
His Obsession Doll

·     You are my obsession and I can’t let you go my doll you know the day you stepped in my room. You were mine. And I never let my things away from me. ” he said in a dominating tone and I never knew that my life could take this turn…. ·     I’m a 19 year old girl who wanted to become a doctor and also a shooter I loved shooting ever since I came to my senses because one shot can change people’s life and destiny I wanted to be a healer also a killer because some people deserved to be killed and some to heal I have hide this ambition from everyone only I know about this.  I was very happy with my life. I was confident pretty smart intelligent I was all what they say beauty with brain I never in my life thought I would change into something else . My life changed when I landed in Australia.  One mere invitation changed my whole destination of life.   ·     He was a ruthless Monster who claimed everything he wished for.  He was a business tycoon he had everything what he wished for he owned everything his eyes laid on . He wants more then just money. He wanted power. He decided to go in the world where there’s never coming back until you are dead. He entered the dark world not because it was an option but because it was his choice he wanted rule everyone which he got here he became the cruel MAFIA not just a mafia he became the underworld king. He never showed any kindness to anyone. But he changed when he met her.  He was a gentleman infront of her. He was all what a girl want. But was it his love or obsession for her. He never knew what love is he only knows to kill and chill. ·     What happens when they both crash their world’s .? What happens when ice meets fire.? Will there be a fairytale love story?  Or will there be a twisted history…. .? ·     What has fate decided for them will happen if not now but sooner or later it will.

blackspadez_12 · Fantasy
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12 Chs


"Sirr…" came the voice .

The traitor came front with full confidence thinking he has achieved something and fooled us. Everyone gasped when he came. He couldn't get what I said.  

"yes Tony… " Tony was the traitor he always handled everything over here and never gave a chance to complain I started to trust this guy but because of the loss I got doubt in him so I set trackers and a detective and guess what he was involved with the nemesis.  He was also trying leak the confidential documents but the control was over to rehan he couldn't do so . And now he was trying to be a smart and ruin my import export business which is never gonna happen.

Rehan grabbed his collar and punched in his face. He was shocked by this sudden attack. "You are confused right Tony. But guess what the tattoo betrayed you just like you betrayed me… " I said and gave him another punch.

I got a call and went aside to answer it.  "Hello… yes mom.. " I said.

"Oraibi where you my child the guests have arrived come back home today is haldi you need to attend it comes as soon as possible I don't want any excuse or delay. " ordered my mother with her very sweet voice.  Before I could say anything she hung up.  

God I need to leave orelse it won't be good for me. I said and went back to the base. I saw rehan beating the shit of him.

" Rehan we don't have time let's leave finish him at once. Get this in your head boys it's just a simple death but if anyone tries to betray me again then you are gonna face the worse of this get that straight in your head" I commanded them and then they dispersed. It was the least easy death we could give him but he deserved much more.

"what happened dude… .where are we going… ?" Asked rehan breaking the chain of my thoughts .

"What else dude. Mom called me asking my presence in the pre wedding rituals. " I said and we drove off towards the mansion.

"rehan when are you planning to get married.? " I asked him. And he had this poker face without any emotion. And then he sighed.

"one day when I find the one who is made for me.. " he said and I could see the little smile which he tried to hide something's fishy. I thought but gave up on the thought because he would say me later what's the reason behind his hideous smile.

We arrived at the mansion and just as we entered dad came and took rehan with him asking for some help with wedding related finance stuff. My father never want to waste a  single penny.  He wants everything perfect and manageable. I went towards stairs and then suddenly light's went off. Dam what the hell is this now. When I inquired. I got to know that someone off the main switch I called the security and yelled at them for switching off the main without anyone's permission and I saw a figure approaching towards me. She was coming in my direction and I flashed light on her by which she couldn't see and was about to fall I pulled her towards me and then I light's came. My heart skipped a beat. She was beautiful her lose hijab was showing off some fine hair out. I could see that she was checking me out. And I liked the way she was in my hold.  She was short and fragile pretty big eyes and dimples.  What the hell… ?stop your nonsense. Said my conscience.  When I came out of my trance she was still staring.

