
His Thorny Love - (shared to new links)

Nyx Hazelwood, a powerful duke's daughter is betrothed to the handsome prince Dominic Hawthorne the son of the king of Rimvard and her father's best friend, is beyond happy when she finds out she's getting married to him but her excitement is quickly washed away when after marriage Dominic doesn't reciprocate her feelings and is rather smitten by the beautiful Addison Birley his courtesan. After years of trying and failing to get on his good side she quickly realizes that their relationship was doomed to fail from the very beginning Things became even more challenging when she discovered the life growing in her, their child. Fearing the outcome of words spreading about a potential heir, Nyx left the comfort of the Hawthorne Palace to Evergurd and decided to start a new life with her unborn child. Would Nyx give love a second chance when Dominic appears in her life, not as the strange, detached, cold-hearted lover she was use to? What happens when dark secrets began to spill and their love is put to a test? Would they come out strong as a power couple or be overwhelmed by the risks of love, monstrous secrets and past sins.

stoic_luv9 · Lịch sử
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14 Chs


I'm walking on the road heading to my bakery, i can hear the murmuring and I can feel the curious and judgemental eyes on me coming from the people i walk by as they converse and as much as they want to keep their gossiping on a hush they aren't so quiet i can still hear them and their words just makes me want to crawl back home and hide away for a few more days. i keep my head low and i try not to make eye contact with any one. after the incident that happened at the bonfire the rumours that I'd managed to put down years ago have resurfaced again and this time it's much more worst than the last time.

I wouldn't mind the rumours it doesn't really bother me. much, what really bothers me is the Harrisons, i feel like the worst kind of human being seeing I'm so close to them, we've known eachother for eight years and i didn't say a thing, it is a slap to them and To me for my untruthfulness.

At the bonfire the look on their faces was that of shock, as expected. They never thought I would lie to them.

I can't still bring my self to face them I feel too ashamed, too guilty.

Teresa came by my house later that night to drop off the kids as I had left without them, needing to get away from Dominic and subconsciously also not wanting him to see them, who knows what he will do then, and thankfully My children weren't at the scene when they commotion started they had wandered off to play with the other kids at the far hill side. Teresa had inquired about how i was and i had given a single wordless nod, she had a look of curiosity and question.

Questions I didn't knows how to answer, still don't. so I do what I always do when I get into a sticky situation I hide. I hid in my house for four days telling my kids not to leave the house. The Harrisons had come over one after the other to check up on me several times standing outside the door as they asked how I was doing and I stood at the other side quietly listening and not making a move to open the door.

Too much of a coward to face them, and eventually they stopped coming giving me space. The only good thing that came out from all this is that Dominic has finally left me alone, I haven't seen him since the bonfire night, I think my words finally got through his thick skull but as always not before he did damage.

On getting to my store the jolly baker I open the doors with the key feeling annoyed and mocked by the name, because I'm anything but jolly today. I should get another name.

Inside I put on my apron before tying the ropes around my waist then I tie my hair into a bun before I quickly get started with the baking. angrily beating the doe imagining it was Dominic's face.

A few minutes into the baking the shop door opens ringing the tiny bell place close to the hinges notifying me that someone is in. I look up as two women that I recognize from the village Mathilda and Grace walk in giggling to what they're whispering to each they stop at the front of the counter, and their smile immediately drops and is replaced by a scornful look.

I internally sigh, here we go. I plaster a smile on my face "Good afternoon, and welcome to jolly bakers, what would you like to purchase today" I ask, feigning cheerful tone

"I would like one of those honeyed donuts and one fruit cake" Mathilda says and i nod turning my attention to Grace " I'd like the same thing" she says I nod again turning to get their orders from the shelf behind me and they begin to talk loudly "Mathilda have you heard about what happened at the bonfire last weekend" Grace begins and Mathilda replies "Yes, is it the one about Nyx's getting Mr James beat up by a man she slept with" she says and my brows farrow I haven't heard this version of the gossip "yes, I also heard from the market women that she's been with about a dozen men, and they all come visit her at her home, and one of them being that weird man with the hat, how shameful" she adds "women who perform such dirty act don't belong to the society, they're.... Just despicable"

It's obvious they didn't come here to buy something but to pick on me

I sigh before turning back to drop their packed pastries in front of them.

