
His Start (My Hero Academia)

This is the Fan-made story of My hero Academia universe where the story begins from deku's son toshinori midoriya who was qwerkless as him, it's not the story of qwerkless boy who gain power and achieved his dream but the story of a boy who lost his dream and prove everyone.

The_Mystry · Tranh châm biếm
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81 Chs

In the Heart of the Empire

As the trio continued to explore the mysterious world, they couldn't help but attract attention due to their unconventional attire.

Shoya: (noticing the curious stares) "We have to change our outfits; people are staring at us."

Toshinori and Ken surveyed the surroundings and realized the need to blend in with the locals. However, there was a more pressing issue.

Ken: (concerned) "You're right, Shoya, but we don't even know what kind of currency they use here. This place seems like some royal British empire."

Determined to adapt, they entered a nearby shop. The shopkeeper took one look at their attire and immediately recognized that they were not from this world.

Shopkeeper: (smiling) "You guys are not from this world, right?"

Toshinori: (surprised) "How did you know?"

Shopkeeper: "It's those marks. You three are the next legendary warriors, aren't you?"

The trio was taken aback by the shopkeeper's knowledge. Ken decided to seize the opportunity to gather information.

Ken: "What do you know about these marks?"

Shopkeeper: "There's a royal museum in this empire. You'll find some answers there. I've told you everything I know. But first, you should change your clothes to avoid unnecessary attention."

The shopkeeper provided them with black suits and long black coats, ensuring they would fit in better with the local attire. He also explained the currency system of this world, which consisted of silver and gold coins.

With gratitude, the trio left the shop, ready to continue their quest for answers in this enigmatic realm.

As they walked through the unfamiliar streets, the trio couldn't help but ponder the identity of the fifth warrior. The shopkeeper's words about them being the next legendary warriors weighed heavily on their minds.

Shoya: (thoughtful) "Who could this fifth warrior be? And why are we here in this world?"

Toshinori: (reflecting) "I wish we had more information about these marks and their significance."

Ken: (determined) "No matter what, we'll find out. We can't let these marks control our fate. We need to get to that royal museum and learn everything we can."

Suddenly, a memory struck Toshinori, and his eyes lit up with realization.

Toshinori: (excited) "I remember, Banari sensei obtained his mark while mastering Ultra Instinct. And when I was training Yu, my little brother, he was able to trigger Ultra Instinct as well. He didn't awaken the mark then, but there's a possibility that he could be the fifth warrior."

Shoya and Ken listened intently, recognizing the significance of this revelation. Could Toshinori's little brother, Yu, hold the key to completing their quest? The trio was determined to find out.

Ken and Shoya exchanged intrigued glances as Toshinori shared his revelation about Yu's potential involvement as the fifth warrior.

Ken: (thoughtful) "It's worth considering. If Yu triggered Ultra Instinct like Toshinori did, there's a real chance he could be the missing piece of this puzzle."

Shoya: (nodding) "Agreed. We've come this far, and it seems the answers may lie with Yu. Let's find out more about these marks and gather any information we can from the royal museum."

With renewed determination, the trio continued on their path, determined to uncover the truth about their mysterious marks and the identity of the fifth warrior.

In Another World : 

Amidst the cozy atmosphere of the cafe, where Kouko was comforting Akane, Akira, and Sota, the moment was peaceful and filled with a sense of camaraderie. Kouko's words resonated with warmth as she assured her friends.

**Kouko**: (softly) "Don't worry, everyone. We'll be fine."

However, the tranquility was abruptly shattered as a horde of villains descended upon the area, drawn by the presence of the formidable pro hero, Kouko Todoroki. They began wreaking havoc, instilling fear among the people.

**Villain Leader**: (grinning menacingly) "So, we've got the strongest heroine in the city here, huh? Let's see how tough she really is!"

Kouko, normally more than capable of handling such threats, hesitated. She held her newborn son, Akihiro, close to her chest and knew she couldn't put her child at risk by engaging the villains head-on.

