
Highschool DxD: The Monstrosity of the Abyss

His soul has been tainted in the depths of the Abyss, as the Abyss itself, who happened to be a very powerful omnipotent being. Offer the soul a second chance of life. But unlike most fanfics, due to the tainted soul of his, he wasn’t given any kinds of wish, and his choices of anime worlds was limited to three. First being Dragon Ball, which was denied, due to the fact, it is very dangerous. Second was Fairy Tail, with a twist that everyone’s genders are swapped. And the soul’s geek/otaku’s side cannot handle the fact, there is a female Gray and Natsu in that world. So, he picked the last choice, which was Highschool DxD, with the only twist, there both OCs and characters from other animes will be existing in that world. As the otaku/geek he is, the soul was overjoyed as he accepts this offer, with no wishes, and only power he has is something he soon will call Abyssal Power, the power from the Abyss itself. Little did anyone will know, how much an impact he will have on this parallel world of DxD. And when the Supernatural, the world that houses the Devils, Angels, Fallen Angels, Gods, and even Dragons, and many more. Many will react differently when they find out about his existence. Many will want to hunt him down. Many will fear him, and his Devil and God-like Powers. And there also those that admire and worship his existence. But one thing is clear, the day when he awakened the powers known as the power of the Abyss, Abyssal Power. Will be the day when the Monstrosity from the Abyss is born. And his followers, who also create as much chaos in the Supernatural as he does.

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DxD 23 – Raid of the Shrine

To Himejima Suou, the biggest stain of his life, will be when his niece was brainwashed by a Fallen angel, and to make it worse, she had to marry and have that Fallen's child as well.

Among the Himejima Clan sees Himejima Shuri in two ways, besides the very few that doesn't. Almost all of the clan, especially the young generation, looked at Shuri with pity, and some even wanted to save Shuri from the hands that fiend Fallen Angel, Baraqiel.

But it wasn't as simple to save Shuri, the former genius of the Himejima Clan. That is because, who is Baraqiel is. Unless the Shinto gods themselves, or the head and elders of the Clan all take action, there is no way for them to default Baraqiel, who is not only have peak Ultimate-Class, as former Archangel himself. But also, have the backing of Grigori, as the second-in-command of the Fallen Angels.

There also no merits for the Himejima Clan, nor the Shinto Gods to attack Baraqiel, and gained the wrath of Grigori. But still, there still many among the Himejima that cannot let Shuri still be brainwashed by Baraqiel, and even have his child!

In the eyes of most of the Himejima Clan, Himejima Shuri is no different to a woman, that not only been brainwashed, but also violented by that fiend of a former Angel, a victim of rape herself. Even if she is not brainwashed by Baraqiel, but actually in love Baraqiel with her whole heart.

But like most in the Five Principal Clans, the Himejima Clan is very bias, when it comes to Supernatural beings. There been times, when they even secretly attacked Baraqiel several times in the past. Each time, they failed, and sometimes were even killed by him. And yet, the Shinto Gods still didn't do anything about Baraqiel.

Of course, that will be a different story, if the current Clan Leader, Suou's Great Niece, Shuri's niece, Himejima Suzaku, order them to fight Baraqiel. However, for some reason, she refused, maybe because Suzaku was very close to her aunt. And even rumoured to visit their shrine, before she become the head of the Himejima Clan.

Which is why many in the Himejima don't like the current head, and the current genius of this generation of the Himejima Clan. And even Suou himself, who was the head of the clan before Suzaku took over, cannot do anything about this, due to his talents and age.

As for the second kinds of people that looked at Shuri?

They looked at Shuri as a disgrace, because of her, the other Principal Clans look down at them! Letting a core member of the Clan, fell into the temptation of some Fallen Angel! And as the former head of the Himejima, he hatred that little failure he has raised, that caused such stains on their horror, and their imagine among the other Five Principal Clans.

Which is why, Suou who stared at the confused, and scared Shuri. Didn't even care, if she also died in the progress of removing the Clan's stains on their horror. But Suou knew, if he were to kill Shuri directly, the other Clan members will look down at him. And not to mention, Shuri is somewhat still family to him.

If he can free his niece from this man's brainwashing. He will tried doing so, since they still family. But if he cannot, least he tried, right?

"Aren't you going to greet me, Shuri?" Suou went a gentle smile, but indifference in his eyes.

"W-Why you are here, Uncle…?" Shuri cannot help to ask this, as she think of a way to leave here, or least her daughter. Since the moment they arrived, this bad feeling of hers, wouldn't go away, especially, when she looked at the armed Himejima Clan members, carrying all kinds of melee weaponry.

