

A rich, young girl from India, came New York to visit her aunt with her family. Bubbly, cheerful, mischievous girl with beautiful hazel eyes and brown hair, tall frame with chubby cheeks, curvy body. She's everything a teenager could be. But she was mature enough to know about people. She was trained by herself to know what other person is. She can look in your eyes and can confirm your motives if it's good or bad. Stumbling upon a stranger, she saved his life. Not knowing that he's a mafia heir, she became his saviour. She's tech goddess from early age. The day HRITIKA THAKUR met LEONARDO MANCINI everything changed for her. The girl who used to share everything with her family started to keep things secret from them. Illegal things. Without knowing that Leonardo is taking her in his mafia for the way she solved his problem in seconds and he's manifested by her. She gladly accepted but on one condition. That was staying in dark. The bubbly sunshine in the day for the world became dark devil for her scarred knight. Two years of staying back in India and after that for three years she stayed in New York but never meeting him again. She finally crossed path with him again after getting inside his home. Not knowing the connection between her bestfriends and her scarred knight. And after all those five years, six years almost, when he doesn't remember her broke her fragile heart. Will they be able to get together? Will he ever remember her?

Sanika_Nagrale · Thành thị
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4 Chs


"Miss. Thakur."

Here we go again. Damn this bald man can't just keep his mouth shut. Calm down Hritika, he's your landlord. Yeah, the same landlord who can't stop giving shitty remarks on me from three fucking years.

"Yes, Mr. William? How can I help you?" I turn to him with a polite smile only to earn a scoff. Fucking 'Takla Insaan' (bald man).

"Yeah. You can help me with moving out of the apartment." he simply says making my eyes go wide. I shook my head in disbelief. No he can't just tell me move out of the damn apartment and that too so rudely.

"You're joking. Right?" Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say y-

"No. I'm not joking and I want you to move out of the apartment in a week." He just left casually throwing those words out of his mouth on me like he just did not made me homeless in this fucking New York -well note homeless, I still have my own penthouse, but no one knows- and that too without any reason. He just got a problem with being me Indian dammit. Like, what the hell did I've done to him?

God. Why did you have to make my life so miserable?

I walk out of the building where I've been living from last three years after staying in my aunts house here in my first year for a week since I joined the university here in Columbia University for my studies after finishing High school in India. Much to my parents disappointment that I decided to finish my further studies in New York and not agreeing to my father's wish to handle the company. Yeah my father Ranveer Thakur owns hotels line in India as Thakur's and co. and expects me to be the CEO after my graduation as my brother will be the Chairman and my sister is vice president with being one of the best surgeons in India. I don't know how she managed to be a Surgeon and Vice President of the largest hotel lines and then again married and expecting a baby soon as my mom said the last time I talk with her. Well she's the first child of our generation but she said she will be a surgeon so she doesn't want to be the Chairman so it passed to my brother who's two years younger than her. My brother was always into business as he knew that he'll be the next Chairman. So they both are the favourite ones of the family and here I'm the rebellion against them. I never wanted to work in the company and taking privilege of being the daughter of their clan. I'm not saying that my siblings used the privilege, they worked hard for what they have now. As my sister being Vice President and my brother being the CEO and my dad is still the Chairman. He'll be giving the post of Chairman to my brother when he'll turn 27 which means three months later.

I always preferred to work hard to get what I wanted. I start working at the age of sixteen which no one knows and whenever there's something that neither my father, brother or sister can do anything with rivals or someone that tries to get down our company I always does the things for them without their knowing. No one knows I'm a hacker. Everyone thinks that I have interest in software department but they never take it seriously so I just let them assume.

Only my mother was the one who never opposed the thought of me not being the CEO of the company. My mother Aashwati Thakur runs her own boutique. She always says that I can do whatever I feel like and always reply her with 'Don't worry mom, I'll marry a billionaire.' and she laughs every time. My father didn't talked to me from three years and my sister thinks that I'm unreasonable, and my brother didn't said anything to me about anything. My brother Abhinav Thakur usually calls me to check up on me and shares his problem if there's anything he can't solve and doesn't know what to do and I pretend like I didn't either but the next day he calls and says 'Hitu I don't know how it happened but all the problems are solved' and I just say him that 'You're best bro, and even god didn't want to be in your way.' and he says 'You're the best Lil sister anyone can ask for.'

