
Chapter 17.

Seraphina's POV

It feels like my stomach is about to explode. Last night I talked to Nicholas about permission to tell Gabriella about the mafia.

We had planned for me to meet her daughter later today but it doesn't feel right to meet her baby without her full knowledge of me.

Here we are, I asked if we could meet before to talk and she agreed so we are here at a park.

I'm sitting on a bench waiting for her to walk over, she just got here. My knee starts to bounce as my nerves increase. What if she hates me? I can't lose my only friend.

"Hey, Sera." I stand up and hug her, and we sit on the bench. "So what did you want to talk about?"

I clear my throat and force myself to not look at her not wanting to see her reaction. "Umm... look there's no easy way for me to say this so here. Nicholas is a mafia boss and technically I'm the donna." I wring out my fingers looking at my shoes. She starts to laugh.

"I figured that out."