
His Karma

"How could you do this to me?" I thought you loved me?" he cried. "Love? You know nothing about love Moses Flinn. Newsflash my darling, the day I walked into your life, so did Karma. Did you really think, that you could get away with what you did to me? Hell no!"

Evy_Ejereje · Urban
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35 Chs


"Great! Perfect! Take his side Dad. That's all you have ever done. Not once have you ever made a stand with me concerning anything that concerns him and you think that is a good thing? You think it's a good thing that your grandson is denying his responsibility after putting the poor girl in the family way?" David lamented and pranced about the office space. Moses raised his Grandpa's laps and stood up

"Dad, I never said I was running away from my responsibility as the father of the child and I never have. As a matter of fact, you insisted that Bimbo moved into my house when she took in and since then she and the child have been with me. I have been responsible for the boy and her extravagant lifestyle. So I don't think your accusations are true Dad. All I'm saying is that I will not been forced to marry someone I do not love just to please anyone."

Grandpa George stood up and gulped the scotch that was left in his glass before dropping it on the table

"Well, it's been a long day for this old man and I think I've watched enough drama today to keep me going for whatever is left of my life. Moses, you own your life. It is your right to decide who you will be spending it with because trust me, it's going to be a very long ride if you continue your life's journey with someone you do not love. But with the right woman, forever will not be enough. And for the lady you say you're in love with, you have not mentioned anything about her but I guess that's topic for another day and by the next time I see you, I want her to be by your side. Okay? You have to promise that you will get married soon, I would like to be present at your wedding before I can die in peace." Moses felt the muscles in his chest tighten as he listened to his grandfather. It was an obvious reality, his grandpa won't always be around so he knew he had to find a way to grant his wish.

"Do you promise to get married as soon as possible?" The man asked with teary eyes. Moses nodded and a tear dropped. David sighed in frustration and shook his head. Moses hugged his Grandpa really tight and almost didn't want to let go but his grandpa patted his back and he knew he had to let go.

"I don't need to ask how the company is doing because I have been receiving the monthly reports and the atmosphere here shows everything is just fine so continue making me proud. David, take me home". David Flinn picked up his Dad's walking stick and handed it to him and the trio stepped out of the office in silence.

As they came out of the elevator to the lobby, everyone who was in sight stood still until the trio were out in the parking lot.

"Wow.... I wonder what my grandpa did with his life because just look at that. Grandpa George, Sir David Flinn and Master Moses Flinn a generational continuity of wealth and power. I wish I was born into this kind of family." One of the employees said. And the rest laughed.

"Imagine having a baby who wouldn't have to bother about anything in life because his great grand father prepared a legacy for it. Hmmmm." Another employee who was pregnant added as she rubbed her protruding stomach.

"Of course you wish, but if wishes were horses even servants would ride. But you can keep wishing while sitting at your desks and completing your tasks if you don't want to get a query for Master Flinn himself" Gerald who had been listening to the conversation snarled from behind and everyone of them hurried off to their desks.

Gerald was just the Personal assistant to the CEO of the company but everyone feared him more than any other member of management because they knew he had a good relationship with the CEO and for one to get a favor or get in trouble, it would only take a careless comment from Gerald to the CEO for that to happen and this was why everyone tried to be in his good books including the management team. Although Gerald did not let this get into his head or let it affect the way he treated his colleagues, he always made sure to use this influence to put them under check especially when he caught them gossiping which was one thing he hated so much. He decided to wait for his boss in the lobby and looked on as the trio stood by the waiting Range Rover. By merely looking at Sir David Flinn and his son Moses, he could tell by their body language that there must have been an altercation inside the office. If this was the case, then he was in a for a long conversation because as usual he was Moses' venting bag. All he had to do was stand or sit there and listen to the CEO rant for hours about how annoying his father was and not say a word.