And to make it even worse, Shuri hatred the fact, that the Himejima Clan members are giving such cold and icy looks towards her shy, and lovely daughter, Akeno. As if they are looking at some kind of animal or thing, that must be put down.

However, Shuri knew, that she is in no situation, to make these men stop staring at her daughter like that. Since one wrong move, can endanger not only her, but her sweet Akeno as well.

"What is Uncle doing here? Isn't obvious? We here to take you back, Shuri, back to the Himejima Clan… away from that man's grips. We all been waiting a long time for this… when we can free you from that man… that Fallen Angel." Suou went with a gentle voice, but his eyes are still cold as ever.

"What are you on about? I already been exiled from the Clan, wasn't I? I am no longer the Himejima Shuri of the Himejima Clan, but Himejima Shuri, a wife and a mother. I am no longer part of the Himejima Clan" Shuri went, trying to stand her ground. Even if she still feels fear inside her heart, when she stared at those emotionless eyes of her uncle's.

"I see… it too rooted… I am sorry Shuri, if only we were to come sooner, as of being exiled from the Clan, it easily can be fixed, after all, you are the current Clan Leader's favourite aunt, I am wrong?" Suou said with reason.

"I am sorry Uncle, but like I said… I already been exiled, and I have no intentions of going back, even if I wasn't. I am happy with this life, with my husband, and Akeno, my daughter, so please uncle… can you and the others… returned back… please, I am begging you…" Shuri went a somewhat weaken voice.

On the other hand, Akeno has been watching the exchange between her mother, and this man, that seems to be a her mother's uncle. Akeno always been curious about her mother family, why she hasn't talked about them. But seeing them now, especially feeling their uncomfortable gazes on her.

It no wonder, why Akeno feels so uncomfortable, to the point, even her whole body beginning to shake slightly. However, this little girl, that normally timid and shy around strangers, but very opened around people she sees as friends or family. Cannot handle these men keep bullying her mother!

"Stop bullying my mother, you big bullies!" Akeno shouted, as she cannot hold it in any longer, and stared at the slightly startled Suou, and the other Himejima Clan members.

"How dare this…"

"This thing…"

"Hump, you little…"

However, before these men that been on the side-lines, not bothering interfering the reunion between niece and uncle. Cannot help to become disgusted by the hybrid before them. However, Suou raised his right hand, stopping them carrying on with their insults.

"Akeno was it…?" Suou asked, but Akeno just nod her head cutely, even if she has a mad look on her face. Which Shuri herself, snapped out of her fear by this. And even held Akeno closer to her. But before Shuri could say anything to either her uncle, or her daughter. Suou spoke firstly and Shuri was startled scared knowing his meaning behind his words.

"Hmm, is that right? Akeno, my great niece, we only want to bring back your mother home, back to her 'real' family. But in order to that, your mother must pay for her sins… all of them 'must be' removed. Will you, as her daughter, be willing to do anything to help your mother?" Suou went with a smile, as he looked at Akeno.

Akeno herself, who still 12 years old, with a normal mindset for her age. Didn't get the meaning of Suou's words, but cutely nodded her head. After all, if Akeno can fixed her mother's relationship with her family, she will be a good daughter, wouldn't she?

Not to mention, she really wants to see her mother side of the family, the family that she didn't know existed, until now. That is why she agreed with her Great Uncle, that she never meet before.

"Yes, if I can, do anything for mother!" Akeno proudly said, which scared Shuri the most, when she heard this.

"No! Akeno!" Shuri that knows his meaning, cannot help to shield the confused Akeno, that still don't get what's going on.

"Mother…?" Akeno tiled her head, not knowing why her mother just suddenly hugged her all of the sudden.

"Shuri, move out of the way, she already agreed, didn't she? I know, I know, this is hard. But that thing, that hybrid, your sin itself. Must be removed, if you were to move on… please understand that. That Akeno, this thing, must die." Suou said with his gentle smile, as if he didn't say anything inhumanely wrong.

On the other hand, Akeno become even more confused, when she heard her Great Uncle's words.


Your sin itself?

Must be removed?

Akeno, this thing, must die?

Even if Akeno is naïve, she is not naïve enough, to not notice the meaning behind those words. As her undeveloped mind cannot progress why, why she has to die for? Sin? Why is she a sin? That is why, Akeno cannot help to stared blankly at Suou, and asked.

"I must die… did Akeno do anything wrong?" Akeno asked.

"No, Akeno, my baby, you didn't do anything wrong-" Shuri that notice her unstable state. Tried to reason with Akeno, however, she was also interfered by her Uncle himself.

"That's right, my great niece, you are a sin itself, your whole existence is a sin, the sin between a human and a Fallen Angel. You are the living sin itself, between your father, and mother, proof of your father's dirty work, that tainted your mother… and you are that proof. That is why, Akeno for the sake of your mother, and for the sake of the Himejima Clan, you must die…" Suou went, with cold eyes, with his gentle smile still on his lips.

