

An inexperienced woman, Sarah William, a normal and ordinary woman, working in a small office, an independent woman, staying away from her parents. Her life has always been weary,-- studying hard, reading books for fun, and working, finally. She never had time to date with boys. She had a sweetheart, a childhood sweetheart. His name is Eric Serene. He loved her too, and they two didn't know it as they were young. He appears out of nowhere after 5 years, and marriage suddenly? Read and see to find out more about their blooming romance through their marriage.

sarahsweety3 · Kỳ huyễn
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16 Chs


Finally, the day is here. The day from where her life would change forever. Coming to think of it, they never thought on placing conditions, before they two agreed to marry. They just believed in each other. And it was a nice thing.

Sarah's parents were in a hurry looking after the arrangements for their marriage. And Lucy was setting up Sarah, readying her up for marriage. She was more excited than Sarah, to be honest. She was eager to meet Andrew. Sarah got to know about her interest in Andy because she always asked about him, whenever Eric showed up. And now it started again. Sarah was fed up with her non-stop questions about him. It clearly showed her interest in him.

"Ready?" asked Sarah's mom, coming into the room, astonished by her dress.

"Yes, mom," she said.

"Come, let's go on a voyage! but only until the altar," said her father to her, lightening up her mood, letting her feel free.

She caught by her father's arm on his left side and walked down the aisle. Yes, their marriage was planned to be done in a church because Eric's mother wished him to marry the person he loved in a church, where it is pure.

Her father left her in Eric's hands and left the altar. It was her first time, touching his hands. They felt hard and rough but were still warm. All the processes of the wedding were going to be complete, and the pastor came to the climax, asking Eric,

"Do you, Eric Serene, accept Sarah Williams as your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do," he said. Then, the pastor asked Sarah the same question,

"Do you, Sarah Williams, accept Eric Serene as your lawfully wedded husband?" This question made her tremble in fear but still said the answer as they practiced the other day.

"I do," she said back at his question.

"May I have the rings, please?" the pastor asked the both of them. He prayed and let them take their own, and asked them to exchange them. The rings were very simple and were very shiny. They were platinum and they shined like crazy. The real fear began now, to both of them.

"I now declare you, Husband and Wife. You may now kiss the bride," said the pastor. And here where her parents were crying and Lucy was excited about the kiss. And Andrew looked at Lucy in amazement. Oh! he didn't know that he was falling for her. He thought of her many times too. Especially, whenever he sat to take his food.

Now, the kiss was astonishing. He didn't want to make her even more nervous. She was trembling all along with the wedding and now, she might faint. He slowly drew his face near and kissed her forehead. Sarah, who closed her at that moment, opened her eyes wide as she felt his lips on her forehead. It felt nice. It made her feel protected and loved. He drew away from his face from her forehead and smiled at her. He was gorgeous in his suit and this deadly smile killed her more than the nervousness did it the whole time. She felt ticklish. And she smiled at him too. And they two walked down the aisle, and everyone began to clap their hands. At last, when she threw her bouquet, Andrew stood beside Lucy, because she was the only person he knew in the whole crowd of people. And he drew, even more, closer to her, and she didn't notice his movements. When Sarah threw her bouquet back, it easily landed in Andrew's hands. Lucy shook at this moment. She didn't know when he came closer to her. She thought of catching the bouquet, and it was in Andrew's hands now. He slowly turned towards her side and offered her the bouquet he got hold of.

"For me?" she asked him. He didn't reply to her, but, pulled her hands which she crossed, and placed them in her arms. she blushed at this. And Andrew looked at his arms once more, smiling, which caught Lucy's arms.

And now, the wedding was over, and Eric took her to his mansion. She was mind blown when she entered the house and looked around. It looked like she was in some kind of fairytale house. The hallway was so big and had stairs leading them to their room.

"What about my things?" she asked him.

"I've arranged them for you. I cleaned out your whole apartment for your belongings," he said giving her a chuckle.

"T-thanks for this," she said. Because she knew that she never kept her apartment clean. It was always Lucy who looked after her.

She blushed, yet again.

And he fell in love with her all over, again.