

Doesn't it seem so normal.....a girl meeting a guy and falling in love...but this was a little different.

I was scared. Scared that this was not what I was thinking it to be, that it will scared me for life if I get involved in it.

But I took the risk anyway.

Waking up I realised that I was somewhat restless..... thinking of the dream I had...it was him. Again

It's been almost a week of bumping into him and I still haven't gotten him out of my mind. what the hell is happening to me.

So, since it's a Sunday I thought i'd go out and clear my mind of all the things ( a much needed break ). I called up my bestfriend and we both headed out for shopping and lunch.

All day I had this feeling that I am seeing him, from the corner of my eye but I was too scared to look back properly.

But as time passed I started getting more anxious and finally decided to face him (if he is there 😅). So I finally turned back when I was sure.

And I saw him. I felt him staring at me. Smirking with eyes that were filled with hunger. And I got scared.

Have I made a mistake?

Did I give him an unwanted signal?

or Was it just my paranoia?

So tell me guys, is it so scary to fall in love?.....Is it so scary to not know whether the person likes you back?

While I was so absorbed in my thoughts I didn't realise that he had moved.

He was in front of me.

Just inches away.

And then it happened.