**Kouko**: (whispering to herself) "I can't take any chances with Akihiro in my arms."

In this moment of distress, Akane stepped forward, her magma explosion quirk activated, radiating intense heat.

**Akane**: (determined) "Don't worry, Kouko-san. We'll protect you!"

Akira, her forcefield quirk enveloping her like an impenetrable shield, and Sota, crackling with electrical energy, stood alongside Akane, ready to defend their dear friend and her precious child.

**Akane**: (firmly) "We've got this!"

Just when it seemed the battle was about to escalate, a lone figure descended from the sky, crashing down with immense force between Kouko and the menacing villains. The impact created a shockwave, knocking the villains off balance.

As the dust settled, everyone turned their attention to the newcomer. Banari, the White Demon, stood tall and imposing, with the mark on his neck activated, and his eyes blackened due to Ultra Instinct. His voice carried the weight of authority and a hint of danger.

**Banari**: (icy calm) "I was here for a peaceful family moment with my son and my wife, Kouko. But it seems some of you need a lesson about respecting my family."

Kouko's eyes sparkled with a mixture of relief and affection as she spotted her husband, Banari, standing there to protect her and their child. A small smile graced her lips as she nodded, reaffirming their bond.

**Kouko**: (softly) "Thank you, Banari."

Banari's presence transformed the battlefield, and he readied himself to confront the villains, his mark glowing with power. The heroes stood together, united by their determination to safeguard their loved ones and uphold justice.

The villains, initially emboldened by their numbers, hesitated as they laid eyes on Banari, the infamous White Demon. The memory of their leader, Shigaraki, along with his demonic army being defeated by Deku, Dark Demon, and White Demon still haunted them. They knew the reputation of the trio and understood that Banari, their mentor, was no less formidable.

**Villain 1**: (nervously) "Wait... Isn't that the White Demon? The one who fought alongside Deku?"

**Villain 2**: (whispering) "Yeah, I heard he took on an army of demons and won."

Despite their fear, the villains couldn't allow themselves to back down entirely. They outnumbered Banari, and this presented an opportunity for them. With a collective roar, they rushed towards him, aiming to overpower him through sheer force of numbers.

**Villain Leader**: (shouting) "Don't let his reputation scare you! He's just one man!"

However, Banari remained calm, his resolve unwavering. As the villains closed in on him, he prepared himself to defend his family and confront the threat head-on.

Banari, in his Ultra Instinct form, moved with unparalleled grace and precision. His body flowed effortlessly through the chaos of battle, dodging blows and launching counterattacks with a deadly finesse. The villains, despite their numbers, found it nearly impossible to land a hit on him.

**Villain 3**: (frustrated) "He's too fast! We can't touch him!"

Banari's movements were a mesmerizing dance of martial arts, a beautiful yet deadly ballet of combat. He used every technique he had learned during his time as a demon hunter, swiftly incapacitating one villain after another. With each strike, he left them incapacitated and writhing in pain.

**Villain Leader**: (desperate) "Pull yourselves together! We can't let him defeat us!"

But Banari was relentless. He moved like a ghost, striking down villains left and right. His Ultra Instinct form gave him the upper hand, allowing him to predict their movements and respond with precision.

**Banari**: (calmly) "You dare threaten my family? You'll pay for that."

The battle raged on, but it was clear that Banari was in a league of his own. The villains' attacks grew more desperate as they realized the futility of their efforts. Banari had become a force of nature, an unstoppable guardian protecting his loved ones.

As Banari continued to battle the villains, more of them rushed forward, hoping to overwhelm him with sheer numbers. But Banari remained calm and composed, effortlessly countering their attacks.

**Banari:** "You guys should have brought someone who is at least of my level."

During the fierce battle, one of the villains managed to tear Banari's shirt, revealing his chiseled eight-pack abs adorned with a few scars earned from countless battles. The unexpected sight left many onlookers in awe.

**Random Girl 1:** (blushing) "Damn, his abs are on fire."

**Random Girl 2:** (whispering to her friend) "I wouldn't mind if he made a mess out of me."

However, their admiration was short-lived as they suddenly noticed Kouko, Banari's wife, standing nearby. She emanated a dangerous aura that sent shivers down their spines.

