
Chapter18 of chapter 1 The duchess

All preparation was set Include the gathering of the lords and ladies in the house. Waiting patiently for the arrival of the beast.  Nobody knows about the early summon of the Duke but all they can tell. That it would be very important since it the Duke himself who summoned this early gathering. 

The court room was filled with high society men from different decade. It was a invitation that no one can decline but what left them curious is the reason of this gathering. Is the Duke going to punished someone on their presence to show as a moral lessons to all? They thought. But if that the case, he wouldn't have told them to look their best! 

What the hell is the Duke up to this time! 

No one have gotten the sleep they deserve. The instructions that was given out, was all members of the clue had to arrive in the court room before 7:00am. Whether within or without the mansion. It was an instruction that need to be obey if not, a head will roll on the ground. 

As everyone had prepared themselves in the court. Well dressed like the royals they seem themselves. Seated on the huge dining table that can occupied a whole city members. 

Delicious dessert were all served on the table as all members seated delicately. Waiting curiously for their one and only leader. The one that was referred as the beast also the ruthless man in the city. 

All maids were put in their place, assigned of their duties as all stands behind all the lord's in the dining table, waiting for their orders and instructions. 

Lady Emily who have being burning with rage since the day the Duke bought the low life girl to the court room. Tried hard to look her best. Yes, she might have gotten Scott by her side but when it comes to power and wealth, Scott can't stand up to the Duke. That doesn't means she didn't loves him. Of course, she extremely loves him with all her heart but the sight of power and wealth still attract her eyes. The Duke! Her dream man that a slave have taken away from her. 

She sighed and wave that dirty  thought out of her mind. She can't allow her influence to affect her today. She had make sure to look the best out of the best. The Duke belongs to her and not Isabella. She should have been the one to stand next to him. Now, lady Elsie is out of the way. It would be easy to get rid of that slave. She had make sure to twist the mind set of Scott. Isabella will died today. She smiled wickedly at the thought of that. Since the love Scott have for her was uncontrollable. She fully believe he would kill that slave for her. 

Her only happiness would be fullfil when that rat is killed and that's today! 

Just in her dreaming thought. She heard the announcement of the spoken man. 

"All hail the Duke of Hastings!" 

Immediately all stands up on their feets to welcome the mighty man. 

Lady Emily was extremely happy that she compose herself very well. Making sure all her dressing was well enough attractive to catch the Duke eyes. 

A slender man walks in, dressed in a well defined  expensive clothes. The ones that speaks of royalty. His face was cover in a emotionless expression. That was cold as ice. His hair was combed backwards neatly. Enchanting his face to the view of the people in the room.  His presence alone was intimidating, strong and cold, sending fear into the body of everyone in the room.

seeing him walks in with the escort of Marcus and other men behind him, whose whom seen serious too. 

A mischievous smile curled up on his lips, as his devilish eyes read the expression on the faces of everyone in the room. Some with curiosity and other nervous to know why he call. Except lady Emily who was a bit excited to seen her prince charming. He had a reason to summon this meeting in the first place. 

"Milord!" They greeted in chorus and bowed their heads low. Waited for the Duke to take his chair before anyone sat down. 


The Duke chamber...

Isabella stood speechless to the reflection of herself in the mirror. She couldn't even understand what going on. She seem different and desirable. She didn't seen as a once a maid or slave anymore. Lady Pearl have touch her body with her magic hands. 

"Milady, you look beautiful!" Lady Pearl compliment while the confused lady glared at her on the mirror. 

Isabella blinks, " what... Did the Duke want to do?" She asked. 

Lady Pearl sighed. She was not in the shoe to ruined the Duke surprise to the woman who has stolen his heart. She smiled that her prayer have be answered. The late duchess would surely be happy in her grave now. The Duke was going to break the Cruse. And Isabella appears to be the one to heal his wounded heart. She was glad, at least, she was alive to see this. 

"Why don't we go downstairs for you to see it yourself?" Lady Pearl suggest. Isabella just nodded. Glanced at herself one last time before drifting her eyes from the mirror. 

She looks around and saw the dining table was empty. Didn't lady Pearl said that lady Charlotte went to the kitchen to prepare her meal? Then, why is the table empty! 

"Lady Pearl... The table" before she could complete her statement. Lady Pearl quickly cut her short. 

"Your breakfast was served downstairs in the court room. The Duke wants you to eat with him there" lady Pearl explained. 

" Alright" before she could make a step. A slender figure walks in. " Oh my goodness! You look so beautiful!" Lady Lily praised. 

Isabella smiled. At least, someone to talk to. She was suffocating with all the preparation make-up, dressing and jewelry lady Pearl and maids put on her. It makes her feel heavy! 

"Thank you Lily"

"Oh c'mon on, you don't have to thank me milady" she bowed playfully. "you're now the Duke woman. And you should live up to it!" 

Isabella blushed, as she feels her cheeks turning red. Yeah, she's his woman and he's her man. She admits that in her mind, as she flattered at the thought. She blushed more. 

"Shall we Lady Isabella?" Lady Pearl said interrupting the friends little chats.

"Sure of course" Isabella answered, straight her head to fixed in the topic she now saw herself. Escort out by maids and bodyguards assigned by the Duke.  The Duke woman and forever be his. She blushed again! 

At the other side of the mansion. Others are planning to take her life if her arrival at the court room or not. They have set their mission in place, in case plan A didn't work, plan B will. 


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