
His Karma

"How could you do this to me?" I thought you loved me?" he cried. "Love? You know nothing about love Moses Flinn. Newsflash my darling, the day I walked into your life, so did Karma. Did you really think, that you could get away with what you did to me? Hell no!"

Evy_Ejereje · Thành thị
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35 Chs

You will Listen to me.

The old man laughed really hard holding his side.

"Oh Moses, do you think I have the strength for those hyper active young ladies out there? Nahhh I've off that lover boy recipe for quite a long time, your old man is too old for that now. I feel flattered though, looks like my longs morning walks and the fruit and veggies diet is paying off after all. " Moses laughed at this, he was so excited at seeing his grandfather who had loved him far more than his own father did and ever will. "I'm so happy to see you grandpa, even though I can't say the same about someone else."

"Excuse you" David Flinn snapped and got up from the rocking chair he had been sitting all the while and walked to where both his father and son were sitted. "Now listen to me, I will not say this with sugar coated words and I expect you to take it seriously. You are long over due to be married to Bimbo Andrews and I expect that by this time next week, preparations would have commenced in that regard." And there was silence for some minutes, it could have been heard if a feather had dropped on the ground.

"Hmmmm Moses, what do you have to say for yourself son?" George Flinn asked. Moses rubbed his hand over his head and ruffled his hair in confusion.

"Grandpa, to be honest, I have no intentions of marrying this particular lady. I do not love her at all and this is my major reason in addition to that her attitude is awful, she is absolutely spoilt and disrespectful to everyone. I do not know why my father wants me to live a lifetime of misery with a woman I do not love just to save his friendship with the Andrews." Moses said with a croaky voice. But David Flinn banged the table and stood up and pointed at Moses with blood shot eyes.

"Now you listen to me son and listen to me, that lady is not just any lady, she is the only child of her parents and you think you can just walk away from her after having a child with her. She was your guest for a few days and she left with a child, your child growing in her and I have spent the last four years assuring her parents that you would make her your wife in due time but I think I am done making excuses for you." He yelled.

"What do you mean she was my guest for a few days and left with my child growing in her? Did I invite her to the mansion? Did I ask you to invite her on my behalf? I told you I wasn't interested in her from the go but you were hell bent on forcing her on me. And let me establish this fact, I did not consent to an intercourse with her, she took advantage of me just so you know. I would rather have died than get intimate with such a spoilt brat like her and you know that. So since she decided to play games in a bid to tie me down, I need you to tell the Andrews I will not be marrying their daughter because I am in love with someone else. And that's on period." Moses yelled back. David Flinn gave a dry laugh.

"Love? What do you know about love? Do you think I loved your mother? Or do you think she loved me back? Do you think this family's fortune was built or maintained by love marriages? Let me make this clear to you that this true love of yours needs to be buried because you must marry Bimbo Andrews and that's the only girl you are permitted to marry whether you love her or not. You would be lucky to have a woman who genuinely loves you unlike me." Moses' fists were clenched as he tried to keep his anger under control.

Grandpa George had been quiet the whole time as he watched his son and grandson tackle each other.

"You never told me this was the reason for our visit. You only told me you wanted us to talk to him about the company and getting a wife so that he could have a family of his own. Why then are you trying to force a wife on him? Tell me David, why do you want to subject your own son to the same misery that your mother put you through? And now you try to justify your mistake by talking about family legacy. I and your mother, David's grandma were lovers before we got married and I tried to warn you about marrying because of family background instead of love but you chose to follow your mother's advise and you ended up cheating on your wife and neglecting your family to she died. You are lucky that Moses forgave you and overlooked your wrongdoing but you have no right to force a wife on my grandson and I will make sure that does not happen. He will marry on his terms and to whomever he pleases." Hearing this, Moses knelt before his grandpa and rested his head on the man's laps and closed his eyes in relief. Just like when he was just a boy he knew he could always run to his grandfather for succour and the man never failed to defend him against his own father.