

Leonardo Benjamin is a young, honest, powerful, tough, and cold-hearted businessman who had a rough childhood but never gave up, on the contrary, he even became stronger with every obstacle. He started his life from the bottom and became very wealthy. All he has in his world is a family that he has to take care of after his father's death. He also closed his heart to all feelings a long time ago, he does not trust women. He is Lucas’s uncle. After his brother passes away, Leonardo considers himself a custodian of Lucas. Ava is a young, strong, caring, beautiful girl living with her father. The life of Ava turns upside down when her sister passes away. Ava gets devastated. Her nephew becomes all alone after his parents pass away. Little Lucas is now stuck in a mansion full of vicious people and he desperately lacks affection and love. Lucas is very well protected in his uncle's care, he craves sympathy and love. But Ava has a mission of protecting her nephew. Ava tries her best to take her nephew from the mansion to her home. but her every struggle gets wasted then she realizes that it's not so easy. Leonardo is known for his harsh rules and mercilessness. He is determined not to leave his nephew in Ava's hands alone. Both sides were strong as they were Lucas' uncle and aunt. Ava takes her courage from her innocence and patience. Ava has nothing to do she lives in Benjamin's house in order to protect Lucas. This adventure will arise the long-hidden secrets of the Benjamin mansion, while a whole, another beam of love will start to grow in Ava and Leonardo’s hearts. Will Leonardo and Ava give up fighting and start collaborating while raising little Lucas? Will Leonardo manage to trust Ava? Will the bridge in between hate and love reside in both?

Lubaba_Ejaz · Hiện thực
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Ava entered the room. Leonardo was smiling. She observed the decoration. The heart was in the middle of the bed. Leonardo decided to tell Ava the truth and ask her for forgiveness. She stepped forward towards Leonardo

Whatever you do, it will never smell as good as it was on that day. Whatever you do, you will not get back to the time. What did I tell you on that day? I told you that I never trusted a man except for my father. Then I did. And that was you. Don't avert your eyes from me. I don't want to say things I am going to say, against the walls of this room. Do you remember what I said? I said I told you I only feel safe beside you and my father. But you… look these papers… was it is to the reason of the hell I had for weeks? Were these the reason for everything? Leonardo couldn't meet his eyes with Ava due to shame.

Two fake files these fake photos the fake recording. But I trusted you. I would have died if you asked me once. I wouldn't have asked for it. How can a person do nothing for one who put his life at risk for her? I wouldn't have denied doing the same for you. Because I trusted you very much. But you, don't… don't avert your eyes from me… look into my eyes as the same way you looked at me to see my real face for weeks. You will look at me now also. Besides, shame what is there for you to be in shame? Unlike me, at least, you know what you did! If they ask me what is trust. I would have given your name without thinking twice. If somebody stabs in my back, if I see you behind me and a knife in your hand before I die, nevertheless, not to what I see. I would believe you. I would say, he never does that. He can never stab my back. But you... did you believe that I would be that much dishonourable, that much ignoble? Then you broke my heart into pieces. Why? Because you had never trusted me. Ava cried. She took all her stuff from her pocket and threw it on the floor

It is over now. I am done now. Ava said

Leonardo looked at her with his tearful eyes.

Wait. Let me explain to you. Won't you listen?

No. leave me. Ava ran into her previous room

Open the door. Please let me explain to you once. Let's talk once. I know you are on right. But let us talk once. Leonardo said

Get lost. I beg you. Please go. Ava fell down she busted. Day to evening turned but Ava couldn't stop crying. Screams and crying sounds were tearing the walls of the mansion. ava slept on the floor.

"Everything is over"

She is crying because of me. Because of me. Because of me…Leonardo busted with anger. He punched the wall and his hand was injured badly. Bleeding started like a stream. He sat on the floor of his room he held his head so tightly. He couldn't sleep. He looked at the decoration with an awful feeling.

Sophia knocked on Ava's door. Ava came out of her room.

