
Chapter 14 of chapter 7 Find the idiot!

The Duke Pov.....

Who would have thought that someone like me would deliberately for a black woman..

I once remember the words of my father as I watch him torture my mother, dripping her blood for her vein through her wrist...

She was pain, shutting her eyes not to see the way the monster dripping her blood with his sharp fangs...

"If you want to rule, you should know how to deal with your enemies." He mumbled beneath her wrist. Finally, release his fangs from her wrist. There was still dripping blood from her wrist that makes me thirsty for blood. But I tried to hide my long fangs for my father never to notice, I'm thirsty..

If he knew, he would force me to drink from her. The last time I do, she curse me as a monster just like my father... 

"People like your mother are nothing but slaves and maid. Possibly made for bed warm" he turned to me, where I sit delicately watching them while them sat on the bed...

"She's nothing. And I wish you don't go for people who are nothing to the society left alone less in public eyes." He continues

" A vampire is an immortal lord that live forever. If you want to live forever then pick the right woman like some like this prey!" He pushed her away. She stumbled on the ground, wailing in slient. I want to move and help her up but I can't. It against my father right... As a Duke, you shouldn't never act pathetic. People who are kind are refer as pathetic losers by my father..

"If you don't want to be pathetic! Then, be the immortal you are!" 

That's the way he had dress her, less, slave and a maid. Yet he had married her.

She always look at me with pleading eyes, wanting to say something but she couldn't. I'm the beast she had given brith to....

And all these times, lady Pearl and lady Elsie were present in the mansion. My father was ashamed of taking her to important occasion or meeting regarding who the occasion belongs to. 

He always takes lady Pearl, as she seem to be the Duke wife makes her been address by some people as the duchess...

I have never hated anyone but have stood slient to watch.... To watch the pains in her eyes as she cries day and night..

"You don't have to worry. She will be fine. I promise she will"  

Marcus tapped on my shoulder, drive me out of my collusion. I gaze at him with no expression on face  and back to the corridor.

Suddenly, I spotted one of the men I instructed to guide the entrance of my chamber running towards my way. 

"Milord" he bowed when close, breathing like a wild animal who runs a mile to here. With impatiently I asked " what's the problem!?" 

"Milord, the doctor said I should come and informed you the lady is up" he alarmed

Isabella is up? Like up to her feets! I know the poison was a gas deadly poison she had inhale inside of her. But I was expecting her to wake up this early! Oh my goodness! She's up! 

"Isabella is up?" Marcus asked surprisingly, and the graud man nods. Whlie I stand rooted on my foot. I couldn't believe my woman was up. I couldn't move! 

"Arthur, she's up" Marcus said, taps on me since I wasn't moving... But I know it, I run as fast my legs could carry.. While Marcus ran after me. 

Then I realized, we are here. The guards men guiding the entrance bowed immediately them saw us...

I sighed, my feet was roof to the ground, scared to make a move. Am I scared? Am I this scared? For the first time I have felt my ice heart beats and stumbled just for the sight of losing her. I felt like a weak man who couldn't stand up to his feets..

Standing facing the my chamber door..

"Love can make us crazy sometimes you know"

I turned at him, what the hell is this man saying. I'm here dying for anxiousness of losing the one person I valued and he is talking rubbish! 

" you'd have to keeps on talking without minding your words Marcus?" 

" Oh, I'm sorry. Thought of lighting up the situation"

" Just shut up!" 

I heaved a deep sighed before I slaps the door open and went in while Marcus stayed behind.. I guess he too was scared to face her. The same tension have hold us, the fear to lose someone close to the heart. That was the tension I was feeling... Like I was a bit doubting if she was awake or not. I just can't tell even when the information was bought to me, I was still scared also go with Marcus because I can hear his heart beats...

That idiot is creating more tension on me!

Just that moment, my eyes fall on hers. My Isabella was truly awake and sound, I can't believe it! She's back to me. Her eyes were looking straight at me, I can tell she was still confused of her current state..

"Isabella?" I muttered softly, watch her beautiful face on me. Then, I smiled. The feeling that I have never felt before cupped up with me. The feeling of peace and joy all mixed up in my heart.

I looked at the side, the lady was still there. I fade up my smile. 

