
His Start (My Hero Academia)

This is the Fan-made story of My hero Academia universe where the story begins from deku's son toshinori midoriya who was qwerkless as him, it's not the story of qwerkless boy who gain power and achieved his dream but the story of a boy who lost his dream and prove everyone.

The_Mystry · Tranh châm biếm
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81 Chs

Victory Amidst Chaos

After what felt like an eternity, the trio finally stood amidst the defeated villains. Bodies littered the battlefield, and the echoes of their battle cries still reverberated in the air. The horde that had once threatened to overwhelm them had been vanquished.

Toshinori: *(catching his breath)* "We did it... we actually did it."

Shoya: *(grinning)* "They didn't stand a chance against us!"

Ken: *(panting heavily)* "That was one hell of a fight!"

Their bodies were battered, and their energy spent, but the triumphant smiles on their faces were undeniable. They had faced insurmountable odds and emerged victorious.

As the dust settled, the trio scanned the battlefield to ensure that there were no lingering threats. The villains lay defeated, their quirks nullified, and their ambitions crushed.

Toshinori: *(surveying the scene)* "It looks like... we got them all."

Shoya: *(nodding)* "Yeah, not a single one left standing."

Ken: *(looking around)* "Now what? Do we keep going?"

Toshinori: *(sheathing his katana)* "No, we should regroup and figure out our next move. We've already attracted too much attention here."

Shoya: *(agreeing)* "You're right. We need to be careful."

Ken: *(reluctantly)* "Fine, let's get out of here."

As the trio made their way out of the battlefield, their exhaustion began to catch up with them. They had won a hard-fought battle, but they knew that their journey was far from over. The mysteries of Toshinori's mark still eluded them, and there were more challenges to face.

But for now, they allowed themselves a moment of respite, relishing in the sweet taste of victory. They had shown that even in the face of overwhelming odds, they could stand tall and emerge triumphant. And as they walked away from the battlefield, they carried with them the unwavering bond of friendship that had carried them through the chaos.

Under the blanket of the night sky, the trio sat around a crackling campfire, its warm glow pushing back the encroaching darkness. The remnants of their hard-fought battle were still etched in their minds, but for now, they found solace in the flickering flames.

Toshinori: *(gazing into the fire)* "It's been two months... and not a day goes by when I don't think about them."

Shoya: *(stirring the embers with a stick)* "Yeah, I miss Mom and Dad. I wonder how they're doing."

Ken: *(leaning back)* "And Sota... I hope she's not too worried about me."

The trio shared a collective longing for their loved ones left behind. Toshinori's thoughts drifted to his parents, while Shoya and Ken thought of their respective families.

Toshinori: *(sighing)* "I wish we could've told them about our journey. They must be so worried."

Shoya: *(nodding)* "But we had to do this. We need answers about your mark."

Ken: *(gazing at the stars)* "And Banari-san... I wish I could've said goodbye."

Toshinori: *(smiling softly)* "I'm sure he understands, Ken. He's always been like a father to us."

The night air was filled with a mixture of nostalgia, longing, and determination. The trio knew that their journey was a necessary one, filled with uncertainty and danger, but they also carried with them the hope of reuniting with their loved ones.

Shoya: *(staring into the fire)* "We'll find what we're looking for, Toshinori. I'm sure of it."

Ken: *(resolute)* "Yeah, and when we do, we'll come back stronger than ever."

Toshinori: *(clenching his fist)* "For now, let's focus on the path ahead. We've come this far; we can't stop now."

As the flames danced in the night, the trio made a silent promise to persevere. With their families and friends in their hearts, they continued their journey into the unknown, their resolve burning as brightly as the campfire that illuminated their faces.

Parents' Worries

In the tranquil hours of the night, Deku and Ochaco found themselves sitting on their porch, gazing at the starlit sky. The silence of the evening gave them a moment to reflect on their worries and hopes for their son, Toshinori.

Deku: *(sighing softly)* "I wonder how Toshinori is holding up. It's been two months since he left on that journey."