"Are you done  staring. " I said and she came out of her thoughts and  mumbled a sorry and ran away. I had a smirk on my face I like it when people are scared of me. I have never let any girl stare at me but she was different  . I wanted her to see just me only me…  what am I thinking get a hold of yourself dude I said to myself and. Went to attend a call.

I attended the call and my mom came to me she told me to bring some fruits basket  as there was one less I went and bought a basket and gave it to the maid near the lawn as soon as mom saw me she was ready to scold me for not getting ready before she could say anything I said

"I'll be right back in 5 minute's  mom… " I said this and went towards the mansion I was about to open the door someone already opened it and bumped into me. And I think she got some nerves to say I'm blind the Oraibi khan.  I said to her to get checked her eyes . She was the same girl who bumped into me earlier. Damn and she is looking so cool and beautiful.  She was again checking me out.  But her words were saying something different. She is short. She probably will be 5'4 . I called her shortiee which made her pissed and I love the way she looked when she was pissed and she dare me call a hulk . I said she was about to say something else but Sarah came and jumped on me.

I think she got the idea now who I I'm . She got panicked when Sarah said I'm her brother. She ignored me Greatt someone can actually ignore the Oraibi khan.  Said my  subconscious.  She was trying to avoid me but was going in opposite direction .

"the lawn is this way shortiee… ." I said. And she got furious and called me hulk again after she went. Sarah just glared at me .

"what she started it first now go away I need to get ready orelse mom would come to kill me anytime of I won't come to the ceremony. " I said .

"fine I'm going now but I saw how you were seeing her… ..i don't mind if she becomes my sister in law  " she said and winked at me.

"that's a goodnight idea but I'm not interested now get lost. " I said with an expressionlesson face and she just shrugged and went away.  I went back to my room. Got ready. Wearing a white kurti (suit)  and then I called rehan to ask where he is. He said he was in the backyard smoking and asked me If I could join. I would never deny that because I need some peace of mind.  I went to the lawn first.  Attended few guest's with dad  and then went towards the backyard to meet rehan but he was nowhere to be found. I was calling him then suddenly Sarah grabbed me by my arm and turned me around and then a bucket full of water was emptied on me.

What the freak…  when I saw who it was it was the same girl what was her name ayman yeah. I was a little angry because I hate playing with water. She explained herself and the one to blame was Sarah when I looked at her she just ran away. Saying she doesn't know anything.  And when I focused on her she was trying to escape . I caught her wrist and pulled her towards me she was so close to me  I was so drowned in the situation that couldn't hold myself. I backed off when I heard someone yelling her name. When I saw who was disturbing my moment with her. It was some guy. When she saw him she was scared I didn't like that a bit. I wanted to know who it was. So I Just "is this your… " and paused. When she said it was her brother I got relief and then he asked her to leave which she obeyed silently.

"who the hell are you and what were you doing with my sister. " he came towards me. Yelling

"I don't find it necessary to say anything to you just stay quiet and back off dude I don't want to hurt you have you got this. " I said with a stern voice but. He didn't back off . They really have a bad temper which need to be corrected. But then rehan came over

"don't interfere in my. Matter and don't you dare talk to me in that tone of yours.  First find out who I I'm and then talk to me. " I said and patted his cheek and left with rehan .

"What was that dude. " he asked. And I narrated him the all bumping things.  And he laughed hard when I said she called me a hulk.

"Dude she is so daring to call you hulk .she is something. " he said and I also know that she something different from all other girls. When we went back to the lawn there was so many noises and everyone was enjoying the function and my eyes were only searching for one girl.  What is happening to me. I shouldn't think of her.  I kept all the thoughts back of my head and went to my dad and mom.  


"Sarah… ..i… ..i… …I love you. " OMG what did I just hear.

Hello everyone thank you so much for the 2k+ views I will also appreciate if you review comment and like my book and also share my book with all of your friends I would love that. the next update will be tomorrow.

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