
His crazy obsession

Theodora the daughter of Mr Nathan, one of the multi billionaires of his time, lived a terrible life, a life of suffering and pain, until things started crumbling down for her father. Silver the cold hearted billionaire Mafia boss. A man of known to have little or no emotions, he borrowed Mr Nathan some money for his business and he couldn't pay Nathan back. Out of his selfishness, Nathan sold his first daughter Theodora to Silver to pay him for his debt, what happens when sparks fly between them and silver ands up falling in Love with Theodora?? And she took ends up having feelings for him??, dark family mysteries are uncovered, will love triumph in the end? Read on to find out!!

Gift_Ny · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
20 Chs

CHAPTER 25 & 26




Brian was in his house with his slut when the lights went out.

"I'll be back babe, lemme go check the circuit!"

The girl nodded and he stood up and went downstairs, he saw a mysterious figure on black seated on a chair with his face covered and he puffed out the smoke from the cigar.

His legs crossed and he then lifted his head and said

"Good evening brother!"

That voice was so familiar, the aura was like that of Silver's.

But he was dead right??.

"Who are you?"

"Don't you remember me!" He said with a dark chuckle as he looked up and smirked.


"Hello brother!" He said.

Brian stepped back, he staggered from the fear and leaned on the wall with his hands searching for something. The security button.

"Why are you running??"

"Silver is dead so who the fuck are you?"

"Don't you believe me, brother!"

"Don't call me that!" He yelled as his hands finally reached the button, he pressed it and nothing happened, his men didn't come.

"Your men, they are dead!"

Silver said as he took close steps towards him, his back was now pressed on the wall, silver then chuckled then shot him in the leg making him fall.

"F^ck!" He cursed as he groaned in pain.

Silver the shit the other leg and lit the whole house on fire.

"Don't do this!!, please don't hurt me I'm sorry, I didn't plan your death!" He said as tears dripped from his eyes this was the end.


He woke up with beads of sweat on his forehead, he removed the blanket and saw that one of legs was injured.

He looked around and his bitch was peacefully sleeping beside him.

"What the frick is going on?!" He said as he made to stand up but he fell down on the floor, his legs aches like hell.

He then grabbed the wall for support then started walking slowly downstairs.

He then looked around, everything was perfectly fine, nothing was burnt.

How did he do that ?? Is he still alive, does he want to kill me?

All these questions ran through his mind as he bit his nails from fear.

He then staggered upstairs and went back to bed.


Katelyn was on her bed, she had been avoiding Stanley since the day he kissed her.

Why did that happen?? Why did things have to get weird? She asked herself those questions as she heard a knock on her door.

"Please don't come in I want to be alone!"

"It's me Stanley, please open up I need to talk to you!"

"Leave me alone Stanley!!, I want to be alone?"

"Please just give me a chance to talk to you please!" He pleaded as he voice cracked, one could tell that he was about to cry.

She had felt pity for him, she was quite confused about her feelings for him.

Did she like him as a friend??, or as a lover?

She then remembered those times when Stanley was with her.


Katelyn was in her room, she w had finished preparing for her date with Charlie, he was her Hugh school sweatheart.

They never really dated but when he asked her out to a date she was so excited, she then wore the dress that Stanley bought for her.

She then looked at herself and smiled and muttered

"Stanley, you really know me well!" With a light chuckle she then went downstairs.

They have been friends before they joined the Mafia. Childhood friends per say, she then walked downstairs only to see Stanley sitting handsomely one the couch.

His hair was curled giving him the dreamy look, his hot soft looking pink lips, his beautiful brown eyes, and chiseled jawline.

He was wearing a royal blue tuxedo.

"So how do I look?" She asked as he raised his head and looked at her, his jaw dropped.

"I might just steal you for myself tonight, let your date keep waiting!" He joked as he stood up.

She then laughed and said

"Alright let's go!"

They then walked out of the house and went to his car, according to him, he had a date that night that was why he was dressed so classy.

He then reached the restaurant where her date was supposed to take place.

"Bye!" She said cutely

"Bye and don't like a pig in front of your date!"

"Excuse me I don't eat like a pig!" She said as she punched his shoulder.

"Ouch!" He said cutely before waving and driving off

"Jerk!" She said and entered the restaurant, her eyes searched around for Charlie but didn't see him, she then decided to wait for him.

"Would you like to order anything ma'am?!" The waiter asked her with a bright smile.

She returned the smile and said

"No thanks I'm waiting for someone!"

"Okay ma'am, please do call my attention of you need anything!"

"Okay!" She said as she continued the wait.

She felt pressed after some minutes and went to the bathroom to relieve herself when she heard moans from the male bathroom.

"You're so wet babe!" Charlie's manly voice could hear from the bathroom.

She then went to open the door because of his voice only to see him f^cking her female best friend Romina.

"What the f^ck she yelled calling the attention of the sex partners.

She then cried and ran out of the restaurant.

She walked on the lowly road as she sobbed quietly, she didn't want anyone to ask her questions.

She walked with no direction in mind, when three huge men approached her.

"Where are you going little lady?!" One asked looking at her lustfully, she rolled her eyes and scoffed trying to move away but the other two held her back.

The leader then started slowing unbuckling their belt as his men held her down.

"Don't touch me please!" She said as started sobbing.

