king much, that the loudness was echoing in her ears and the breeze too.

She closed the window and rushed to Lucky, squatting before her. She's still hot and it's got worse when she started gritting her teeths together, trembling.

Fear gripped Natalia cos she has never acted, that way and the fear of loosing her is freaking her out already.

She has to be taking to the hospital at this rate.

Who can she call for help her. She was only wearing one of the pjamas Grinder gave since she doesn't wore them.

Her eyes went to Lucky and she turned to the door, listening to the rain from inside, then she took a deep breath and stormed out.

She stood at a spot for a while, thinking of who to go to? Grinder could be probably asleep by now and she can't help without Vincento's order.

She'll have to go meet him, herself.

She started running to his suite and luckily she got there quickly and she went in straight, since all his guardsman left for thier room already.

She got to his living room drenched, as suspected he his not there. So she walked to his room, everywhere was dark, except for the lighting shadows entering the room.

There was no sign of him being in the room, but she kept walking. The floor was slippery and she ran there barefooted.

"Hello..is any...." Her legs bumped into something, and she slipped, lifting her completely from the ground.

She fell on a hard chest and her eyes widened, knowing fully who it is. His scent!! The Devil.

She acts fell on him, on his bed. Her b**bs rubbing on his bare chest since he was naked.

She could feel his huge member between her legs and that alone, she knew she's dead.

Then his voice came...

"You again? What the f**k are you doing hour?" He groaned angrily, The fact that she's wet and he hate rain only added to his anger.

"I'm... so....rry!! I'll take....my...." She stammered, and tried to stand but she fell on him again and this time her palm were resting on his own br*east.

'What the f**k?' Her subconscious mind said and she blinked as she tried to get up again.

But He suddenly grabbed her hand and tossed her over, coming on top.

"What....are...you...trying to....do?!!!" She said, almost screaming.

"You just touched my chest, Don't you think it's only fair if I touched yours too?"
