
The Day

Walking along the street with headphones in my ears and singing along the song, not caring what others might think.

Suddenly I bumped into something stiff, first I thought it was a wall but it took me a while to realise that it rather was a person. A person I have never seen in this town before and yet he seemed really familiar.

"Oh my god I am really sorry, I didn't realise where I was going" I said. "No worries because it was rather a pleasure to be bumped into a girl like you" he said smirking. What can I say.....I am not the kind of girl to fall in love so easy..or at all in that matter, but there was something about him that kind of beckoned me to fall for him, right then and there, on the street corner...pretty dramatic isn't it? 😁

But little did I know that I was in for more than just some innocent teenage love.