"Oh this is gonna be fun" he said as he tore off the lower part of her dress, her underwear could be seen, he then wanted to tear of her panties when Two punches landed on his face his lips burst.

Stanley stared daggers into the other two eyes and they shivered in fear and let her go leaving their boss behind.

Stanley then beat the man repeatedly until he lost consciousness.

"Are you okay?!" He asked ina soft voice.

She didn't respond she just hugged him tightly, he hugged her back caressing her hair.

"It's alright don't be scared!"

He then stood up and carried her on his back, walking to his already parked car and drove them home.


She then bit her lips, she was feeling quite sorry for what she did to him, she then opened her door but didn't see him there.

She then walked to his room and peeped through his slightly opened door and saw him on the floor with a bottle of whiskey, drinking away his pain.

She was feeling so guilty right now!, she then walked in slowly.

Stanley realizing that another presence is in the room, looked up and his piercing gaze met hers.

He stood up and went to her and held her hands and looked at her.

"I'm so sorry, don't be mad at me, I made a silly mistake, I didn't mean any harm, I was very dumb and inconsiderate, you were going through heart break but instead if me or console you I went for my own selfish needs, I miss talking to you, don't end our friendship here, you are all I have and own, your my only family, please forgive me!" He said every line with pain gripping his heart and tears falling from his eyes.

She then looked at him, and raised herself up using her tippy toes and kissed him.

He shocked at first but he then eased into the kiss, kissing her more passionately. She then deepened the kiss and opened her mouth giving his tongue entrance.

He then started tracing his hands along her back drawing imaginary circles along her back.

She then moaned in his mouth and he pulled away and gazed at her lovingly.

"Thanks for giving me a chance!"

"Who said I was giving you a chance dummy!", she said as she rolled her eyes at him.

He then chuckled.



Brian woke up and immediately went to his bathroom to have a shower, he then came out and called his Assistant.

"Please book a meeting with the Pope!"

"Okay sir;" the man said with a raised brow.

When did his boss become so interested in Christianity!? He asked himself and did it, never the less.

He got dressed and went to the church.

The Pope looked with surprise.

"Why did you call for this impromptu meeting!"

"Please this is not something we can discuss outside please let's go in!"

The Pope then welcomed him inside and they went into the secret room in the church.

"So what happened?"

"I saw the spirit of my dead cousin!"

"What it could be a good thing!"

"He killed me in the dream!"

"Oh dear...did you do anything bad to him?"

"I didn't do anything to him!"

Immediately he said that the candles in the church went out, everywhere in the secret room was dark.

"What's going on?"

"I don't know!, I should ask you!"

"Oh no.....he has come to kill me!"

The wind blew heavily as the curtain moved in the direction of the wind.

"If you are lying now say the truth!"

"I'm not lying!"

He said immediately the door locked by itself. He ran to the door and tried unlocking it but it didn't budge.

"Are you lying?"

He then hesitated and before he knew it blood started dripping from the cross in front of the room in the alter and a voice then whispered.

'say the truth Brian, Say it, say the truth!'

"Stop talking please!"

The voice continued and he looked at the pope he then asked

"Can you hear it?!"

"Hear what?" The Pope asked.

"I'm going crazy!" He said.

He then grabbed a fistful of his hair and the voices continued.


"I'll tell the truth...I killed your baby...I killed Leonardo De Silver's first child!"

Things immediately went back to normal and the he ran out of the room like a madman.

The pope chuckled and said

"You can come out now!"

The man came out form his hiding place with a smirk.

"Well done Pope, you can act quite well!"

"Anything for you!" He said as the man smiled and left the church.

"Don't worry, I'll get your revenge!"



"How is your arm?" McKenzie asked Usher, and he smiled and said

"My arm is fine....don't worry about me!"


"So...um...would you like to go out with me?"

"We are already on a date so what more do we need" she asked as she smiled cutely at him.

"Like I want to date you, like I want to be your boyfriend!"

She first gasped and smiled at him sweetly.

"Yes I will love to date you!" She said as she stood and hugged him.


Dora walked home after work because, she didn't feel like entering the car, the road was dark.

As usual, the sky was without stars,she walked along the lonely road, she missed the way things were before, when she was with her Silver.

All of a sudden a dark hand grabbed her, she tried to scream but nothing came out of her mouth.

She struggled hard but because the person was stronger, he overpowered her.

He then covered her eyes and she fell into the hands of darkness.


Dora woke up in a room, she was in different clothes than the other day, the environment looked unfamiliar.

She went to the door and found it open oddly, she then looked out and saw no guards.

Her kidnappers were so dumb. She chuckled lightly.

She then walked along the hallway and saw a group of gangsters and she cracked her knuckles and said

"This is gonna be fun!"

"Ma'am we....", immediately a punch flew at face his lips burst and his speech was immediately disrupted.

"Ma'am calm down!" Another said and she punched that one totally fracturing his nose.

"Ahh f^ck!" The man groaned from the pain.

She then started throwing punches at them mercilessly totally disfiguring their faces before standing up and immediately her gaze met a dark figure

His aura excluded fear and pain.

"Who are you?" She asked and the figure chuckled.

He then took steps closer to her and she shifted back, he kept coming closer until he was just inches away from her face.

He then kissed her.


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