
Chapter16 of chapter 3 The Duke woman

Isabella Pov... 

With no further obligation, he stretched forth his hand smiling mischievous at me. I didn't obliged and took his hands to help me get off the bed. 

Immediately, I was down, he leaned close and whispered. " I promise you are going to love" I shuddered. I don't know what this man was planning since he's full of mystery I can't unfold. What's is he going to do...? 

We walked further to the door with his hand firmly wrapped around my waist, make the situation more frighten. What if the anyone see the way he hold me that would bought up another gossip ofe sleeping with the Duke! 

I tried getting his grips out of my waist but it was way to strong on me like he pinned his hands on my waist...

When the door opened, the lady Charlotte was standing at the side of the door with other guards men. Them all bowed instantly with the Duke presence. 

"Good morning milord!" 

With satisfaction of the guards men and the lady, he looked at me and said " what about my woman, have you forgotten to pay your respect to her!" 

Immediately, them bowed at me 

" Good morning milady! " 

What is going on here! Was that necessary?Getting what he wants, he turned and said " let's go, the other are waiting" 

No questions, I simply takes the steps before him while he lead the way with his hands still on my waist, refusing to let go.. whlie the guards men and lady Charlotte walks behind us.

What's going on and where are going? I turned my head behind to catch the glimpse of the lady walking behind us which my memories have tried to remember when I meet her first... Yes! I have indeed meet her before. She was the one who treatment me on the day, lady Ruby violently attack me. 

When she catch my gaze, she only smiled at me. "You should face where you are going" a exotically voice whispered in my ear.  Of course is the devil...

I simply face forward without saying anything. When we passed the corridor, the maids who are still on duty that morning immediately bowed  at us before we left the premises . I know some of them might have known me and recognize my face very well even though I am dress in rich and expensive clothes but no one dare to speak a word, remains slient as we walk by...

I looked at the man walking side with me, he seem more glorious with the situation like it nothing wrong taking your handmaid and dressed her like a noble lady which I am not. 

I felt more pale, he said he was going to introduce me to the others. The others I have no clue who them are!  

Then, we get to a huge fancy door, which stands two massive men at the entrance. When them saw us coming, them bowed in submission and respect to the Duke and immediately pushed the door opened. My heart skipped at the sight of this, with no further resistance, we walked in.

Immediately we entered, all members of the high court stand up on theirs feets! I looked around and was shocked and stunned. Everyone lords and ladies of the mansion was all presence in the court room! 

Was the Duke going to introduce me to the lords!? As who? My heart throb the more. I could hear my heartbeat clearly. What is he up to ! I looked at the some of the faces of the lords and ladies. The ones I know were also present! Even, lady Pearl, lady Emily and even Marcus too, who didn't seen surprise at all..

Some of the others were surprised to seen a black maid like me dressed up in rich clothes and the worse of it, hold on the waist tightly  by the Duke in the presence of everyone! 

I could hear slightly  murmuring from the crowd, As them keeps it down not for the Duke to hear a word them whispered, despite the court room was crowded, and all eyes were on me, some looking surprisedly and some with envies. I could feel goosebumps on my skin, felt like running away from here as soon as possible. The atmosphere was soar and full of suspicious gazes of unwanted,  The ones that can burn a soul just by looking only... I tried to get his hands away from my waist but I couldn't, he tightly his grips more, can't he see I'm feeling a wear out with all these? I was burning in shame while he seem more excited with everything! 

What type of man is this! 

 After everyone had bowed to us. He led the way to the high table where the others seated on.

A chair was pushed out  one of the guard men standing behind the each lords mad ladies in the room. I seat comfortable besides the Duke, who took his chair after he had watch me fully seated. My hands are sweaty that I could feel my feets shrivering , with all eyes on me on the table make me feel a little of myself that I didn't belong here in the first place, but since it the Duke, no one dare to say a word against me on the table...

When we are done seated, everyone have their seat, since it a respect to have the Duke seat first before anyone seat. Lady Pearl slaps her fingers, and a gang of maids comes in with lot of food sitting on the moving trays them bought in.

The trays were full of all types of different food, vegetables, fruits, and all types of cooked food also and not to forget wines of higher class are serve also ....

Whlie I was scrubbing on my wet palm, his hand cupped on them, I turned surprisedly at him, then I saw his wicked smile curled up on his lips. He sure enjoying whatever he's doing. 

After the table was set respectfully, 

"Lady Isabella, are you okay with the meal serve for you?" A calmed voice asked, I turned to seen who was talking but you my surprise it was Lady Pearl! Did she just address me as 'Lady' 

Am I a lady now? With widened eyes I nodded childish feeling awkward of the situation.

"Lady Isabella, a delicate lady don't nods but said the word 'yes'" the Duke said, smiling at me. A smile that I can read that have lot of meaning...