
Hiccups Journey

Watch Hiccup go through an alternate storyline to after the end of Homecoming. The first three chapters around about are the same perspectives. please ignore that, or sound be the only time it happens. Note that this contains characters from my own book. Chapters will be 1000 words long. The R-18 stuff comes after chapter 40. Chapter 61 and after will not come out until 2024 at the latest. Originally posted on wattpad to chapter 60, no longer posting there due to content changes.

Night_Survivors · Phim ảnh
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Chapter 59

Chapter 59

Narrator Pov:

While Thorfinn had been Attacking while wounded on the ships the Nightfury was coming closer. When they got within cannon fire the Nightfury let out its most powerful cannons. They were developed by Hiccup and only to be used in the most dire situations.

They had cannons based off many Dragons. The first one, the Thunderdrum was a giant Cannon that shot a 1 ton shot for up to 5 miles. The second one, the Timberjack, had 2 cannons that fired simultaneously shooting basically a giant Bola type thing. It was made to destroy the masts on ships and the sides of them. It goes up to 1 mile. The third one, The Zippleback was different from the normal ones. It shot a shot that sticks to the hull and sets gas into it. Once it is released it ignites causing massive Damage. Its range is 7 miles. The fourth one, The Gronkle shoots a shot with spikes on it made to tear at the ship. Its range is 8 miles. The fifth one, the Triple strike fires 3 shots repeating on the same target or 3 separate ones. Its range is 6 miles. The sixth one, The Catastrophic Quaken shots a giant shot like the thunderdrum but on impact it causes shockwaves due to its design and stuff. Its range is 5 miles. The seventh and final one, The Nightlight, named after the 2 most precise and powerful Dragons, The Nightfury and Lightfury. It fires 1 single shot as fast as a Nightfury with zero chances of missing. On impact it completly cripples what it hits. It also has the Maximum penetration and can go through up to 5 ships. The range is 15 miles, the farthest shot by manmade weapons of the time. It is made up of Gronkle Iron so It is Light and Strong. Only HIccup knows how to make it Without Gronkles.

The Nightfury was Rapid firing meaning that they would have to let the cannons cool down soon. But the twins didn't think about that and were just shooting like maniacs. Eventually Astrid came over and had them do the shots in a order. That means that the cannons could fire forever as long as they had the shots. They did not have as many of the big shots as the little one though.

By the time that they were a mile away they had run out of Thunderdrum, Triple strike, Gronkle, and Catastrophic Quaken shots. The twins relaly like firing those. Now back to Thorfinn when he saw the Nightfury Approaching.

When he saw them coming he knew to get away because of the shots. He changes his attack direction and heads towards the cliffs. He has to be carful because of his cracked left arm and wounds from the fall and fight. On his way he stabs a guy in the throat and another in the back.

Over time after getting probably 100 more kills he makes it to the cliff. From there he looks and sees that the closest ship is 20 feet form the cliff. But he looks up to the mast and climbs it. Once he gets to the top he walks across it as the ship get hit with a shot. It is from the Nightfury.

It jocks making him lose his standing and he catches on. But he catches on with his left arm causing excrutiating pain. He manages to climb back up and makes a run towards the cliff. When he reaches the end of the Crosstree and jumps to the cliff.

Now back to the Nightfury the Twins had jsut run out of those shots and Astrid was yelling at them. "Why did you waste all those shots? You know how hard they are to make?" To this the Twins Responded saying. "I thought that we were supposed to be taking those ships out, now they are about to board us so."

At this AStrid realizes it and has Nuffink and Zephyr go to one of the many hiding places on board. As the enemy board thay start taking them out, and this continues for hours.

Astrid Pov:

We eventually overcome all the enemy foes and go towards the dock. As we do we take many prisoners from the wreckage that we are navigating. We eventually arrive at the dock to see the mechanism lowering.

How in the world did Thorfinn manage to get up there? Eventually the mechanism gets to us and we connect the ship to it. It starts pulling us up and we arrive at the top 15 minutes later to see Thorfinn fighting.

We rush off and help fend off the invaders and we look back to Thorfinn. He is critically wounded it seems. His left arm is at an odd angle and he is bleeding from all over. We take him inside the ship and treat him since it is the safest place. I have Zephyr and Nuffink watch over him so they stay out of Danger.

From there we set out to where the Berserkers are being held. According to Thorfinn they are being held at a cliff due to how they are in battle. We sneak through the woods taking out all the sentries without being noticed. The reason that we are not noticed is because we know the terrain better than them.

We eventually arrive at the cliff and manage to take out 10 of the guards before we are noticed. We end up defeating them before they can kick a single berserker over. We start untying them and Dagur says. "Thank goodness your here, These guys are brutal. By the way where is Hiccup?"

"We don't know he went missing after Dropping Thorfinn off." I say as we go to free the other villages because Ryker is in Berk. We cannot go there becasue we would be over whelmed. We send all the women and children to the safest place, The library and then go to Berk with over 1000 Warriors.