When Akeno heard that. Honestly, she doesn't understand half of this. But what she did understand. That she is unwanted by both her mother and father. Her parents that tell her almost every day, they are glad she is born? Or proof of their love?

It no wonder that Akeno become angry once again at her great uncle, no, at this stranger that dare to tell her existence is unneeded by her beloved parents!

"Don't lie! Father and mother says I am a proof of their love, not sin! Take that back!" Akeno shouted, but none of the Himejima reacted when Akeno said those words.

"I see, I was hope it could be reasoned with… no matter, Shuri this is your last chance, get away from her. Or less, you will be removed as well." Suou went, and for once since coming here, his gentle smile faded, as he coldly looked at his niece, and his great niece.

"I will not let you!" Shuri cried, as tears from in her eyes. And because her face closed to Akeno's, she could see the saddest look she ever seen on her mother's face. And this hurt her heart.

"Don't worry mother! Father said, when we in trouble, he will be here, right?" Akeno went, as she has 100% belief in her father's words, that he always promised both Akeno, and Shuri, that he will always be there for them.

But when the Himejima Clan members, and even Suou heard her words. They cannot help to laugh at her remark, Suou the first one to speak before anyone else.

"Your father? I am sorry to break it to you… your father will not be saving you, or your mother." Suou went with a snort.

"Lair! Father said he will always come to save us!" Akeno shouted, which Shuri only could lower her head, while shielding Akeno. Knowing her husband might not make it, unlike Akeno believe he will. Because she knows this, and she properly can tell, this might be the end, she doesn't know if her husband will make it before her daughter died… least she can spare few seconds more, right?

That is why she looked right in Akeno's violet innocent eyes. To make sure she least leaves a message, if she survives. Since as a mother, Shuri knew, this will create a raft between the daughter and father pair, no matter the outcome will be.

"Listen Akeno… no matter what happened, your father will always love us. To him, we are the most priceless treasure in this world. That's why… don't hate your father, Akeno." Shuri said with the gentle smile, and stroke Akeno's black raven soft hair, as she knew this will be the last time she will touch her daughter's hair, that just like hers own.

"Mother…??" Akeno only said, as Shuri didn't answer her, instead hugged her even tighter than before. And shielded her from the Himejima Clan members.

Seeing this, Suou only shake his head in disappointment. But it didn't matter to him that much, if Shuri lives, or die. Least they will removed this sin of theirs, that strained their honour. Which is why he didn't even blink when he only said these words.

"Kill them."

With a single word, all of the Himejima Clan members just simply nodded at Suou. And lift their knives, their blades, their scythes, and even blunt weapons as well. Akeno, who happened to peek though a gap between her mother's held. And saw half dozen men walking towards her. While the others just watched, she knew they going to hurt her, and yet there is something that Akeno doesn't understand.

Why isn't her father here? Shouldn't it be time for her father to come and save her, and her mother? But why isn't Baraqiel nowhere to be seen?

'Father…? Why…? No, he will be here, right? That's right, father never broke his promise, Mother and I be fine!'

However, that thought soon changed into dismay, when Akeno blanky stared at the men with weapons in their hands, coming closer, and closer.

'Father… where are you?'

'Why aren't you here, no you coming to save us last minute, right?'

'Daddy… I am scared…'

Because how Akeno is being hold, Akeno soon cannot see one of the men coming towards them. But she can see him in the mirror in the living room, as her violet eyes widen, when she looked at the refection of the mirror, showing a man raising the blade of a cleaver and was about slashed down at her own mother's back.

In that moment, Akeno's image of her father, and her trust in him shattered, and her disgust in all fallen Angels manifested.

Was it really a sin, was it really wrong for her to exist?

It is because she has the blood of a Fallen Angel in her veins?

If her father is such a lair, does that mean all the other Fallen Angels the same?

Those are countless thoughts that floated in Akeno's head, until a voice that shattered her dismal thoughts. A voice that sounded like a boy's, but also has an aura, if it came from the depths of the Abyss itself.

"Oh my, oh my, it not every day, you see such passion for a mother, with their child… but yet again, it not every day, you see a group of sick dogs, ruining such a peaceful family, now tell me, why shouldn't I rip you all into pieces?"

When Akeno hears such a voice, she cannot help to stared at the young boy, in all black, with black pants, black overcoat, with long hood, and even leather gloves and boots. Everything about his appearance is black, as if he just appeared out of the abyss. But the most noticeable thing, or things are his black demon mask, and the two red growing eyes, that can been seen though the eyeholes of such a sinister mask.