

Marcus drove back into the villa in the late hours of the night . He got out of his car and headed straight to his room . He took off his clothes and got into the shower to wash off the blood from his body . Flashbacks of him killing his enemies played in his mind . Their screens of pain made him smile . How he loved it. No one can cross his path intending to hurt him and is left alive .

Marcus Greyson was a tall man , he had the body build of a true Greek god . Many women married and unmarried wanted him . No one outside his circle knew his dark nature . How he will do almost anything to bring his enemies down .

He was on top of the business world . Marcus was known as the idol of all men . Owning multiple companies , hotels and businesses . He got out of the shower and proceeded to dry himself and put on clean clothes . After he was dressed he poured himself a glass of whisky and proceeded to drink as he watched the city from his luxurious apartment window .

Contiplating the events of the day , he couldn't help feeling that someone close to him wanted to harm him . He reached for his phone in his pocket and dialed a number . Once the person picked up he proceeds to speak with out greeting , James find out who had sent the attackers , you have twenty four hours . After he finished talking he hung up the phone .

A cold mischievous smile appeared on his face with the plans he had in stored for his attackers, no one tries to harm me and loved to tell the tale. He could already imagine the best ways he would punish them .

In the morning as he was having breakfast his phone rang , he answered it and said , You have any information? The other person on the line replied , " yes sir your attacker was sent by Mr. Michelson from Horizon company . Good now send me all of the information of this Mr. Michelson , I want to know every thing about him from what he owns to what time he went to take a shit, he ordered . Yes sir the man from the other end replied .

He finished his meal and left his lwft his apartment and went to the office . Being a big shot business man at the young age of thirty two ,he was the envy of many well off people . He got into his office and started to woek , his secretary Ninaknocked on the door and got in to offer him a pile of files . He opened them and started to read the contents inside .

Ruining his business would not be enough punishment , hence he decided to attack his family. Jacob had an illegitimate child who he loved with all of his heart . Although she was just a love child and had never used his wealth she had established herself as a baker . And marulcus wanted to hurt the man through his only weakness , his daughter . After he left work that evening he told his driver to take him to a bakery that wasn't too far from his office .

As he got in the small simple bakery a sweet melodic voice spoke to him , good evening sir how can I help you. He turned and saw a fair petite woman looking up at him . She was extremely shorter than him probably around five feet tall . Her hair was jet black , she had brown eyes and beautiful delicate plump pink lips . Although she had dough on her face she looks incredibly beautiful to him .

He quickly gained his composure and tried not to seem drawn to he beauty , can I get a chocolate cake ?He spoke in a casual tone . The woman had a name tag on her and the name written was Amber. She went behind the counter and packed him a chocolate devil cake . That will be twenty bucks , she said . He gave her a twenty and took his package .

He left with out saying anything else to her and went back to his car . As he got into the car his driver spoke to him , Mr.Greyson that was miss Amber Michelson the illegitimate daughter of Jacob Michelson . Hearing this Marcus smiled mischeviouesly to himself . Take me home he orderedthe man.

He got back to his lavish apartment and had diner . The maids had served him the cake he had brought from the bakery . As he took the first bite his eyes opened up in amazement this cake was the best he has ever had . If this cake is this delicious I wonder if the baker is also delicious he thought to himself .