**Kouko:** (with a stern glare) "He is my man, and those abs are only for me."

The girls, now filled with a mix of embarrassment and fear, quickly averted their eyes and fell silent. Kouko's protective stance and words made it clear that Banari was off-limits to anyone but her.

Akane, Akira, and Sota watched the scene unfold with wide eyes as they saw Kouko's protective and jealous side come to the forefront. They exchanged surprised glances, well aware of the intensity of Kouko's feelings for Banari. Her stern words and possessive stance left no room for misunderstanding.

**Akane:** (whispering to Akira and Sota) "Wow, Kouko-san doesn't mess around when it comes to Banari-san."

**Akira:** (nodding in agreement) "She's making it crystal clear that he's off-limits."

**Sota:** (whispering with a smirk) "I guess we shouldn't have underestimated her."

The trio shared a quiet chuckle at the realization that Kouko's love for Banari was as fierce as it was evident. They couldn't help but respect her determination to protect what was hers, even in the midst of a chaotic situation.

Banari and Kouko stood back-to-back, ready to face the approaching horde of 90 villains. The villains, while numerous, were about to learn that they were no match for this formidable duo.

**Kouko:** (with a fiery determination in her eyes) "Let's show them what we're made of, Banari."

**Banari:** (grinning) "You read my mind, my love."

Kouko's quirk, a combination of her father Shoto's fire and her mother Momo's creation, allowed her to generate and manipulate fiery weapons with precision. With a flick of her hand, she conjured a flaming sword and lunged at the first group of villains, sending a wave of scorching flames towards them.

**Kouko:** "Feel the heat!"

As the flames engulfed the villains, Banari dashed forward with his Ultra Instinct, a master of demonic martial arts, and a true force to be reckoned with. His movements were a blur as he unleashed a barrage of powerful strikes, incapacitating villains left and right.

**Banari:** (grinning as he fought) "You guys really picked the wrong day for this."

Kouko's fire and Banari's martial prowess made for a deadly combination. With precision and teamwork, they took on the villains with grace and power. Kouko's fiery weapons cut through their ranks, while Banari's unmatched combat skills left the villains in awe.

**Kouko:** (smirking) "These villains are no match for us, Banari."

**Banari:** "That's right, my love. We've got this."

As the battle raged on, Banari and Kouko fought side by side, their love for each other and their family fueling their determination to protect those they held dear. The villains may have been numerous, but they were about to learn that nothing could stand in the way of the love and strength of this heroic couple.

After the intense battle with the 90 villains, Kouko took a moment to catch her breath. She noticed that Banari's shirt was torn during the fight, revealing his well-defined eight-pack abs and muscular physique. While she was proud of her husband's strength, Kouko couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy as she saw other girls admiring him.

**Kouko:** (smirking) "You're a real heartthrob, aren't you?"

**Banari:** (grinning) "I can't help it if the ladies appreciate good martial arts."

Kouko decided to take matters into her own hands. With a determined look in her eyes, she summoned her fiery quirk and created a stylish leather jacket for Banari on the spot. The jacket not only covered his impressive physique but also added a touch of rugged charm to his appearance.

**Kouko:** (handing him the jacket) "Here, put this on. I don't want those girls eyeing you."

**Banari:** (chuckling) "You're the jealous type, huh?"

**Kouko:** (playfully) "Only when it comes to you."

Banari gladly accepted the jacket and put it on. It fit him perfectly and added an extra layer of protection to his combat attire. With Kouko's fiery touch, the jacket became a symbol of their bond and her possessiveness.

**Banari:** (grinning) "Thanks, Kouko. Now I'm all yours."

**Kouko:** (smirking) "That's right. No one else can have you."

As they stood there, hand in hand, Banari wearing the leather jacket Kouko had created for him, they shared a loving moment amidst the aftermath of the battle. The jacket was not just a piece of clothing but a symbol of their strong and passionate relationship.