"Here's your pastries"

"We can see that you prostitute" Mathilda spits "how do you manage, one man after the other, I pity your children to have a whore as a mother" she says with a shake of her head "you should be kicked out of Meadows hill"

"yes she should, I'll tell my dare husband to put words to the lord" Grace chips in

"that would be nice, and make it fast before she influences the younger girls in the village, especially the young Harrisons daughter"

I sigh... Hippocrates

"it seems you guys have nothing better to do than to engage in shallow gossips" i say in a flat tone "i thought to ignore you guys as you two are famously known as the village clowns nobody takes you two seriously, I didn't want to stoop to your level but today I'm not in the mood for overlooking things like this. It's baffling how two vile and slimy people can point their fingers to call me dirty when they are the most grimy of all" I add "but since you two are here to gossip, let's gossip" I say placing my elbows on the counter top and leaning forward "say Mathilda isn't Grace the one who was rumoured to be having an affair with the steward, your dear husband" I comment in a gossipy tone " Ah I also heard her second son might be from your husband too"

"that's a lie..." Mathilda begins but I cut her off "is it now, you should probably check to confirm on that, after all there's always some truth in hearsays" i say and Grace's face blanches and Mathilda turns speechless "nonsense...there was never such rumours" Grace deflects neverously but i don't care to argue i just shrug care freely "oh well if you say it's not true, then who are we not to believe you" i say in a snarky manner and a smirk tugs at my corner lips when she scowl at me "Oh I have another, and this next one I'm sure of because I heard it from the market women, and you know they are never wrong about anything," I say my words heavy sarcasm "I heard you Mathilda secretly works at Madame Lilith butterfly's harem in the next town, what happened to whores being despicable wo...." I'm cut off when Grace's hand comes swinging at my face but i catch her by the wrist just in time "you insolent bitch" she seethes "why, i thought you two wanted to gossip" i say innocently before i tighten my hold on her wrist to a bruising grip and my blank face cracks showing just how angry I am "next time you go around spilling other peoples pot know yours is just as full and steamy" i say my words serving as both a counsel as well as a threat, i fling her hand to the side "now get your shameful clowny butts out of my bakery" I shoo and they quickly scurry away "oh and thank you for patronizing jolly bakers" i say after them.

After they left i immediately deflate the sudden zing gone, I've never been one to get into confrontation ever since i was a kid I'd try to avoid conflicts but I'd learnt to stick up for myself after Addison came into the palace and started causing trouble for me i learnt that being soft could get people to think they can trample on you and get away with, in a way i have to thank her for teaching me that. And I also have to thank the heavens non of my children are pushovers, they didn't inherit that character trait. Now it's time to gather the same bravery to face the Harrison's and tell them the truth. they deserve that.

Later in the evening I'm cleaning up the bakery after a long days work, today i over worked myself because I'm the only one here since i had told my children not to come outside to prevent them from bumping into Dominic by mistake but he is gone now thank the heavens again, they can finally come out they are already getting agitated from being cooped up for so long maybe tomorrow i will tell them to come out. And Teresa is giving me space. After cleaning up i quickly head home under the scrutiny of the villagers i pass by. on getting home i quickly get to my daily duties i clean the house do the laundry prepare dinner and baked each of the Harrison's favourite disserts, if im going to bring up my bitter past its best i bring something sweet to dilute it. Lastly i bathe my children and tuck them to bed "mother can you tell us a story" Genevie ask and the boys groan from their side o the bed "just me then" she says "aren't you too old for this Genny" Malachi grumbles "no one is ever too old for bed time stories" she counters innocently causing my lips to tug up "you can" marcel argues "just like you can out grow dolls"

"that's not true" she pouts "it's true" they boys argue and Gennieve turns to me "Mother?" I sigh "it's true you outgrown somethings but just know no matter what you can never out grow my love for each of you, my priceless gems" i tell them and they nod "and you wouldn't out grow ours either?" Genny ask and i chuckle "of course not, your love is what fuels me" i say playfully pinching her checks and she smiles her missing front tooth coming into view "now what story do you want to hear" i ask "the three little mouse and the cat, teeny the ant and the bean stock, snow white and the seven dwarfs" they answer at the same time so much for outgrowing stories.

