Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.
Chapter 6
Hiccup Pov:
It has been 1 week since I arrived and I have made the entire Living, Dining, and kitchen area, during that time. By now Astrid must have found the Hideout, gold, NightFury scales, and the secret about Thorfinn maybe.
Thorfinn is the son of Stoick's brother who was the strongest in the world second to no-one. The only one who came close was Thorkell the tall, Thorfinn's Great-Uncle. Stoick's brother Thors was the best of the best but he wanted peace and when war called he went out and got ambushed by pirates.
Thorfinn to avenge his father followed the pirates for years and became an Assassin/Warrior who would do tasks to have a duel. He couldn't do it in time since the one who killed his father died when he faked being mad to spare the child. The reason being is the pirate was hired by someone else. Thorfinn then became a slave for 4 years and then a merchant. He tried to settle in Vinland as his old friend leif told him about but he failed. He ended up retreating back to his only family, Berk.
I went exploring on the 5th day since I had finished everything but the kitchen. I found the perfect cave for sleeping. Across on the other side of the landing cave there is a cave that connects up to the Livingroom there is a cave that goes around the edge of the mountain with pockets on each side. If I put up a wooden wall with a door then you can have a room and I can knock out parts of the wall for air.
I am going to continue working on the kitchen for the next 2 weeks since that will take a while. So I go out with Toothless for a fly. Eventually we run into a ship sadly and they start firing on us. I catch an arrow in the leg as we are flying away and Toothless gets hit as well. They are following us to a nearby island where we are going to rest.
I fly Toothless to a mountain since the call from it was drawing him there. We fly up there and hide, I take out the arrow in my foot and then move on to do Toothless's arrow. As we are resting the same noise from before starts to drag out Toothless from the cave that we are in and I stop him.
I go and see a dragon trapping other dragons and also the guys who were chasing us. A monstrous nightmare gets caught and I don't think much at first but then it lights on fire and escapes from the amber like substance. I take Toothless and we go back home.
When we get home I start on the idea with the fire since it will be easier to see in the dark and stuff. As I am searching for a Monstrous Nightmare I see a sick gronckle and take it back to look at it.
I notice that it overate and can't throw-up the excess so I take a feather and tickle its stomach. It is in another cave that I was using for storage near a vent. The cave is pretty large, just larger than the smithy at home. Eventually he vomits but the lava looks different so I quickly set up a smithy as the gronckle leaves and I make a sword.
I test it out against a iron rod and it cuts it in half easily and I try the same with an iron sword and nothing happens. That means that the metal made from that lava is stronger than iron. I decide that I will make a shield out of it, because of the days earlier events. I notice that I am putting a lot of stuff on myself to do and decide to list it out in importance even though I have 2 Months and 1 week until I leave.
I spend the next week going all out on the kitchen and finish. From there I do the shield for 2 days and I manage to make a good one and turns out it is flame and dent resistant after hardening.
Since I haven't really worked on my other projects and explored the caves more I start working on the Seeping area and putting up the walls and carving out vents and I continue that for a week.
Now I have 1 month, 2 weeks left so I go and work on the fire sword Idea and I decide to add something extra to get out of tricky situations. After that I go out on an adventure to a nearby volcano Island and run into some people who think I am a dragon hunter. They aren't that hard on me due to my age though I was tied up.
They take me to a cave to be tested by dragons while mine stays outside and turns out they aren't easy on me though. They through me in with speed stingers, luckily I have my sword since it looks only cylindrical so they didn't take it and the triangle on my back the same.
I take the triangle and it folds out into my shield surprising them and block the speed stingers. I run around the lake to gain some time but they just go straight across, my guess webbing between the claws. I take my sword and put it away while putting my shield between me and them and then Toothless shows up.
We get out and leave since they are not talking Norse and are throwing spears at us. There was one thing that I understood and that was a name "Griselda the Grievous" I am guessing that, that is their leader.
We go back home to fight another day.