
His Start (My Hero Academia)

This is the Fan-made story of My hero Academia universe where the story begins from deku's son toshinori midoriya who was qwerkless as him, it's not the story of qwerkless boy who gain power and achieved his dream but the story of a boy who lost his dream and prove everyone.

The_Mystry · Tranh châm biếm
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81 Chs

Clash of Titans: Tyler vs. Shoya and Ken

The battlefield crackled with energy as Tyler, the cunning left-hand man of Alduin, faced off against Shoya and Ken, the King of Frost and the King of Destruction. It was a showdown that would determine the course of the battle, and both sides knew that the stakes were high.

Tyler, with a sly smile on his face, had always been known for his tactical prowess. He circled Shoya and Ken, his eyes gleaming with a devious glint. "I must say, I've been looking forward to this," he taunted, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Shoya, his frost blades at the ready, and Ken, his explosive aura enveloping him, exchanged a knowing glance. They understood the gravity of the situation and were determined to protect their world from the encroaching darkness.

Shoya spoke first, his voice steady. "We may be facing you alone, but together, we are more than a match," he declared, his icy aura radiating confidence.

Ken, a berserker with explosive powers, grinned menacingly. "You'll find that we're not to be underestimated," he warned, his voice low and threatening.

With that, the battle began.

Tyler was the first to strike, his agility and cunning tactics coming into play. He darted towards Shoya, his movements fluid and unpredictable. He unleashed a barrage of swift, precise strikes, aiming to exploit any openings in Shoya's defense.

Shoya, with his mastery of frost and creation, created icy barriers to fend off Tyler's attacks. Each strike met a wall of freezing resistance, forcing Tyler to retreat momentarily.

Ken, fueled by his explosive aura, charged forward with reckless abandon. He swung his metal axe with devastating force, aiming to catch Tyler off guard. The ground shook with the power of his attacks.

Tyler, his eyes scanning for an opportunity, gracefully evaded Ken's berserker onslaught. He relied on his speed and agility to stay one step ahead, but he knew that he was facing a formidable opponent.

Shoya, seeing an opening, launched a barrage of ice projectiles at Tyler. The icy shards homed in on their target, forcing Tyler to employ his quick reflexes to dodge the deadly projectiles.

The battlefield became a chaotic battleground of clashing powers and fierce determination. Tyler continued to employ his cunning tactics, using his agility to evade his opponents and launch counterattacks when the opportunity arose.

Shoya and Ken, on the other hand, were relentless in their pursuit. Shoya's frost blades left trails of icy devastation in their wake, while Ken's explosive attacks sent shockwaves through the ground.

As the battle raged on, the combatants' stamina was put to the test. Tyler's cunning tactics allowed him to hold his own against the powerful duo, but he was gradually wearing down under the relentless onslaught.

Shoya and Ken, their determination unyielding, continued to press the attack. They knew that victory was within their grasp, and they wouldn't stop until they had defeated their adversary.

With one final, coordinated strike, Shoya and Ken managed to catch Tyler off guard. Shoya encased Tyler's legs in ice, immobilizing him, while Ken delivered a powerful, explosive blow that sent their foe hurtling through the air.

Tyler crashed to the ground with a resounding thud, defeated and battered.

Shoya and Ken stood triumphant, their victory a testament to their strength and teamwork. They knew that the battle against Alduin and his forces was far from over, but this victory had brought them one step closer to bringing an end to the darkness that threatened their world.

Toshinori, the Marked Warrior known as the White Knight, was locked in a fierce battle against the relentless forces of Alduin. His katana and gun moved with precision as he fought back the dark soldiers, but the sheer number of enemies threatened to overwhelm him.

As he fought on, he suddenly felt a surge of warmth and power beside him. It was Akane, his beloved, and her magma explosions were a force to be reckoned with. She joined him in the midst of battle, her hands erupting in fiery explosions that decimated their adversaries.

Toshinori turned to Akane with a grateful smile. "Akane, you're a sight for sore eyes," he said, his voice filled with relief. "Together, we'll show them the true meaning of strength."

Akane nodded, her fiery explosions lighting up the battlefield. "We're a team, Toshinori," she affirmed. "No force of darkness can stand against us."

Meanwhile, Yu, with his Wind Quirk and katana, was locked in combat not far from Toshinori and Akane. He spotted Rose, the princess of the empire, struggling against the enemy forces. Without hesitation, he rushed to her aid.

Yu's Wind Quirk allowed him to move with incredible speed, and he dispatched the foes surrounding Rose with ease. "Are you all right, Rose?" he asked, his voice filled with concern.

Rose, her Light Magic powers at the ready, nodded gratefully. "I am now, thanks to you," she replied, her voice soft and reassuring. "We make a good team, Yu."

Back with Toshinori and Akane, the couple displayed perfect coordination as they fought back Alduin's forces. Akane's magma explosions created fiery chaos, while Toshinori's precise strikes and gunshots took down any enemies who dared to get too close.

Toshinori spoke as they fought, his words filled with determination. "This time, they won't face me as the Dark Knight," he declared. "They'll face me as the Dark Demon, and together with you, we'll protect our world."

Akane's eyes gleamed with fierce resolve. "We'll show them the true power of our love," she replied, her magma explosions intensifying.

As the battle raged on, Toshinori, Akane, Yu, and Rose fought side by side, their coordination and determination unwavering. They knew that this was a pivotal moment in the battle against Alduin, and they were prepared to give it their all to protect their world from the encroaching darkness.