
His Obsession Doll

·     You are my obsession and I can’t let you go my doll you know the day you stepped in my room. You were mine. And I never let my things away from me. ” he said in a dominating tone and I never knew that my life could take this turn…. ·     I’m a 19 year old girl who wanted to become a doctor and also a shooter I loved shooting ever since I came to my senses because one shot can change people’s life and destiny I wanted to be a healer also a killer because some people deserved to be killed and some to heal I have hide this ambition from everyone only I know about this.  I was very happy with my life. I was confident pretty smart intelligent I was all what they say beauty with brain I never in my life thought I would change into something else . My life changed when I landed in Australia.  One mere invitation changed my whole destination of life.   ·     He was a ruthless Monster who claimed everything he wished for.  He was a business tycoon he had everything what he wished for he owned everything his eyes laid on . He wants more then just money. He wanted power. He decided to go in the world where there’s never coming back until you are dead. He entered the dark world not because it was an option but because it was his choice he wanted rule everyone which he got here he became the cruel MAFIA not just a mafia he became the underworld king. He never showed any kindness to anyone. But he changed when he met her.  He was a gentleman infront of her. He was all what a girl want. But was it his love or obsession for her. He never knew what love is he only knows to kill and chill. ·     What happens when they both crash their world’s .? What happens when ice meets fire.? Will there be a fairytale love story?  Or will there be a twisted history…. .? ·     What has fate decided for them will happen if not now but sooner or later it will.

blackspadez_12 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs


"you... " I said in a hushed tone seeing the person infront of me

"Yeahh it's me. " he said.

"Bro I'm so so happy to see you. God what are you doing here Zain and uncle aunty is also Here.  it's such a pleasant surprise. say something " I said non stop not even giving him space to say anything. Zain was my best friend . we were childhood friends and we're like brother and sister. I was so happy that I met him here. In the place full of strangers there is finally someone whom I know.

"Are you done.... " he asked.

"pretty much yeah. " I said teasingly and winked. "I'm done bro say say... " before I could say anything he kept his hand on my mouth.

"don't you think I should be the one asking you that. when I invited you to my sister wedding you declined saying someone really want your present and now you are here and why wouldn't my parents be here after all it's their only daughter wedding  and what's with your presence here spill the beans. " he said and I tapped on his hand and after he removed his hand I smacked him on his arm. and faked pain.

"I will give all the details but first let's go let me introduce you to everyone out their. " I said and we came out of the bushes.  and I introduced him to aunt uncle Sarah and my parent's were so delighted to know that it was her sister who is getting married with my cousin though we have only talked to her video chats and voicemails. she was kind cute pretty and very much innocent. I was so happy.

Then we sat at a table giggling talking and  I told him about how we got this invitation..


I came back from my college tired and went straight to my room and dozed off.  I woke up when someone was continuously ringing the door bell. Isn't anyone home Ugghh  I woke up and went downstairs to the main door and saw it was a postman.

"what is this ma'am ..? I'm ringing the bell from half n hour.. " he said annoyed.

"sorry for that." I said and he handed me the post and asked me to sign. After signing he went and closed the door. Then went to living area and literally searched the whole house there was no being found. When I entered the kitchen to grab something from refrigerator I saw a note


I opened the fridge and grabbed an apple and some orange juice. I kept the post on  the dining table and went towards my room to finish my assignment. I was busy studying and writing when I heard someone opened the door. I came down yonder who it was.

"Assalamualikum mom and granny. You are back. " I greeted my mom and took the bags from her a d granny and placed all the groceries at their respective places and gave both of them a glass of water. And then I remembered about the post.

"Mom we got this post. I haven't opened it yet. " I said and handed her the post. She just ignored the post and told that it might be your dad's let it be their. When he come's give it to him. I said okay sat with them for a while saying her my routine and about my day in college.  And then it was time for Maghrib salah.  We performed our ablution and prayed. After that we started to cook as it was time for dinner I helped my mother and then went back to watch some feed on my phone . I was scrolling down and then I saw this post which caught my attention.

"moooommmmmmm... " I yelled and she came running worried

"what happened is everything Okayy.  ..why did you yell....? " she asked me worried. And when I showed her what I saw in the post.

She hit me with the spatula on my arm.

"ouch. ..mom that hurts...." I said rubbing my arm and could see anger in her eyes.

"you idiot... You screamed like a you have seen some devil. Just to show me this stupid dress and jewellery. Have you gone nuts. " she scolded me and I made a pout face. After that she went back to kitchen and continued her cooking and my dad arrived.