As for my sister Vishwi Singh she never was good to me, and I don't mind either. She can do whatever the fuck she wants, if she was bad then I'm the badass and If she needs me then I've got her back. She can lean on me whenever she wants and she can argue with me for no reason, but I'll love her the same as I love my brother. My father... let's not talk about him. He's a great father and I love him but he doesn't understand me the way I want him to.

"Hey, young lady. Watch where you're going." A man in his mid forties snap at me then I realised that I bumped into him and I've reached metro station.

It's not like I don't have my cars or something.

I've got my own three cars -a Maserati Levante, Mercedes-Benz GLC-class, Audi R8 Spyder- all black. I've bought these in three years respectively. Not by my father's money, it's my own. I earn a lot by my illegal work.

"I'm so sorry. I was just zone out. I hope you're okay?" I ask him politely and he gave me a reassuring smile, "I'm okay, sweetie. But you might've goten hurt. Be careful." he lovely pats my head like my dad used to do. I smile warmly at him, "I'll be careful. Have a good day." he replies the same and heads to his destination as I head to mine.

I get inside the metro and think about how the life changes since the last time I came here to New York when I was sixteen and from then my life took a big turn. I start working for someone I don't know but still got paid very well. My dad used to give me pocket money but I stopped using his money from then. And then coming here to New York to live was one of the biggest decision that my father disapproved, but still here I am. The last time I saw him was two years ago when I went back home for my sister's wedding. He never talk to me for whole two weeks of my stay there. I tried talking to him but he's a man as rock, and from then I stopped making any move to contact with him again. My mother and brother says that he miss me but then again he never tried in this whole three years for contacting me. If my father is rock then I'm a mountain. I got that attitude from him and this ego between us came in our relationship.


The sound of metro doors opening bring me back from my thoughts. I walk out of the metro station to my university. I got into Columbia University through scholarship. And I've never been more happy than the day I got to know about that. Then I work here in a cafe for just passing my time. I still work for that unknown people as their hacker and I got paid very well, so I just work in cafe for helping the old couple.

As I step into the university campus I spot familiar black McLaren 570S Coupe and red Lamborghini. And as expected both the driver seat's door opens and here comes my bestfriends and the sweetest twins in the world.






And I was tackled by four arms around me as I laugh and hug both of them back.

"Morning, Hrits." Lucia Mancini younger one of the twins says in her full enthusiastic voice. "Goodmorning, Bella." (beautiful) Luca Mancini older one of the twins chirp wrapping me in his arms again. "Morning guys." I tried to show my usual enthusiasm but failed miserably and that didn't go unnoticed by both of them.

"Hrits. Are you okay?" Lucia asks as she looks at me with her big green eyes laced with worry and concern. I just nod, knowing that if I tell them about what Mr. William said in morning they'll definitely take me to their mansion. Yeah, mansion. They are like one of the multi-billionaire in the world.

"You're not okay, Hrits. Let's go to canteen. We'll talk there." Luca pulls both me and Lucia with him to the canteen. Throughout the whole walk I tried to tell them that nothing happened and there's nothing to worry about and get a glare from both of them in return which reluctantly made me shut up.

After placing order for a ice coffee for me and sandwich for both of them we are sitting on our usual place at the corner of canteen.

"Now, Young lady. Pry tell us what happened to our enthusiastic bestfriend who's missing now." Luca levels me with a glare and I just glare him back. No one can just mess with me.

"Stop glaring at him and tell us what the fuck happened? Right now." Lucia commands in her that authoritative tone which made me finally give in.

I sigh as I run my fingers through my hair for the umpteenth time since morning, "Mr. William told me to vacate the apartment within a week." I quickly added, "I'm gonna apartment hunt in afternoon."

They both don't know that I've my own penthouse. I don't use that often because that penthouse feels lonely. Living alone in that massive three storey penthouse was not my forte. So I just used to live in apartment two blocks away from where my penthouse is.

They both share a look and level me with glare and Lucia asks, "Did that psycho, idiot man throw some shitty remarks at you?" and I shake my head, well he was rude but unlike the other times when he always says nasty things to me.

I look up to the twins and they looked at each other, nodded, and turning to me with a grin, oh no, this is good, "You're moving in our house." they both exclaims loudly and started clapping like kids.

"Oh fuck. Nooo."

"Oh yess."