
Chapter 14 of chapter 8 Find the idiot!


The Duke Pov.....

With Marcus expression nd his beating of his heart I can hear, something is off. I kissed my woman head again before releasing her to attend to Marcus call..

He leans close and whispered the word that I wasn't expecting. 

"Emma the maid  closer to Isabella was found dead in the wood" 

Emma? Immediately my face expression change to something cold and dark.. someone is playing games with me inmy mansion!!

I turned to the direction of her, she seem shock with my immediate change of face. I believe she could seen the darkness in my eyes.. 

I just can't risk it, if her friend was attacks, that means whosoever that attack her friend was planning to harm her too.

"Gruads!" I called on the guards, which request for the doctor that previously worked on her. She was the only one I could trust with the safety of my woman since Marcus and I have things to attend to...

I her in my arms, as she glanced surprisingly at me, want to know what happening. I just can't tell her, she had just recovery from the poison that almost slip her away from my hands. I just can't allow that to happen again. 

I don't know how she was going to feel even when she heard the news her best friend was found dead in the wood by unknown killer...

She would be heartbroken and that's what I don't want her to feel. I had to keep it away from her until I decide to let her know....

She stared curiously at me to read the thoughts in face but I didn't gives in. The first thing to do was get her into safety before I find the idiot who thinks my mansion was a field of killing anyone! 

Her arms were warped around my neck, supporting herself well. She turned to geta clue from the others walking behind us but she couldn't...

I know she had a lot of questions that demand answers but not now... I need to get my hands in those idiots who are secretly roaming in my mansion! 

I make my woman laid down on the bed in my chamber. Give all necessary instructions on what to do, I glared at her even though when she hold my hand, she wants me to stay but I have to get thing done before them get out of hand....

I assure her my words and barge out of the chamber along with Marcus.

"How long have her body been in the wood?" I asked drily, immediately we steps out...

"For what I have seen, her body must have been kill last night." 

" Who do you thinks might be responsible for these tragedy? " 

" Milord, I think the killer would e same killer of the lord in his chamber. And it seems to be linking to someone in particular but if we want to caught them, we have to played dumb by their attack. The main target now would be Isabella."

" What are you suggesting?" I questioned impatiently. I can't risk any harm coming closer to my woman. If anyone wants to get close to her, have to cross through my arm if death first! 

He breath in..

"W-we have to set Isabella as an ally" he stammer

", What!?" 

" Yes, I know you would be angry but you have to trusted my. There are not just one of them in the mansion." 

I sighed heavily, the one thing I was afraid of was some idiots touching what mine...

",If  you said so. I would consider. But make it fast, I can't allow my mansion to be rules by some fools who I can simply rib off their necks!" 

" As you wish Milord, it shall be done" he bowed before we walk down to the stairs. I just can't wait to get my hands on this fools who thinks them can do whatever them like in my roof!