Ochaco: *(resting her head on his shoulder)* "I know, dear. I miss him so much. He's our firstborn, and it's hard not having him around."

Their thoughts drifted to Toshinori, the young man who had become a symbol of strength and perseverance.

Deku: *(looking at the stars)* "I always thought he'd follow in my footsteps as a hero, but this journey he's on... it's different."

Ochaco: *(placing her hand on his)* "He's searching for answers, Izuku, and we have to trust that he'll find them."

As parents, they couldn't help but worry about the dangers their son might face in his quest for knowledge about his mysterious mark.

Deku: *(clenching his fists)* "I know he's strong, Ochaco, but what if something happens? What if we never see him again?"

Ochaco: *(tightening her grip)* "We can't think like that, Izuku. Our son is resilient, just like his father. He'll come back to us."

They sat in silence, finding comfort in each other's presence and the knowledge that their son had inherited their strength and determination.

Deku: *(whispering)* "I just hope he knows how much we love him, no matter where he is."

Ochaco: *(softly)* "He does, Izuku. Our love will always be with him, guiding him on his journey."

As the night wore on, Deku and Ochaco continued to watch over the starry sky, their hearts filled with both worry and hope for their beloved son, Toshinori, who was out there chasing his destiny.

Then scene shifted to bakugo and his wife Alakia :

In the cozy living room of their home, Bakugo and Alakia sat on the couch, a shared look of concern etched on their faces. Their thoughts were consumed by their son, Ken, who had embarked on a journey alongside Toshinori, Shoya, and Banari.

Bakugo: *(rubbing his temples)* "Ken's been gone for two months now. We don't even know where he is."

Alakia: *(resting her hand on his shoulder)* "I know, Katsuki. It's hard not to worry, but we have to trust him."

Their son had grown into a strong young man, not only inheriting his father's explosive quirk but also a heart full of determination.

Bakugo: *(gazing out the window)* "He's a UA student, Alakia. He should be focusing on his studies, not running off on some wild adventure."

Alakia: *(nodding in agreement)* "I understand your concerns, but Ken's made his choice. He wants to support Toshinori in finding answers."

Despite their concerns, they couldn't deny that their son had a strong sense of loyalty to his friends.

Bakugo: *(clenching his fists)* "I just don't want him to get hurt. He's too damn impulsive for his own good."

Alakia: *(squeezing his hand)* "We've raised him to be strong, Katsuki. He'll make it through, just like you did."

They sat in a quiet moment, both parents finding solace in each other's presence.

Bakugo: *(softly)* "I wish he'd at least let us know where they are. It's not like him to be so secretive."

Alakia: *(offering a reassuring smile)* "He'll be back, Katsuki. And when he does, we'll be here waiting for him."

As the night settled around them, Bakugo and Alakia continued to think about their son, hoping that he was safe and that they'd see him again soon.

Shoto and Momo :

In the tranquil surroundings of their elegant home, Shoto and Momo Todoroki sat together in their living room, their thoughts drifting toward their son, Shoya, who had been away for two months on a journey with Toshinori, Ken, and Banari.

Shoto: *(sighing deeply)* "Momo, it's been two months since Shoya left with them. I can't help but worry."

Momo: *(placing her hand on his arm)* "I understand, Shoto. I miss him too."

Their son, Shoya, had always been headstrong, inheriting traits from both of his parents. He had his father's icy quirk and his mother's incredible intelligence. It was no surprise that he was chosen for such an important mission.

Shoto: *(looking out the window)* "He's a UA student, Momo. He should be studying and preparing for his future, not out there on a dangerous quest."

Momo: *(nodding in agreement)* "I share your concerns, but he's made his choice, just like we did when we were young."

Shoto couldn't deny the irony that he and Momo had once embarked on a journey of their own, driven by their own convictions and desires to make a better world.

Shoto: *(clenching his fists)* "I just wish he'd contact us more often. He's always been so independent."

Momo: *(offering a reassuring smile)* "That's the strength we've instilled in him. He's resourceful and determined, just like you."

