

A rich, young girl from India, came New York to visit her aunt with her family. Bubbly, cheerful, mischievous girl with beautiful hazel eyes and brown hair, tall frame with chubby cheeks, curvy body. She's everything a teenager could be. But she was mature enough to know about people. She was trained by herself to know what other person is. She can look in your eyes and can confirm your motives if it's good or bad. Stumbling upon a stranger, she saved his life. Not knowing that he's a mafia heir, she became his saviour. She's tech goddess from early age. The day HRITIKA THAKUR met LEONARDO MANCINI everything changed for her. The girl who used to share everything with her family started to keep things secret from them. Illegal things. Without knowing that Leonardo is taking her in his mafia for the way she solved his problem in seconds and he's manifested by her. She gladly accepted but on one condition. That was staying in dark. The bubbly sunshine in the day for the world became dark devil for her scarred knight. Two years of staying back in India and after that for three years she stayed in New York but never meeting him again. She finally crossed path with him again after getting inside his home. Not knowing the connection between her bestfriends and her scarred knight. And after all those five years, six years almost, when he doesn't remember her broke her fragile heart. Will they be able to get together? Will he ever remember her?

Sanika_Nagrale · Urban
Not enough ratings
4 Chs


Waking up to the sound of digital alarm on the bedside table I opened my eyes to only close them back. Sunlight peaking through curtains blind my vision and I blinked to adjust to the light. Getting up from bed lazily I put my hair in messy bun and move inside the glorious bathroom of my spacious bedroom in this giant mansion of my bestfriends.

After a week of trying to convince the twins that I'll be living on my own but they didn't budge. So now, I'm here in this grand mansion of theirs. I didn't get why there are tons of guards. I know they're billionaire but that still seems kinda weird that they have army of guards. 'Typical rich people'.

'As if your own family isn't.' An irritating voice inside me spoke but I shoved it back.

Being in this spacious mansion for a month and half, I know each corner of it. From kitchen to bedrooms to study to their older son's office to some kind of training hall up on the top floor to basement to gym and garage. Everything.

Yeah I know the structure of mansion but I'm not allowed in basement and training area. I don't know why but as long as I have gym I'm fine with that. 'Duh... I'm gym freak' to fight with some assholes who tries to touch me or some other things, you know.

After taking a long long shower as I don't have to go to university today, I took my precious extra time. Getting out of the shower I walked into walk-in closet to get dressed for the day. Deciding upon something traditional, I chose my black chikankari see through kurti and faded ripped jeans and got ready for the day with some oxidised earrings in my collection.

Glancing at the watch on my wrist I realised that I'm way too late today. And the breakfast isn't ready yet and Lucia and Luca's parents Francesca and Alberto Mancini, must've been up.

Uh huh, I was against living with them for free so I offered to pay them but they declined so now I cook for them as compensation. I never liked doing or getting something for free, if I'm giving them something they should compensate it and if they're giving me something I should compensate them. And that's what I'm doing.

Half of the staff has became my friends, mostly the kitchen staff. Whenever I cook they'll were roaming around me if I need anything. Main chef's work has been reduced to none since I always made breakfast and dinner, sometimes lunch too if I'm not tired. I love cooking. I always have. But no one in my family back in India likes cooking and baking as much as I do. Mom is into fashion more than cooking and my sister is in business and her hospital shits. And God forbid if I ever saw dad coming into kitchen, I'm sure as hell the kitchen won't be kitchen anymore. My brother did like cooking but only with me or for me. I know he's not into cooking, but he does that for me. And that made me love him even more.

Halfway down to kitchen and my thoughts, a maid, I know her name as Mary, came rushing to me, a panting mess. "Woah woah, calm down Mary. Why are you running like this?" I asked holding her shoulders to keep her steady.

"Are you preparing breakfast or we need to do it?" she asked still panting.

"I am." I told her as we descended the stairs. "Why? Are the senior Mancini angry with me?"

I asked her as we entered the living room and I stopped in my track as I see the older couple with two guys sitting there and talking with them. Only one of them was talking, the other one just made animalistic sounds. 'Blah dude, don't you know how to speak?'

Mary beside me poke my arm and nodded in the direction to that arrogant man sitting as if he owns the whole world.

Francesca noticed me first as she stopped talking with them and looked up at me with a bright, warm smile she always gives me. "Goodmorning Bella." she greeted, making all eyes turn to me.

"Good morning pretty lady. I'm sorry I'm late. what would you like for breakfast?" I asked as I walked upto them, completely ignoring three men sitting there. Leaning down to give a kiss on her cheek, I heard a childlike huff from the other end of couch and I chuckled. "Goodmorning to you too, Old man." I walked to him to give the bear hug I always give him. Feeling of two pair of eyes on the back of my head.

"Goodmorning my beautiful young lady. And for breakfast I would like your special pancakes." he exclaimed in joy. No one can believe he was a ruthless businessman in his life, as his family told me. His sweet behaviour for only his family and me though. He never talked sweetly with other staff members in the house.

"Sure thing, Boss." Turning to Francesca I nodded to the men behind me who are still boring holes in my head. "Same for all?" and she nodded with a smile. Turning to the men behind me I gave both of them a polite smile and nod and move to the kitchen to make breakfast and turned in middle to ask "Guys, Chai or Coffee?"

"Chai." three enthusiastic voices came. One from old man sitting on the couch in living room and two from my two bestfriends coming down the stairs. Sorry, running down the stairs. Shaking her head Francesca smiled and said for all, "One black coffee and Chai for all." giving her thumbs up I proceed to make their Chai and pancakes with that bitter black coffee. How the hell anyone can drink this bittery shit?

After few minutes the breakfast was ready to serve with pancakes, bread pakode (Indian dish), a black coffee to the man sitting infront of me and Chai to others.

