
High School DxD: Seven Seals

It is said that the instant Griffith Whitlock was born, everyone and everything became slient for thirty minutes without realizing it. The world had quickly rotated to make up for lost time. The unconscious will of everything and everyone had created seven seals around him to surpress his existence.

Ophis_San · Tranh châm biếm
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2 Chs

Chapter Two: No Date Or Dice

"Did I arrive to early or too late?"

Griffith asked himself before looking at his phone, he had arrived at the spot he was told to meet up at. He stood near a playground where many children played under the blue sky. The playground was pretty old and made creakes every now and then, but it was alright…glue could work wonders. Parents often took their kids to play at this moderate sized playground, they could watch their kids while forcing themselves to talk to old friends from their school days.

"Eh…I'm a minute late. Wait…did she leave because I was a minute late?

Giffifth couldn't believe that a person could be so punctual about a minute. Griffith sighed and went into his contacts…

"I don't have her number…Griffith Whitlock, even I wouldn't date you if I were a girl and was desperate for a boyfriend in my final year of highschool."

Footsteps slowly patted the ground behind him…two hands went from behind his neck to his chest. A nice set of flesh from the chest of a girl pressed against his back. A sweet scent that reeked of a fresh bath and various body washes invaded his nose. The person went towards his ear and whispered words into it.


The spine of Griffith felt cold and his back shuttered and stuttered…her words were casual, yet her actions and the way she spoke enhanced her entire view.

"…Yeah, only by a minute through…haha…"

Griffith laughed dryly to himself, he waited for her to laugh as well.

"…Alright then, lets go on our date."

The girl grabbed his hand a pulled him with her. She completely ignored his joke without even breaking her smile.


Griffith felt like punching every wall in sight.

'I pray to anyone that can hear this to make time goes back once for me…i will believe in any religion that helps me. I will never use this again if you do it once for me.'

His faith lacking praying went unheard or ignored…

'How do you expect someone to believe in you when you can't help them?!'

Now his prayer was most likely thrown into the trash…

"Are you ok…did you not want to be brought out today?" Yuuma let go of his hand, she looked pretty sad.

Griffith could also be extremely honest…

"No, to be honest."

Griffith looked at the sky…They where at a empty fountain area near the playground they just came from.

"You should find someone else…you at least deserve someone who doesn't need to worry about going out on a date while eating a bowl of unpopular and cheap cereal at home in the dark.

What is he going on about?

"…Wait…are you rejecting me now."

The girls smiling expression had faded and her nice tone was gone. Griffith didn't notice her distorted face, since he was looking at the sky…he only heard anger in her voice. He could understand why she was angry. He would also be angry at a person for wasting a part of his short time away from school.

"…Sigh! Yes, I am."

Griffith couldn't believe what he was doing…he couldn't believe he just rejected a great looking girl without holding back his words to much.


The girl laughed…her teeth cracked with every breathe she took from laughing.


Griffith had no idea what to do…he wanted to walk away and forget about this. He knew he probably would never forget this…even as a old man.

"…I'm going to kill you trash."

The girl muttered to herself, but Griffith still heard her.


Griffith couldn't finish his sentence…a shout of pain escaped his mouth.

"You have some nerve brat…

Yuuma was completely different…her smile, her tone…her gaze had completely changed.


Griffith's left hand tried to reach for his right…he felt nothing.

'My arm…right…where is my arm…arm…where is it'

The blood could be heard more that the water fountain near them…

"Oops…did I get the wrong arm?"

Yuuma smiled as she threw the right arm away like garbage…

"My mistake…maybe I'm getting older now."

Yuuma was about to slash off the other hand…a white haired cat could be seen running towards them in the distance….it was moving as fast as it could. However it was to late… Yuuma had slashed down towards the boy who's head stared at the ground, she was going to kill him.


She couldn't move any further than a inch away from his face…the earth stopped spinning and the cat was stopped in the middle of its charge. She heard a chain being tore off flesh. She couldn't see anything happen to her, the pain had yet to even register in her brain. The world moved again..


Yuuma screamed as her right arm was taken…the wing she had yet to take out was ripped out, she could no longer feel it, her entire body was filled with pain, and her body was thrown into the fountain.


Giffith's muttered before his body fell to the ground…his right arm had came back.