What are you doing in the old room? are you okay? Do you look cried overnight? are you okay? Sophia asked

I am not. I learned everything. Ava cried

I am sorry. I don't know what to say. Sophia said

Why you didn't tell me? Ava asked

Leonardo didn't permit us. Please forgive me, I was not known that Emma was doing that. Please forgive me. I know you. But try to forgive Leonardo. Come, Lucas is waiting for you at the breakfast table. Sophia said

Aunt, did you show James' uncle that heart Uncle gave you? Lucas asked

No dear. I can't show him. I put it somewhere I don't know.

Everyone went to their rooms after breakfast. Ava and Leonardo left it on the table

Can we talk now? Leonardo asked. Ava looked at him and ran into the room. Leonardo followed her back.

I know you are angry. I know you are hurt but we need to talk. Leonard said

Okay. Let's talk. What do you want to talk about? Ava asked

I… Leonardo started

You will not speak. I will. You are saying that we need to talk because you decided when should we talk right? I made a great effort to talk with you for a long time. But you didn't listen to me even for once. You hadn't allowed me a little explanation. Because you already adjudged. I suffered in front of you without knowing the reason for my pain. Now you are saying that you need to talk. What you will explain? You are going to say that "I believed that file. I had tried to keep apart Lucas from you. I humiliated you, mistreated you, and locked you in a room. Because I thought you deserve that" that you are going to say. But I already knew all these. Anything new? There is no more time left. If you shouldn't know the time toy should have spoken, at least you must know the time you should be silent. Ava said and walked away Leonardo put his hand on her arm but couldn't stop her. He went into the garden in anger.

He threw all pots of flowers from the shade. Watson looked at him

I only know break and destroy. I am leaving debris behind me in every place I pass. So she was true. But she doesn't listen to me now. She will never! Leonardo shouted

Because her heart is broken. After it is broken, its sharp parts were revealed like everything that is broken. And now, it hurts those who tried to hold it. Do you want any other choice than to take this risk? The way of collecting and gathering them together. Even if it hurts... isn't that to not give up. Watson said

Leonardo looked at him and went inside, Ava was already in the room. She was looking decoration of the room and that big heart Leonardo gifted her. She thought something and went to the dressing room. She took her dresses. Once again her eyes stuck on chamomile flowers.

You are not going anywhere. You will sit and we will talk. I said you are not going. I will not let you go until you listen to me. okay, I hurt you. Okay, I didn't believe you. Maybe I should believe that. You are right. But also know what was in that file. If you were me, wouldn't you believe it? Wouldn't you have suspected it? For even a second, wouldn't you have thought that you were stabbed by someone in your back? The world slipped away from my foot when I saw those letters and pictures. One day, you told me "I know you, I understand who you are" do you remember? Wouldn't you understand me if you know me for a second? I am not like everyone. I came here by coming out of ruins. You saw those ruins also. The house I was raised in. You know what things I lived there. I buried a boy and went out of that house. I promised not to trust anyone and went out. Because I needed to survive. I protected myself with suspicions, with anger and hate. I am not like you. My face was turned towards the dark not light. When I saw what was in that file. Those pulled me deeper. I still tried. I tried for you as much as I never tried for someone else. But that darkness was so deep. It was part of my childhood. It didn't happen. I couldn't. Understand me. We cannot show the same reactions because damn it. I am Leonardo Benjamin.

Enough!! Are you still trying to justify yourself? Are you thinking that problem is with you? About you? You cannot ask me as wouldn't you have believed? You have no right. I don't deserve this question. I believed. no matter what, I believed you despite everything, I would have believed you. If needed I would have believed you despite myself. I believed you. Even knowing yourself as wrong. Why are not you saying sorry? Why? Because you never say sorry. This heart. Look I am broken into pieces. Don't you see? Don't you see it hurts the things you are saying? Don't you see my heart is broken into pieces? Ava ripped that gifted heart into pieces. From now on, no one will be able to put these broken pieces together. Even Leonardo Benjamin also cannot. Ava cried badly while looking into his eyes.

The answer to your question is that I wouldn't have believed you as I trusted you blindly. Ava cried.

Leonardo gathered all cotton of that heart and put it in that cover. He stepped forward and stopped

The sky went dark. Ava and Leonardo both came out of their rooms at the same time.

