
His Start (My Hero Academia)

This is the Fan-made story of My hero Academia universe where the story begins from deku's son toshinori midoriya who was qwerkless as him, it's not the story of qwerkless boy who gain power and achieved his dream but the story of a boy who lost his dream and prove everyone.

The_Mystry · Tranh châm biếm
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81 Chs

The Clash of Flames, Ice, and Explosions

As the Todoroki family reunited with Bakugo and Ken, there was an unspoken understanding between them. They had all grown stronger individually, but their true strength lay in their unity as a family.

**Bakugo:** (Grinning) "Dabi, you made the right choice. We're stronger together!"

**Dabi (Touya):** (Smirking) "Don't get too sentimental, Katsuki. We've got demons to deal with."

They all turned their attention to the oncoming army of 1200 demons. It was a formidable sight, but the combined might of the Todoroki and Bakugo families was not to be underestimated.

The Todoroki family activated their knight mode, enveloping themselves in their respective elemental armors. Flames, ice, and frost swirled around them as they prepared for battle.

**Shoto:** (Focused) "We're ready, everyone!"

**Shoya:** (Eager) "Let's do this!"

At the same time, Bakugo and Ken underwent a transformation of their own. Their skin turned a pale, explosive white, and sparks of explosive energy radiated from their arms. They stood side by side with the Todoroki family, ready to face the incoming demon horde.

**Bakugo:** (Determined) "Time to show them what the Bakugo family is made of!"

**Ken:** (Grinning) "Let's make some fireworks, Dad!"

With a shared resolve, they all activated their transformations, becoming explosive-type demons. They were a formidable quintet of explosive power, ready to take on any challenge.

**Bakugo:** "Alright, kids, let's clear a path!"

With explosive speed, they rushed towards the approaching demons, a blazing comet of power. Explosions rocked the battlefield as they tore through the demonic ranks, clearing a path for themselves.

**Todoroki Family:** (In Unison) "For our families!"

Amidst the chaos and destruction, the Todoroki and Bakugo families fought together as one. Flames, ice, explosions, and teamwork were their weapons against the overwhelming odds.

The battle raged on, and as they faced wave after wave of demons, their family bonds grew even stronger. They protected each other's backs, combining their unique abilities in explosive synergy.

**Shoto:** (Calling out) "Ken, watch your flank!"

**Bakugo:** "Shoya, freeze that group on the left!"

**Shoya:** "Got it, Uncle Katsuki!"

In the heat of battle, they demonstrated the power of family, each member supporting the other. Their determination was unwavering as they fought to protect not only themselves but also the world from the demonic invasion.

Hours passed, and the demon horde slowly dwindled. The Todoroki and Bakugo families had proven their strength and unity. With their combined efforts, they had pushed back the demonic threat.

**Ken:** (Breathing heavily) "We did it... Together."

**Shoto:** (Nodding) "That's right, son. We did it together."

**Bakugo:** (Panting) "We showed 'em what it means to be a family."

As the dust settled, they stood victorious, their bond as families stronger than ever. The demons had been defeated, and they were ready to face whatever challenges the future held, knowing that as a united force, they could overcome anything.

"The Inferno Unleashed"

Just when they thought the battle was over, more demons emerged from the shadows, their numbers seemingly endless. The Todoroki and Bakugo families found themselves facing an even greater onslaught, but they weren't about to back down.

**Bakugo:** (Gritting his teeth) "Damn, these things just keep coming!"

**Touya (Dabi):** (Resolute) "We can't afford to let up! Keep fighting!"

They reactivated their explosive-type demon transformations, determined to face this new wave of demons head-on. Explosions erupted around them as they launched themselves back into the fray.

**Ken:** (Eyes blazing with determination) "Let's keep going, Dad! We won't be beaten by a bunch of demons!"

**Shoya:** (Fists clenched) "Uncle Dabi, this is our chance to show them what we're made of!"

The Todoroki family's knight armors crackled with flames and ice, while Bakugo and Ken's explosive energy roared like a tempest. Together, they unleashed their newfound powers with even greater intensity.

