
Chapter17 of chapter 10 The duchess

Narrator Pov....

She roll over in the bed, stretching out her hands to touch the handsome man she spend the night with. While smiling happily in her sleep. Last night was the best ever she couldn't get her mind her mind off. The way he kissed her, moves his hips, thrusting faster in her, she loves it all. It was the best night of her life. 

"Milord, I love you" she whispered, still moving her fingers on the bed to touch the handsome fellow. 

"Milady!" She heard a gentle voice call on her name, makes her drift her eyes open. 

It was Lady Pearl! What's is she doing in the Duke room! 

Lady Pearl smiled when she saw the nervous looks on the girl face. "I know you have a lot of questions. But you need to have your bath milady"  she clapped her hands. Immediately, four maids appears in the room. 

They bowed and greeted her. 


Isabella was stunned! What the hell is going on here! She is naked for Christ sake and the only thing that was covering her body from exposing to the outside world was the blanket of the bed! 

Lady Charlotte was the one always waking her up and attending to her needs. What the hell is lady Pearl doing in the room! 

"Where.. is lady Charlotte?" She stammer, while her eyes darted around. 

"Lady Charlotte is making sure your breakfast is served in a proper way milady" lady Pearl explained with a slightly smile on her lips. 

This is awkward! 

"Milady, are you ready for your bath?" 

Isabella blinks her eyes. She didn't understand what going on. The man she slept with was no where to be found, and lady Pearl was acting a bit strange. Let's say a lot strange. She even address her as milady for the first time! Isn't this insane! 

"The Duke wants you to be ready before 8:00" 

Isabella compose herself, smile sleepily at the woman standing in front of her looking delicate as a loyal handmaid. 

"I..I am naked" Isabella said, feeling a bit shy. She just had a night with a man, and out of nowhere, lady Pearl and the maids appears. She even wonder if lady Pearl heard her silly confession word. 

"You don't have to worry milady. We're all women here" lady Pearl said, still smiling. 


Down in the kitchen, everywhere seen to be in a rush. As all tried to make the most delicious meal without any mistakes! Since the Duke of Hastings have requested for this, all should be prefect! Extremely prefect! 

Lady Angela was even confused. She didn't understand why the rush today. They haven't been wake up this early before. Some of them couldn't even get the two hours good sleep them deserve. She wonder what's the occasion for. But her mind immediately understand when she saw Lady Charlotte in the kitchen. Making sure all meal are cook in best. 

"What this bastard doing here?" She said inwardly. Suddenly, lady Charlotte gaze shift to hers. Lady Angela quickly bowed her head and continue on what she was doing. 

Lady Charlotte smiled mischievous. Such a sinner is easily to caught in their own spot. She approach her delicately with her hands fold behind her back. 

"You're  lady Angela. Right?" She asked, while still smiling at woman. Immediately, Lady Angela shudder, this bastard is here to torture her! She gritted on her teeth and simply lift her face up to meet the burning red eyes in front of her. 

"Y-y-yes, good morning milady" she bowed and greeted. 

" I can see you're a kitchen maid. That's not bad" her eyes darted around the lady like some kind of prey. " I guess you know your place and don't try things that would lead to your death" Lady Charlotte warned. 

Lady Angela heart skipped. Does she know about her plan? Vampires are heard to deal with and she had meet many of them in the past. They're very sensitive people when it comes to reading minds and thoughts. 

Lady Angela smile warmly. "What are you saying Milady?" She asked. Pretending not to be held suspect of anything the vampiress is thinking. 

"You'll soon Lady Angela" she smiled and left her to check the others chiefs in the kitchen.

"What's the hell just happen? Did she knows what I'm thinking?"  She asked herself.