"Out!" I barks at her. Immediately, she strode out of the room. I want some privacy with my woman.. I want to hugged her, kiss her and hold her in my arms tightly without thinking of letting her go. Not even out of my sight in a minute....

I sat on the couch beside to the bed , the one the lady just stands up from. 

I hold to her hand, she'd seen surprise of what I was doing. I hold her wrist firmly and place a kiss on her hand. Fuck! Isabella, I wish you could have known amount I miss you and want you..

"Milord.." she tried to speak but I shut her up siezing her words in her mouth with my finger on her glossy lips ...

"Don't you say a word, you need to rest and fully recovered" 

Her face stared confusedly at her, I know she had a lot to asked but first, she need to rest..

"Where am I?" She asked, looking around the room in a quizzical way. 

"You are safe Isabella, you're in my arms just with me"

She looked lost at me. Her heart was racing go the beat of slience which I can feel. 

She was curious 

 "What are you saying milord?" 

"I am saying that I am here to protect you and promise to never leave your side again" I repeat myself for her to understand what I meant. I would never leave her side and that what I hold to my heart! Nothing would never happen to her again.

Just then, the Marcus that refused to come in later walks in. I know he wants us to have a little privacy before he steps in. Her face delight up when she saw Marcus

"Isabella, you are awake?" Marcia asked surprisingly seeing her back to life... I was planning to have more privacy with my woman. But  this idiot just stromed in! 

"Was l asleep that long?" Isabella asked,  Marcus nods.

Just then, she comes up with another question.

"What about Lady Lily?have she finally agreed to live in the mansion?" 

Oh that was unexpected, unknown to her Marcus drown her. He look at me and back to Isabella. With a pretend smile not to make her suspect anything, he smiled at her..

You can fool her but you can't fool me.. 

"Yes, she finally agreed to live in the mansion" 

" Can I see her?" 

Before Marcus could think to say a word, I cut in. No she can't go anywhere! Not now she finally awake..

No! You are weak and haven't fully recovered and you want to seen someone? Wait until you are ready" I taunted..

" Marcus, you can go to check on lady Lily" 

" Yes Milord" Marcus bowed and walks his way out of the room. My eyes shift to her, my woman was back on her feets that amazed me. My fingers trailed through curly hair softly. While my eyes was locked to hers, I couldn't stop myself for wanting to touch her. I want to feel her pearl skin in my arms again...

I could feel her heart thumping, as my fingers runs through her hair. I want all of her in my bed. ...

"My Isabella" he muttered lustful... The heat I was feeling inside of me, was heating up the more. Oh this woman what have you done to me! With curiosity she asked frighten

"Am I going back to the dungeon?"  My fingers running through her hair stop. " Please don't take me back there. It really a hell. Please, I don't want to go back in there, I  can't go back there, it too tortured" 

 I gritted on teeth angrily and clenched a fist. I can't believe that ungrateful woman torture my woman this way, after all I have gave to her. She still have the guts to laid her hand on thing precious to me? I promise she wouldn't get away that easily. Her punishment have just started!

"You are not going back in there. I promise to make her paid for the pains she had cause you! " I stormed

"I promise to be a good handmaid and never go against your will and defy your word" 

That word almost get me hook up from where I was sitting. She such an angel....

 " I had give you my word. You are not going back there again. Not now or forever!"I  stated to her satisfaction, hope that to calm her down. She smile lovely, just the old beauty smile I have missed..

I couldn't stop myself and  leans over and kissed her on the head. Before I will move any relevant move, I have to wait until she is full recovery because the sensation I'm feeling now, would go easy on her.

 She glared at me wide eyed. Giving me a quizzically looks..

"What I can't kiss my woman?" 

Her eyes extend in a frightful stared, like the word my woman scared her. I know have hurt her emotionally through my times with lady Elsie but I want to make up for all that... This is one of the way, to treat her just like the queen she is... 

"You said you would do anything that I seek of you. Right?" 

 She nodded. " What about I asked you to be my...."  Before I could finish, someone voice cut it .. who that bastard interrupting my moment? 

" Milord!"

It was Marcus, his face seen worried and frighten, I smell something fishy, his eyes can even tell the little information of what bothering him. "I have something to discuss with you in private" 

With the expression of his face, I believe something must have happened.