

Amber was closing up her bakery when a black car stopped outside . Marcus got out of the car and walked towards he . Excuse me miss , can I hire you to be my private baker ?He asked her . Amber looked him in the eye and tried to see if there was any hidden intention in this eyes . Since she couldn't see any she spoke calmly , ok sir when would you like me to bake for you ?

Here this is my contact card , please call me tomorrow morning so we can draft a contract . He handed her his card and left . Amber returned to her one bedroom apartment ant made herself a simple dinner . She ate freshener up and went to bed .

In the morning she got to her bakery early she finished her morning orders and decided to call the number on the business card . She didn't wish to pass such an offer of a life time . The phone was answers immediately , in the other line hello. Hello sir it's Amber from the bakery , she quickly spoke .

Hearing her voice Marcus smiled involuteraly , yes miss Amber. Please come to MALV company . Just tell the front desk people and one of them will bring you to my office . He didn't let her answer back when he hung up the phone . How rude she thought to herself.

She closed the bakery and headed to the company building . As she got in she couldn't help but stare at how massive the building was . She told front desk lady that she had an appointment with Mr.miller . The woman took her through the executive elevator and went with her up to his office . She knocked the door twice and waited to be let in . Marcus's voice told them to come in .

Amber got in and went toward his desk .please sit down , he pointed to the small chair . She took a sit and looked at him . Marcus pulled out a contract and gave it to her , please read it carefully before signing it . Amber read it and saw no flaws on it she signed it . Seeing that she signed it Marcus smiled and shook her hand .

Miss Amber on the days I'll need your skills my driver will personally come get you from your bakery . Amber just nodded and said nothing . If there's nothing else I'll be leaving she said . Wait I'll drop you off to your bakery I'm heading out soon .

Amber sat at a couch as she waited for him . After five minutes he was done and they walked together to the elevator . They got to the basement parking lot and headed to his car . Out of no where they were attacked by a group of men . Marcus caught with them effortlessly but as one man was going to shoot him Amber jumped infront of him and got shot instead .

Marcus had never expected a complete stranger to take a bullet for him . The men left in a car as Amber fell to the ground . Marcus instinctively caught her head before it hit the ground . HIS driver helped him get Amber in the car and they drove off. Where to sir ? the driver asked . Take us to my estate .

The driver knew not to ask anymore questions and drove like a mad man to the Miller private estate . Amber was bleeding profusely , she had been shot in the stomach after all . They arrived at the mansion and he took her up to his room . As he took a turn to his bedroom he shouted , Bruce call the doctor now . He sounded scared . Already on his way sir .

The doctor arrived a few minutes later with all the needed equipment . Mr . Miller please leave the room so I can do my work , he spike to Marcus. Instead of leaving Marcus sat on the couch and said nothing . Knowing his nature the doctor didn't say anything else .

Although he was scared for her life he didn't want to admit it . She'd better not die , who will I use for my revenge . Amber woke up from the pain screening, her screens scared him . She was in alot of pain because she saved him . Can't you make her sleep ?He asked the doctor . I did sir but it seems it's not working , I. I think she's immune to it .

I...I can take it she said , just don't let me die . She spoke. The doctor kept on with the surgery and she screened each time . Marcus got out trying to avoid her screens. He went to the garden to smoke but even there her screens reached him . After what seemed like a long time her screens stopped .

A main rushed to him in the garden , sir the doctor is done with the surgery . Marcus rushed to the room to see her pale face sleeping . Is she going to be ok ?He asked the doctor . Yes she will be ok . She did loose alot of blood but she is a fighter .

After the doctor left Marcus went back to the room and sat on the couch . Hundreds of questions ran in his mind . Why did she save him , who were those men and why did the anesthesia not work on her . He fell asleep on the couch and left her on the bed .

She didn't wake up for five straight days and Marcus began to worry . Although the monitors showed she was stable he was terrified . On the sixth day she opened ever eyes and the maid who saw her quickly ran to tell Marcus. She she's awake .

Marcus rushed to his room only to see Amber try to walk around . Please sit down Amber, he begged . No I can't I have to leave before those men find me , she said . Why ?He asked. Those were hit men sent by by dad's wife Ireen. I've been trying to lay low but since I was a child my mother and I have always been dodging death . She turned to him and spoke gently thank you for saving my life .

Hearing her say those words made Marcus feel sorry for her . She didn't deserve to be targeted by her fatherss wife even if she was the fruit of his infidelity. He instinctively stoped her from leaving and forced her back into bed . You need to heal first , he ordered her . At first she hesitated when she a greed to lay down .