"Assalamualikum dad. How are you.?  How was your day.?  " I asked him giving him a glass of water.

"Walikumasalam my child. Alhamdulillah it was good. And I'm fit fine infront of you... How was your day. My dear daughter. " he asked me patting my head and I said it fine and then I remembered about the post.

"dad someone sent this post . It might be yours. " I said and handed him that. And went to play video games with my brother. We both were a good match and I was about to win. But my brother scared

"Aym seee there's  a lizard... " he said and I turned to look and lose the match

 "it's cheating you can't do that brother I'm gonna complain to dad. " I said trying to keep a fight with him. But then we heard our dad voice.

"Ayman Ayaan come here... " yelled my dad.

"Coming dad" we said in unison and went their . Granny mom and dad were seated with some tickets and invitation in their hand.

"Listen children next week we have some really important thing to attend so ask leave from.  Your college we will be going to attend a wedding and it's from someone very dear to us so. Ask a long leave okay. " said and we nodded in agreement we didn't ask any further and went back to our rooms.


"So this is what happened and here we are. " I said to him and he just nodded his head hearing all this and gave me a big smile .

"leave it what ever it was you are now at my. Sister's  wedding and I'm so happy we will make this wedding very enjoyable now. Come let's meet my sister she was asking me about you when I said you won't be coming she was kinda upset. Now she will be happy to see you let's go. " he said and we went towards the bride and she was looking so pretty I complimented her and she was shocked to see me and also happy.  She was even more happy when she got to know that . The groom was my cousin and she is going to be my sister-in-law  . After that the ritual started and all the time I was with Sarah and zain  Sarah blended with us really quick and we three shared a beautiful bond though she a year younger but she was so much mature . All along the ceremony i felt as if someone's  piercing gaze but when tried to find the source. I found nothing. The ceremony ended and we bid farewell to the bride and her family. After that me and Sarah bid farewell to zain and after that every one went back to their respective rooms.

I was so exhausted with all the drama today but only one thing was lingering in my mind and it was him. Whom I bumped 3 times.

He was kinda hot and I drifted back to when he was holding me so close. Whenever he is near me. My heart beat increases rapidly. It goes out of control what is happening to me. I pushed back all thoughts and weared my comfy clothes which were my favorite shinchan pjs.  I was feeling thirsty and the jar was empty. I took the jar and was passing from Sarah room . I stopped on my way when. I heard someone's confession.

"Sarah.... I.... I... I love you. " said someone I peeked a little but couldn't see anyone and then suddenly someone tapped my shoulder. And I flinched and turned back abruptly. To find hulk. Damn is he goes in now it will create a scene..

"what are you doing here..? " he asked.

"oh... Me...." I said nervously.

"Yeah you... Is anyone else here. Apart from us. " he asked in a stern voice I started to shiver.

"no no no one is here. I just wanted to get water . " I said to and he furrowed his brows .

"Really then what are you doing here out of her room." God why does he have to be smart at this time. "I wanted to ask if she want something but I.... Guess she is asleep.... I was leaving now..." I said

"0kay go but I need to check on her move" he said and tried to move me away.

"Noo. " I half yelled and he stopped.

"I mean she is asleep don't disturb her she is already so tired  now you wanna ruin her sleep what type of brother you are no come and show me the way towards the kitchen. " I said in a demanding tone to which his eyes widened .

"come now what are you waiting for an invitation. " I said and he Just nodded and had a evil smirk on his face.

"girl do you know who you are talking with no one has ever talked to me the way you are talking. " he said moving closer to me.  And I stumbled back wards.. Why God just why always I bump into him..

"why are so selfish obsessed hmm.  Don't you know who you are.  Stupid. " I said and just mumbled the last word to which he raised one brow which seemed absolutely fascinating.  God he always made me have these thoughts.

"what did you just say.. Huh... " he said coming even more closer and I backed off until I touched the wall. And when I stopped he placed his both hands on either side of me.

"I.. I... I.. " I said stammering. God why is he so close to me...

"yeah. You... " he said coming even more closer. I was shivering with this much closeness

"I I'm thirsty I need water. " I said this and pushed him away and ran towards the kitchen my heart was out of control and I was shivering. God what did just happened .

Oraibi's  P. O. V.

She ran as if she seen some ghost.  She is cute when she is silent. And all scared. I love to see that fear with a little glint of tease in her eyes. She always check me out. I know that. Her doe eyes say's all..

My phone ringed it showed private number

"Hello. " I said and next moment the phone was on floor broken into pieces.

Damn it.

hello Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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