You know I can't say sorry. You know I can't. Leonardo looked at Ava and said in his heart

You did it once when I was dying. Look, I am dying now also, say it again as I am dying. It will make peace. Ava looked at him and said in her heart.

The next morning, Leonardo went to the kitchen. He waited for Ava to come into the kitchen so he may talk to her.

I fell from height as well. I couldn't believe that. Cheating and lying ruined me. I would care if it was someone else. But I couldn't because it was you. I got angry. I broke into pieces. I lost my compass in that enormous ocean. I sheltered in the only feeling I know. To the anger, that gun was fired in my hand. I got shot too but…

" why? I fell from that cliff because I was believing in your love. But what was the reason for your fall" Ava thought

What does mean I fell from the high? Tell me. Ava asked angrily

"it was your heart I fell from. I was fallen because I love" Leonardo thought

I just thought the one I believed food me. I thought I was stabbed in my back when I was not expecting. Have you got me?

I got it. I got it very well. You are right that you had a difficult time. But relax now because you didn't get stabbed or fooled by me. You couldn't dare to touch the wound when I was bleeding. With your permission, everyone should dress their wounds in their own ways.

Understand, I... Leonardo held her arms.

What I… I…? Ava asked meanwhile, Frank came to Leonardo and informed them that they caught Aiden.

I am going to speak with him. I will face him. I am going to give him punishment. Ava said

You… Leonardo wondered

At least you can do this to me. Ava asked

Sophia wondered where Frank, Ava and Leonardo went in so a hurry.

Ava…. Aiden tried to stand up. But Leonardo's guard held him tightly.

You are my childhood friend. We played together. My mother, my aunt adopted you and treated you as a son and you? Ava asked

Ava let me explain everything to you from the beginning. Aiden tried to justify

How could you do that to me? How could you do that to me? How does your heart get so dark? How did you become a dishonourable man to make those places? I have done a lot for you, but it seems I had never known you. Ava shouted

Ava, I did everything for you. To save you from that man. I had taken the risk to be the bad guy for you. Aiden said

No. you took my happiness from me. You stole my life. You ruined my home. Ava shouted

To save you from that bandit. I could have done everything for you. And I did. I am not remorseful. It was for you. Ava. For I love you. Aiden said

Thoo! Ava threw saliva on his face.

Shut up. Don't say a single word again, I want neither to hear your voice nor see your face again. You took my father when he got a heart attack. I had life debt to you. It is paid now. Now get the hell out of here! And never come in front of me. Ava shouted and went out. Leonardo heard all. He became more ashamed. Ava went with Vanessa to the hillside. Leonardo found Ava was gone somewhere. So went to Mr Francis.

She said she was happy. This means she was happy. She said to him you ruined my home. our home. what I do Uncle?

While you were the one who was suffering. You become the one who causes suffering. You couldn't settle the fire in you. You didn't let the ember warms you slowly. It was your test. Now you will build a new life with these ashes for you two.

Leonardo Benjamin couldn't have been so strong as much as she was. Can I a person fix the heart? From now on, what matters I am gonna do? Nothing will be the same anymore. I don't know what is the language of the heart. I am unaware. How it can talk. what I can say? Leonardo punched his chest

If mine is burned this much. who knows how much hers has burned? I am not going to be able to make her forgive me.

You will make her forgive you. You will manage that. You have to do that. Mr Francis said rudely

Leonardo punched the table. Mr Francis held his arm.

What did I say to you son? I said you had worn up a shirt that is made by fire. it shows us, you haven't learned to be burned as much as you are causing burnings. He took a cup of hot coffee and threw it on Leonardo's right hand

It has burned. Just like this skin pains. The skin of the heart also pains. There are ointments for skin burns. But what about a heart ointment? The ointment of the heart is a "sorry", a "sorry"!! Maybe a huge rock you have been carrying since your past will be broken into pieces. Let it get broken. You will build your new home with Ava from those pieces. Go now. Go and fix everything you broke.

Frank called Leonardo.

Yes, Frank. He asked

What are you doing? Frank asked

Driving towards the mansion. Why Leonardo asked

Come to the city hospital. Frank said

Why? Leonardo asked. Frank couldn't tell him. He dropped the call. Leonardo quickly ran to the hospital with a fast heartbeat.