Now that I'm sitting on dining table with all of them with the Old man on head of the chair with his precious wife on his left side beside me. Luc sat on my left as Luci sat across him beside the guy who gave me a small smile, slightly blushing and then this guy who seem familiar to me but I can't recognise.

Turning to the couple I asked, "You didn't told me that your guests are coming today? And that too in morning?" my voice barely above the whisper but all of them heard and Luc and Luci started to laugh with the guy beside her. I looked at them slightly annoyed. "What?"

"They're not guests, Bella." Francesca spoke beside me as the older man looked amused at me. The man with hulky huge body, and stormy grey eyes just stared at me. "Then who?" I asked. "He's our oldest son. Leonardo Mancini." she pointed to the guy infront of me. And I choked on my food. 'This man is my bestfriends' brother? And I didn't know.' Now I glanced at him and then at Alberto and then Luc to see their similar faces. Except Luc has green eyes like his sister and mother. Alberto's carbon copy sat infront of me, with his younger version. Same grey eyes, sharp jawline, high cheekbones, full lips, pointed nose. Bruhh... Is he Greek god, sitting infront of me?

Then I turned to the other guy, who resembled nothing like them, but still handsome. Sensing my eyes on him he gave me a smile that can bring any woman on her knees, not me though. "Hello, Angel! I'm Vincent, this guy over here is my bestfriend." he said pointing to Greek god, I mean, Leonardo Mancini.

"And my precious Luci's boyfriend." I pointed out and he glanced at Luci who's blushing mess now and gave me a nod.

"And how do you know that?" he asked. I still felt the stormy grey eyes on me, but I just shrugged it off. I can feel heat creeping up my neck.

"Nice to meet you Vinny, I'm Hritika. Bestfriend of this two munchkins." I introduced myself.

"For fucks sake, Hrits. We're twenty one now." the twins whined and I heard the couple and Vinny chuckle while Leo looking at me, amused.

"But you're still younger than me, sweethearts. I'll be twenty two next week while you'll still be twenty one." I smirked. They both turned twenty one two months ago and I'll be turning twenty two next week. And as they're born in February while I born in April, almost a year before them so I'm senior to them. Still we have some classes together. As they both are in business and I'm too unfortunately.

"Whatever." they roll their eyes as I smile at their sulking face.

After finishing up the breakfast and getting compliments from Vinny as the other people knew about my cooking skills they praise me even more. Except the Greek god. I still feel like I've seen him somewhere before, but where? I can't remember.

"Okiee people, bye!!" I I got up from my chair only to be stopped by Vinny.

"Hey, Angel? Where are you going?" strange. That guy knows me only for a few minutes.

"She must be going to meet her favourite couple." Alberto's scowl reach to everyone's ears and I laughed out loud.

"You guys are my favourite couple too, love. Now can I go? I haven't seen them in a while." I pleaded.

"Go. But bring me their red velvet cupcakes." He demanded and I snorted.

"As you wish, your majesty." I bowed down slightly, mocking.

"Zia, I'll maybe not coming home tonight. I've some work after I visit Davis's. I gotta go now. Byee." I sprinted out of the room giving one last glance to the silent guy who is looking at me the whole time and got up the stairs to my room and packed my things in my bagpack and left the room hurriedly only to bump in a wall. "Where did this wall came from? Dammit." I rubbed my head cursing in Hindi.

"I'm not a wall Miss." a deep, husky voice spoke and I looked up at the owner of voice. I remember this voice all those five years. The same voice which soothed me then, but only more manly now. I blinked up at him. Is he really him? Or am I dreaming? He looks so handsome and hot now. I only have seen his eyes back then but I still remember the voice. These same arms which are holding me now were holding me back then, when I cried in his arms. God is he for real? Does he remember me?

"Are you done staring at me Miss? I've some work to do." he snapped at me. The warmth in his voice which he had back then was nowhere. He's a cold bastard now. Getting out his hold and taking a step back I asked the question I needed to ask the most in this time.

"You don't remember me?" My voice shaky and barely above whisper. He looked down at me -from his 6'4 height which gave him a good point at my 5'11- like I've grown two heads.

"Do I need to remember you?" His words broke my heart. He doesn't remember me. He promised me that he'll remember me even after we turn 80 and now, just five years later he forgot me. He doesn't remember me? I felt my eyes getting wet. Blinking a few times to not cry infront of him, I took a deep breath and muttering a 'No' I ran from there.

Running down the stairs I again bumped into someone. Looking up I saw Luc was laughing at something Vinny and Luci were saying beside him. Muttering a 'Sorry' to him I tried to escape from there but he saw my eyes watering and held my arm to stop me from moving. "Hrits? What happened? Why are you crying?" he asked getting panicked and drawing the others attention to me.

"Nothing. Just take care of my babies-" I said referring to my cars "- I don't want a scratch on them. And I'm not coming back tonight neither for a few days. Or maybe never." snatching my arm from his grasp I shouted on my shoulder, already reached main door.

"Hrits? What the hell is going on?" I heard them shout behind me but slamming the door on their face, I got in my Maserati and drove off the compound.

The only emotions I was feeling was hurt and rage. Hurt because the guy I admired in dark and dreamed of every night doesn't remember me. Rage at myself because in this world full of fake faces I believed that the guy, turned into a man now, will remember me when we meet again. He promised and I like a fool believed. Fucking hurts dammit.

It hurts like fuck.

It's okay. If he doesn't remember me then I'm not going to him again. I'm not gonna be a crybaby for a guy. He's still my dream boy. Yeah fucking dream boy. Not my price charming, but my scarred knight.

You don't remember me, my knight. And I'll never let you know who I am.