Together, they knew their son possessed incredible strength, both in his quirk and in his character.

Shoto: *(softly)* "I hope he's okay, Momo."

Momo: *(holding his hand)* "He'll be back, Shoto. And when he does return, we'll welcome him with open arms."

Then Kouko, the eldest daughter of Shoto and Momo Todoroki, entered the room with a gentle smile, cradling her newborn son in her arms. The soft cooing of the baby filled the air, bringing warmth and comfort to the worried parents.

Kouko: *(whispering)* "Mom, Dad, I brought someone to brighten your day."

Shoto and Momo's eyes widened as they gazed at their grandchild, a beautiful representation of their daughter's love with her husband, Banari. The baby had a head full of jet-black hair, just like his father, and striking crimson eyes, inherited from his mother.

Momo: *(tearfully)* "Oh, Kouko, he's so precious."

Shoto: *(extending his arms)* "May I?"

Kouko carefully placed her son into her father's arms, watching as he cradled the newborn with tender care. Shoto's stern demeanor softened as he held his grandchild, his own icy quirk feeling insignificant in the presence of such innocence.

Kouko: *(smiling at her parents)* "His name is Akihiro."

Momo: *(stroking the baby's cheek)* "Akihiro... it's a wonderful name."

Kouko: *(nodding)* "I thought it would honor both sides of our family."

Shoto: *(gazing at Akihiro with pride)* "He's a strong one, just like his parents."

Momo: *(sniffling)* "Our family keeps growing, and I couldn't be happier."

Kouko: *(looking at her parents lovingly)* "And Shoya will be back soon, I'm sure of it."

As the three generations of the Todoroki family sat together, cradling their newest member, they found solace in the presence of the baby Akihiro, a symbol of love, strength, and the unbreakable bonds that tied them all together.

Then Banari enters into the room and comforted them,  Banari's reassuring words resonated through the room as he joined his in-laws and his newborn son. His unwavering determination and resolve were evident in his eyes, which held a glimmer of hope and strength.

Banari: *(placing a hand on Shoto's shoulder)* "Shoto, Momo, don't worry. I trust those three more than anyone else. Toshinori is not just my student; he's like a son to me. I've seen his growth, and he's become an incredible hunter. And Ken and Shoya, they're strong in their own right."

Momo: *(smiling at Banari)* "Thank you, Banari. Your confidence means a lot to us."

Shoto: *(nodding in agreement)* "We know they're capable, but it's a parent's nature to worry."

Banari: *(looking at Akihiro with warmth)* "I understand. Kouko and I will keep things steady here. If anything threatens our families or the peace we've fought so hard for, I won't hesitate to become the White Demon of the military once again."

Shoto and Momo exchanged a concerned glance, their expressions mirroring their shock at Banari's last statement. While they understood Banari's resolve, they were well aware of the potential consequences of him returning to his role as the White Demon of the military. It was a path paved with danger and sacrifices.

Shoto: *(voice heavy with concern)* "Banari, you know what it means to become the White Demon again. It's not a path we want to see you tread."

Momo: *(nodding in agreement)* "It's a path filled with battles, loss, and hardship. We've already seen the toll it took on you."

Kouko, holding her newborn son in her arms, looked at Banari with a mixture of love and worry. She knew better than anyone the weight of Banari's responsibilities during his time as the White Demon. The scars, both physical and emotional, ran deep.

Kouko: *(softly)* "Banari, you've been through so much already. We don't want you to bear that burden again, especially now that we have our son."

Banari understood their concerns, and he placed a reassuring hand on Kouko's shoulder, his eyes filled with warmth.

Banari: *(gentle smile)* "I understand your worries, and I promise I won't take that path unless it's absolutely necessary. But as long as Toshinori, Ken, and Shoya are out there, I want to believe in their abilities and our trust in them. Let's focus on the bright future we're building for our family."

As the Todoroki family huddled together, they decided to keep faith in the trio and the bond that united them. They would support their loved ones on their journey while cherishing the peace they had worked so hard to achieve.