Leonardo came out of the car. Frank ran towards him

Brother! Ava….. Frank broke down

What? What happened to her? Leonardo asked

Vanessa and Ava caught an accident. Vanessa's condition is worse and Ava had minor injuries. Both are in Operation Theater. Frank told.

Leonardo jerked and got unconscious. For a moment he felt, the earth was slipping away.

Come inside brother. I didn't inform anyone. Time spent hard until Ava shifted to the room. Leonardo stood with the glass window. He looked at Ava. The sky went dark. The doctor permitted him that he can look at Ava. he went inside. He dragged a chair near Ava. He sat up and held her hand. Ava opened her eyes. he looked at Leonardo

I am wrong. I am going to speak long. I want you to listen to me. Know why I couldn't say that word. My untrusty fear is not new. The women I had trusted much did ruin me. my mother! I am bearing the wound of my mother inside of me. my father went on his knees to make her stay. While she was leaving us for another man. He said sorry. Maybe ten times. When she was leaving. I tried her to stop. But she pushed me away too. She went over me. when she was going. she said don't be like a person like your dad. That sentence became my dome. I was little. And I thought she would be back if I listened to her last sayings. But she doesn't. and I had never said sorry for not being a person like my father. And I never trusted any women until you. You had been making everything beautiful you touched. You had been making my brother and Lucas heal. But most of all mine. But then that file was given to me. I thought all had happened because I didn't listen to my mother's saying. I became a person like my father. I believed. I shouldn't believe it. But you should know this, my anger with you was because of my belief in you. I said sorry once in my life to that man. For you. And I am saying this to you now. "I am sorry" and this one was for us. For both of us. Can you forgive me?

For us? Ava cried and asked

For us .. it was, it is, and it will be.

All my tears are not for me. These are also for you too. For that boy too who you left behind. If it was possible. I would hug you as I do Lucas. but I am not like you as… Vanessa?? Where is she? Ava loudly asked.

She is in the next room. Her condition is not so good.

She is my sister. May she get well soon? But how I will face her. She got in an accident because of me. Ava cried.

Shush!! Nothing happened because of you. Don't get tired. You will see her. Leonardo took her hair aside put her hands on her cheeks and wiped her tears with his thumbs.

Both were looking at each other with tearful eyes. It was like they both got their world back. Ava came back to the mansion. Leonardo raised his hand. Ava held his hand. Ava held his arm. Leonardo smiled and went to their room. Ava relaxed. She took to bed to sleep and Leonardo lay on the couch. Leonardo thought Ava fell asleep he went to her bed and sat near her. He settled her hair's braids and whispered.

The thing I cannot confess when you have opened your eyes. I can confess it now. So sleeping beauty I want to tell you that I love you. This castle has been made since you gave up your life for me. From that night when I hugged you the first time. I don't know what happens to me when I look into your eyes and I can't confess my truth. Stay with me. You are my strength. Leonardo was sitting near Ava as she woke up.

Are you okay? Ava asked. Leonardo believed that she didn't listen

I couldn't sleep so I sat here. I was looking for you. Leonardo smiled

Ava stood up and went onto the balcony. She was smiling. Leonardo followed her back.

Can you see the North Star? How beautiful it is.? Ava asked

I saw it and compared it with you. Found Leonardo Benjamin's wife more brightening and shining than that. Leonardo said

Is that so? Ava smiled

Yes. No doubt. Star was directing you. But you were directing me the right and best of all. Leonardo put a blanket on Ava and his shoulders then he put his hand on Ava's shoulder. Both sat on the balcony and started gazing at the stars.

Love becomes an obsession and descends into the soul, then it becomes necessary to get it, otherwise, separation becomes poison and is embedded in the veins, from which a person dies instantly. But here everyone got everyone's love. . Hidden Love needs emotions and there is no intensity in it to showcase. It remains eternal. How can this happen? Ava and Leonardo Understood after a time.

This volume finished here. thank you for your support. if I got more. I will make up my mind to write a season 2 for Hidden Love Castle.

keep supporting.

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