The battlefield became a maelstrom of power as the two families fought like demons, their attacks perfectly synchronized. Bakugo and Ken blasted the demonic horde with fiery explosions, while the Todoroki family covered them with freezing and burning assaults.

**Bakugo:** "Let's clear a path and keep moving forward!"

**Touya (Dabi):** "These demons are no match for us!"

Amidst the chaos, they displayed incredible teamwork. Shoto's ice encased groups of demons, creating opportunities for Bakugo and Ken to detonate them with pinpoint explosions. Shoya's frosty armor froze any demons that got too close.

**Shoto:** "We'll carve a path, just follow our lead!"

**Shoya:** "Leave it to us, Dad!"

Their movements were like a dance of elements. Ice and fire swirled in harmony as they cleared a path through the demon horde. It was a spectacle of power, coordination, and family unity.

As they fought side by side, their bonds grew stronger, and they knew they could overcome any challenge. The demons might be relentless, but so were they.

**Ken:** (With a determined grin) "We're unstoppable when we're together!"

**Shoto:** "That's right, son. Our family is our greatest strength."

**Bakugo:** (With an explosive smirk) "And nothing can stand in our way!"

With unwavering resolve, they pushed forward through the demonic onslaught, determined to protect each other and the world from this infernal invasion. The battle had become a true test of their newfound powers and their unbreakable family bonds.

"Father and Son: United Power"

Deku and Toshinori stood before the colossal demon, its monstrous form casting a long shadow over the battlefield. The behemoth roared with deafening fury, its sheer power enough to crush anything in its path.

**Deku:** (Firm determination in his eyes) "Stay focused, Toshinori. We can do this together."

**Toshinori:** (Nodding) "Right, Dad. We've got to stop this thing."

With their resolve steeled, father and son launched themselves into the fray. Deku utilized all of his quirks with precision, his body ablaze with the fiery power of One For All. Toshinori, on the other hand, tapped into the depths of his newfound abilities. His eyes turned dark green, and an aura of intensity surrounded him as he invoked Ultra Instinct.

The battle raged fiercely. Deku's attacks were a dazzling display of power, each punch and kick delivering bone-crushing force. Toshinori's movements were a blur, his strikes a deadly dance of precision and grace. They fought in perfect harmony, each move complementing the other.

**Deku:** "Toshinori, combine your demonic martial arts with your Ultra Instinct!"

**Toshinori:** "Got it, Dad!"

Toshinori's strikes became even swifter, and his punches and kicks landed with pinpoint accuracy. He flowed around the giant demon effortlessly, dodging its colossal blows with ease. It was a stunning display of power and finesse.

Together, father and son pushed their limits, unleashing a barrage of attacks that tested the very foundations of their abilities. The demon roared in agony as it struggled to keep up with their combined might.

**Deku:** "Now, Toshinori, let's finish this!"

**Toshinori:** "Right, Dad!"

In a final, coordinated assault, Deku and Toshinori struck the giant demon simultaneously. Deku's fists, enveloped in flames, collided with Toshinori's martial arts-enhanced blows. The impact was cataclysmic, sending shockwaves through the demon's form.

The giant demon let out a deafening scream as its body shattered, disintegrating into a cloud of dark energy. The battlefield was bathed in a blinding light as the demon's demise sent shockwaves through the area.

As the dust settled, Deku and Toshinori stood triumphant. Their breaths were heavy, but their eyes shone with pride and relief.

**Deku:** (Smiling at his son) "Great job, Toshinori. You've are an incredible hunter."

**Toshinori:** (Grinning back) "Thanks, Dad. We make a good team, don't we?"

The bond between father and son had never been stronger. They had faced unimaginable challenges, but together, they had triumphed. As they looked out over the battlefield, they knew that the battle was far from over, but they were ready to face whatever came next, united as heroes and as a family.