
Highschool DxD: The Monstrosity of the Abyss

His soul has been tainted in the depths of the Abyss, as the Abyss itself, who happened to be a very powerful omnipotent being. Offer the soul a second chance of life. But unlike most fanfics, due to the tainted soul of his, he wasn’t given any kinds of wish, and his choices of anime worlds was limited to three. First being Dragon Ball, which was denied, due to the fact, it is very dangerous. Second was Fairy Tail, with a twist that everyone’s genders are swapped. And the soul’s geek/otaku’s side cannot handle the fact, there is a female Gray and Natsu in that world. So, he picked the last choice, which was Highschool DxD, with the only twist, there both OCs and characters from other animes will be existing in that world. As the otaku/geek he is, the soul was overjoyed as he accepts this offer, with no wishes, and only power he has is something he soon will call Abyssal Power, the power from the Abyss itself. Little did anyone will know, how much an impact he will have on this parallel world of DxD. And when the Supernatural, the world that houses the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, and even Dragons, and many more. Many will react differently when they find out about his existence. Many will want to hunt him down. Many will fear him, and his Devil and God-like Powers. And there also those that admire and worship his existence. But one thing is clear, the day when he awakened the powers known as the power of the Abyss, Abyssal Power. Will be the day when the Monstrosity from the Abyss is born. And his followers, who also create as much chaos in the Supernatural as he does.

AnimeDamon · Tranh châm biếm
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58 Chs

DxD 22 – Shrine on the hill

In the nation of Japan, at some hill that surrounded by a forest. On this hill lies two buildings, one is a shrine, and the other is a simple Japanese style house.

And within this simple old style Japanese house, lies two people. A little girl, and a beautiful woman. Anyone can tell, these two are a pair of mother and a daughter. As they both look very similar to each other.

The little girl herself, looked to be around 12 years old. At the age that kids like herself, will spend their last year in primary school. Only to enter middle school the following year, which is the age of this little girl. The little girl has long raven back hair, that is tied in a long/high ponytail. And innocent gentle looking violet eyes of hers.

As the little girl herself, looked at her mother crossed the low levelled table they are at, sitting on their cushions, that known as zabutons.

For the mother herself, that has been staring at the only thing that stands out in this old-style Japanese living room, the box-like tv on another table with her brown eyes. Looked at her child, if it wasn't for her daughter's violent eyes, she will think her daughter will be a complete copy of herself, when she was 12 years old as well.

"Something the matter, Akeno? Worried about your father is away? Or it is your chest again? I told you it is normal, and don't bother with the looks of the boys in your class, it completely normal, I said that, right? Wait… don't tell me your chest hurt again… oh my~ I remember when I was your age, I had to change bras monthly or sometimes even fortnightly~"

The mother went teasingly her daughter, whose cheeks become redden of her mother's words.

"I-I know…! And yes… my chest hurts a little… sorry mother… you just brought me new ones last week." The little girl, or Himejima Akeno went with almost teary eyes. As she looked at her small breasts, even if they are small, but for her own age group, they are quite big. Anyone that sees these small breasts on this 12 year old kid, will know in the future, not only she will be a beauty herself, with her cute looks, but also have a very womanly body as well.

"Oh my… week? Ufufu, I see Akeno going to be bigger than mother's?" Said Akeno's mother, or Himejima Shuri, who covered her mouth with her right hand. And notice the panic look on her daughter's face, and even could guess why Akeno panicked of her remark. And cannot help to smile amusing behind her covered mouth.

"Sorry mother! I don't know how to stop them growing…!" Akeno went, like most girls of her age, don't have the simplest of clue about their own bodies, that developing under her newfound hormones that dwells in her body.

Seeing her guess is right, Shuri sighed in her mind. And muted the sound of the TV and focus on her daughter.

"Akeno, I already told you, this is all women have to go through. Don't be embarrassed about it. Now, tell mother dearly, what's else on your mind, if it not about those uncomfortable stares from those boys in your class, so it must be father, I am right?" Shuri asked, as she looked at her daughter, who nodded her head, before saying anything.

"That's right, father said be gone for a while… but I am worried, because this is the first-time father been this long…" Akeno told. As it cannot be helped why Akeno is worried.

After all, in her whole 12 years of living in this shrine. Besides the few hours at a time, when he does go out. Akeno's father has never gone out for a whole day before, it no wonder, this will be on her mind.

"I see, that's why huh. Well, my dear Akeno, you have nothing to worry about. You know your father is strong, right? He always bragged about it, sometimes I even want to whip- I mean tell him off lightly about it." Shuri went, with no change in her expressions when she said that. Which cause Akeno to tilt her head, as she felt she heard something wrong just now.

"Yeah, father did promised to tell another story as well, when he comes back! I wonder when I can meet other Fallen Angels like father… I wonder when I can go to Grigori and meet others like Father and I?" Akeno said with a smile, since Akeno herself is a hybrid between a human, and a Fallen Angel.

After all, Akeno's father is not only a Fallen Angel, or part of the Fallen Angel main faction, Grigori. But he also one of the co-founders of Grigori, as well the man that has the role of Vice Governor General. His name is Baraqiel, one of the strongest among the Fallen Angels, as well known as the Lightning of God himself, with his power of Holy Lightning, that his daughter also has inherited from him.

Akeno herself, always want to see other Fallen Angels, especially when Baraqiel tells her tales of his youth, and his adventures. She always wanted to see the place known as Grigori, and even meet the man named Azazel, that sometimes her father mentions.

