
Hey Autumn

Love is destructive. Love is healing. Love is honest. When love is right, it will come no matter what.

Xoaine · Thành thị
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2 Chs

Finally Found

Two years later…

"… hmm…"


A young man silently mumbled while in sleep, with the gentle cool breeze blowing from the window, he was happily drowning to a beautiful dream of the past.

'Wake up.'


He whispered again as tears slowly rolled out of his eyes.

He didn't want to wake up, if possible, he could just sleep forever and kept on dreaming where memories were still alive and…happy.


"Ugh! I have to wake up. I need to wake up, or else, Summer will be pissed off again."

He hardly opened up his eyes and urged his self to stand up. Smiling bitterly.

"My handsome baby, you awake already?"

Her mom shouted excitedly from the kitchen down the first floor of their house.

"Mom, please I beg you! Stop with the baby already,"

He shouted back slyly.

He took a bath then wore his uniform for school.

"Good luck Gail. Just survive." He told himself while fixing up his tie in the front of the mirror.

He went down and sat at the dining table.

"Son, eat up and I'll drive you to your school," his father said while cooking their breakfast.

"Yes baby. That is a good plan. You could go with your siblings,"

His mother said while preparing their lunch boxes.

"I'll pass Dad. I think I'll have to go myself from now on. I think I can handle it from here. And Mom, no lunch boxes from now on. I'll waste my handsomeness, " then he laughed awkwardly.

Even still in so much doubt because of much concern, his parents chose to trust him.

" Here!"

He just finished his food then went straight to a garage where a car was already covered in dust.

He slowly removed the cover. The car still looked new except with some visible scratches.

"Hey, hi," he said and his tears started to fall again.

"Sorry, I look so lame. I act so lame. This is so crazy."

He went inside the car and inhaled deeply.

"Huh! I can do it," He exhaled. "Your smell is still here. You are still here."

It only took him one and a half hour to reach his university. It seemed that nothing changed at all.

He tapped his I.D. and entered the parking lot of the school which was just at the front of the main building. There, the whole view of the university could already be seen. He felt so helpless as he got out of the car. It took him two years to finally be able to get back to school. He stared out intently as students started to crowd at the front.


"Pete!" Gail answered back shyly.

"Hey. I missed you bro. Welcome back man,"

Pete happily said while still gasping for air as he ran towards Gail.

Pete was halted when he noticed the car Gail was leaning on.

"Its okay man. I'm okay now. Let's go now, we don't want to be late with Ms . Luki, right?"

Gail sheepishly said.

They looked at each other and burst into laughter. Then, they started walking to their department building.

"I missed the air here," Gail silently said.

Pete stopped walking after hearing it.

"Shit man. Not in my damn handsome face. Don't creep me out," Pete said seriously.

"Haha. What? What's wrong with what I just said?"

" I know a lot happened before and there were rumors about you changing into someone I never knew, so please, just act normal. Let's just hurry. Miss Luki must have missed you so much,"

" Wow. I never knew you can do dramas now. Let's go, last to reach the room will kiss Ms. Luki,"

Gail said and started running.

" Bastard! Wait for me."

Pete shouted while shaking his head.

They chased each other like the old times They ran without even bothering the people around them.

"Mr. Haruki!!! No running! As always," an adult man shouted who turned out to be their class adviser, Mr. Luki. "You too Mr. Patt…" which froze him for a moment. He was in total shock seeing Gail.

"Goodmorning Mr, oh I'm sorry, Ms Luki. You haven't changed at all. Your beauty shines like the morning, as always."

Gail greeted then left immediately to chase Pete.

Mr. Luki, well he was irritated but happy.

Meanwhile, from a distance someone was happy watching a great moment playing in front of her eyes.

" Finally, I found you!"