"i can only tell one today and since Genny requested first I'll tell hers" i say and the boys agree with a grumble while Genny claps excitedly. "Once upon a time..." I begin

A few minutes later when I'm done telling the story their eye lids are barely open already dozing off to sleep, i stand up to tuck them properly into bed. I tuck the boys In and when I move to do the same to Genny begins to mumble drowsily "you know mama"


"i met my prince charming too, and just like snow white it was love at first sight" she says with her eyes closed "he looked like a real knight in shining armour, he looks like..." she trails off falling asleep and a smile tugs on my lip i lay a kiss on her forehead head before moving to do the same for the boys and then I lower the lamp by the bed side "good night" i whisper closing the door. Time for the next phase of the night. I hurry down the steps to the kitchen picking up the two sacks of deserts i made for the Harrison i head out making my way to their house to stop by the door taking in a deep breath i raise my hand and knock and a few moments later the door is opened by Mr. Harrison whose brows raise upon seeing me " good evening Mr. Harrison" I greet nervously "good evening Nyx come on in" he invites stepping to the side and i step foot inside into their cosy home and just then Teresa appears in sight her eyes fixating on me before she lets out a sigh rushes to envelops me in a tight hug "i missed you so.....much, how have you been" she ask and i nod "I'm fine i say" my voice cracking from the emotion wailing up inside me "let go of her Teresa your suffocating her" Mrs Harrison Warnes as she also appears at the door way. Teresa releases me before stepping and gives me a shy smile "sorry....." she says "its just that seven days three hours, two minutes and six seconds since I last saw you it feels like forever has passed" i shake my head at her words a smile breaking free from my lips "I missed you too" I say looking down at my feet they are so welcoming after what I did "have you had dinner yet Nyx," Mrs Harrison ask and i shake my head "no i haven't" i say " then please join us for dinner" she offers "I'd love that" i say and Terresa pulls me towards the dinning room showing me to my seat before taking the chair beside me and Mr Harrison occupies the head table. Mrs Harrison brings in the our dinner and settles opposite Teresa and Isaac comes in and settles down opposite me. Mr Harrison says a quick prayer before we dig into our food as well as engaging in small talks.

They are so nice.

They have question, they are curious but they wont push me to tell them and this make me emotional tears begin wailing up in my eyes I look down at my plate rapidly blinking to ward them off but they spill out anyways and that draws out more tears untill small sobs escapes my lips and immediately they got worried "Nyx are you okay, what happened?" Teresa ask and i shake my head "was it Teresa's joke" isaac questions before turning to Teresa "Teresa, your terrible joke made her cry" he say and i shake my head my sobbing getting louder "I'm a terrible person" i confess my tears streaming down my face "nonsense my sweet child your nothing of such, your a good person with a good heart" Mrs Harrison assures reaching out to pat my head and i shake my head in protest Mr Harrison passes me a kerchief to wipe my tears and i receive it croaking out a thank you "i lied to you all, i didnt tell you the truth about myself, I'm a bad person" i sob "I'm sure you have your reasons, and we are in no position to ask that of you" Mr. Harrison says and i shake my head "non my reasons aren't valid I'm a coward always have been and no you all deserve the truth you guys are my family" i say "you deserve the truth" i repeat and Mr Harrison places his hand on top of my hand "you don't have to" he assures "we understand"

"no, i want to" i say firmly and they relent I take a deep breath to soothe myself before finally saying "i was married..... that part was true but my husband isn't dead he didn't die in a war that part i lied about he is very much alive, i didnt move here because i was in mourning i ran away from my home, the Palace of the Hawthornes in Rimvard there is shock silence from every one seated. I'm the daughter of duke helio and duchess Miranda and the wife of crown prince Dominic Hawthorne of Rimvard... "