It cannot be help for the little girl to be curious about her Fallen Angel side, since she never meet anyone besides her father, as an Fallen Angel. Not to mention, her mother will never mention about her side of the family. Because to Akeno, she only has her father and mother in a life, no one besides the few friends she has made in school. But that's it, it no wonder why she cannot be curious enough, to know more about herself, and others like her or her father.

On the other hand, Shuri still showing her gentle smile, cannot help to be worried. That is because Akeno doesn't know the dangers of the Supernatural World, besides the few things that Shuri shows her, who is a former member of the Five Principal Clans. And trained Akeno as a Miko just like herself. (Miko = Shrine Maiden, or shrine priestess)

Shuri has taught Akeno almost everything about Purification, a form of spiritual magic, or ritual, that wards off evil spirits. And cleanses cursed energy as well. Of course, it is impossible to teach her the Fire Phase, since only those that are blessed by the fire based Shinto gods, can used the Fire Phase, a form of magical ability to create, or control flames.

But that is all Shuri can teach her daughter. Of course, there are other things Shuri can teach Akeno, but she cannot do that, since she doesn't want to ruin her innocent Akeno, and place such a burden on such a little girl. But Shuri does know, there be a day, when she has to tell Akeno about the Himejima Clan, who is one of the Five Principal Clans.

Not to mention, both her, and her husband doesn't want to ruin that innocent smile on Akeno's face. Is the biggest reason why the two parents, besides she is too young herself, don't want to tell their daughter such a thing. Even if both mother, and father knows they cannot keep Akeno in the dark forever.

"Say Akeno, why we have some hot chocolate, it nearly time to go bed." Shuri went, as she looked at the outside window, noticing it is nearly dark. They already have dinner not long ago. That is why the mother and daughter were chilling in the living room, watching Tv, and waiting for time to call it a night.

Of course, it might sound early to go to bed this time. Especially for a 12-year-old kid, and a middle-aged woman. However, as Miko, and the Miko-in-training. They both have to get up early, cleaned the shrine, formed rituals of good fortune. As well trained and develop their skills, which is the time that Akeno trained her Purification, until her mother called her for breakfast, and then get ready for school.

That is the daily life of the Himejima mother and daughter pair, alongside Baraqiel. A happy little family, that each one of them wished that will carried on forever. But in the world of DxD, in the world known as the Supernatural, nothing is safe, or cannot last forever.

That is why, one moment, when Shuri got up, and was about to prepare the hot drinks for her and her daughter. But all of the sudden Shuri froze in place, as she notices the connection of her Fire Phase, the blessing of the Shinto gods she has on her. Has disconnected.

Shuri of course, was confused firstly. But that confusion soon turned into a pale face, when she, who is a former member of the Himejima Clan, who was once known as a genius, and used to have best potential of her generation, for becoming the next Himejima Clan Leader. Noticed why she cannot used her Fire Phase spiritual ability and cannot help to mumble the name out loud.

"Sealing Array…?" When Shuri said that, and Akeno that felt nothing strange. Titled her head, not understanding what's a Sealing Array is. But Shuri didn't let Akeno any time to ask her this. And startled Akeno herself, when her mother quicky grabbed her hand, with a serious look, that Akeno rarely sees herself.

"Mother…?" Akeno asked.

"Listen to me… Akeno this is very important, we going to hide somewhere… do not make any sound, okay?" Shuri went, as she gently stroked her daughter's black raven soft and silky hair.

"Hide? Why are we hiding Mother? Wasn't we going to drink hot chocolate?" Akeno cutely tilted her head, as she truly has no clue what's going on here. Or why her mother acting this way.

"Listen to me Akeno, we need to hide-" However, before Shuri could finished what she was panicking saying. A loud bang, followed by many footsteps rushed towards their location.

Because they still in the living room with only one way out, not to mention, having her powers sealed by the Sealing Array. Shuri cannot help but to bite her lips, and cursed her timing inwardly, as she quickly hid the startled Akeno behind her. Who tightly held the Shuri's clothing, with fright, of the suddenly banging sound, and the sight of dozen or two men, she never seen before all entered the living room, standing before her, and her mother.

Because Akeno is behind her mother. Akeno cannot see the face of her mother is making, especially when she sees the symbols on their Japanese priest unforms, shōzoku. And Shuri's face only become paler, when she hgerself, notice the man in front of them.

A man that she seen many times in her childhood. A man that has grey hair. And wearing a higher quality shōzoku, compared to the others. When Shuri's brown eyes met with this man, that looked around his 60s, or even older. Looked at Shuri herself, with gentle smile. But his eyes wasn't smiling, nor it has the hint of pity, that she can notice on the other men among him, when they looked at her.

All kind of memories begun to float up from Shuri's childhood. The strict training, and a man, that she calls her Uncle, the man that locks her up in that small room, if Shuri doesn't exceeds his expectations. The man that looked after Shuri in the place of her father, who died.

His name is Himejima Suou, the name of the person that not only personally trained Shuri, but also the man she feared in her childhood. And the man who was the former Head of the Himejima, her own Uncle, is now standing before her. With men of the same clan, all looking at Shuri if she is some kind of rape victim herself.

I will only be following the events of DxD’s canon. As well original events of my own.

After all, this is a fanfic, not me copying DxD word by word, I had to keep some kind of originality, right?

Anyway, thanks for reading, sorry for the grammar, since I know there should be a lot… right?

And I hope you like this fanfic’s version of this DxD event.

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