
Heroic Conquest: Anti-Hero In Another World

Rizki Irawan's fate took a startling turn when a goddess selected him for a singular, paradoxical mission: to be the villain in a parallel world. Initially, Rizki embarked on his journey, expecting it to be a typical narrative. But all expectations shattered like glass when a looming darkness, the ominous entity known as the Dark Alliance, cast its shadow upon the realm of Acra. The once-peaceful land was on the brink of succumbing to this malevolent force, and time was running out. With a heart divided between his divine mandate and a growing determination to protect Acra, Rizki defied convention and chose an unprecedented path: Be an Antihero "You tasked me with being a villain, and now you ask me to become a hero. Well, I'll do both," Rizki declared, setting forth on a journey to reshape destiny in a world where boundaries between hero and villain blur. --------------- Release date: Daily 23:00 GMT+8, 2 chs/d Mass release 5chs every end of month, +20 if castle or above is given at least once. [Warning: Extreme violence, explicit sexual content and disturbing content ahead, please read it in discretion and refrain from replicating such in real life]

iDagon · Kỳ huyễn
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128 Chs

The Quadruplets

Rizki stood at the entrance of the cave, his heart racing as he peered into the unknown ahead. The cave's darkness was mysterious, with shadows dancing in its depths and an unsettling aura hanging in the air. He took a deep breath, his hands trembling slightly as he prepared himself for the challenges that lay ahead.

The interior of the cave was cloaked in darkness, and vague shapes of dormant figures greeted his wary gaze. Though they appeared still, their presence sent a shiver down his spine, as if they could awaken at any moment, turning the tranquil cave into a nightmare.

With each step into the cave, Rizki activated the dim light on his smartphone, casting eerie shadows on the walls. The intricate design of the cave's architecture began to reveal itself – a complex network of holes and stalagmites that created an otherworldly environment.

Despite the unease that gnawed at him, Rizki pressed on, trying his best to maintain a calm facade. Yet beneath that veneer of composure, he couldn't help but question his decision to venture into this unknown territory. The atmosphere grew heavier with every step, and doubt crept into his mind.

Flashes of his past invaded his thoughts – memories from his days as a school gang leader, known for brawls and his fearsome reputation. He had a history of violence and even taken lives, a reality he couldn't escape. But this was a different realm, a world where he faced creatures unlike any he'd encountered before.

He moved forward with caution, the silence broken by the anguished cry of a woman in distress. The urgency in her voice sent adrenaline coursing through Rizki's veins. His heart raced as he tried to pinpoint the source of the cry for help, his fingers trembling as he typed a message to Faye, seeking her assistance.

"Faye, are you there? I'm in trouble. Need your help, now."

His e-plea went unanswered, intensifying the sense of isolation that enveloped him. With resolve, he retrieved his gun from his bag. It felt foreign in his hand, a stark reminder of the distinction between this perilous situation and his past experiences.

Rizki proceeded with careful steps, his grip on the gun tight as he surveyed the surroundings, straining to hear any signs of impending danger. His heart pounded; ears attuned to any sounds that could signal trouble.

A thud echoed through the cave, jolting Rizki's nerves. His finger twitched involuntarily, and a gunshot shattered the previously undisturbed silence, its reverberations capable of attracting unwelcome attention.

Indeed, the gunshot had an effect, prompting an authoritative voice to demand, "WHO IS THAT?!"

Rizki's heart raced, his breath catching in his throat. The voice sounded close, and he steeled himself for whatever awaited him further ahead.

Amidst the inner turmoil, Rizki muttered under his breath, "Stay vigilant, Rizki. You've got this."

Finally, a message from Faye illuminated his smartphone screen.

"Rizki, sorry, I was tied up. What's going on?"

Rizki wasted no time in responding, typing quickly, "I'm trapped in a cave, Faye. Heard a scream, I couldn't locate the source. I need your help."

Another message popped out which was a response from the goddess. It said, "In a cave? Be careful, Rizki. Can you find an escape route?"

His fingers danced over the screen as he replied, "Not sure yet. I got a gun but I'm not an expert in this. Come here, Faye. I need your help here."

Then another message popped up quicky, Rizki read it,

"Stay alert and trust your instincts. You've got the skills for this. And do not call me to help you directly by the way."

He muttered in exasperation and replied through the screen as he typed, "Asking for help from you is just like asking for nothing!"

In his vexation, he accidentally fired his gun again, the echoing gunshot followed by the panicked cries of female voices.

"Faye's assistance is worthless!" he ranted; disbelief evident in his words. Just as he processed the situation, another message appeared on his screen.

"Try it out yourself, Rizki. I chose you because I know you can do it."

Rizki's patience wore thin, and he sent a voice message, a blend of frustration and determination, "Fuck it! I will drag you along if I got myself killed here!"

The surge of anger propelled him forward, and he continued his cautious advance. Along the way, he stumbled upon footprints, lurking in the shadows until a dark figure emerged, revealing itself only when the coast was clear.

"Gotta be careful, that is really huge." Rizki muttered to himself, snapping a photo of the enigmatic being. The flashlight's glare caught its attention as it appeared in front of Rizki.

From the shadows emerged a beastman, a formidable lion-like creature. Rizki muttered, "Oh shit." as the beastman roared and lunged at him. Acting on instinct, Rizki used a chain on his hand to block the slashing claws, retaliating with wild punches. However, the beastman's confidence was evident as it countered, delivering a powerful slap and a swift kick.

A thud echoed through the cave, followed by a groan of pain from the beastman. Rizki seized the moment, retrieving his phone and discovering a message.

[Attempt of Tampering: Unbreakable Object Mode Initiated]

It was his phone's resilience had caused the beastman discomfort.

He knew that he must not waste any time further, thus he tucked the phone away, grasped his gun firmly, and fired multiple shots at the beastman's head, finally ending its threat with the beastman shaking wildly before leaving the world for good.

As the lifeless body of the beastman lay before him, Rizki heaved a heavy sigh, a blend of relief and solemnity washing over him. This marked his first kill in the place where he lived now, a somber reminder of the dire circumstances he found himself in. He couldn't help but contemplate whether his actions were steering him toward a fate even worse than death – a hangman's noose, perhaps.

With limited options but unwavering determination, Rizki squared his shoulders and forged onward on his treacherous journey. Each step seemed to lead him deeper into the heart of the enigma, and adversaries lurked at every turn. His tactics grew varied, his spirit unyielding as he fought for his survival. The ordeal left him with ragged clothing and frayed nerves as he finally approached his intended destination.

Arriving at a designated spot, Rizki's gaze fell upon four figures, their presence guarded as if they were the rarest of gems. Hushed conversations surrounded them, discussing their value and the potential profits they could yield when sold. It was clear that these individuals were both highly prized and fiercely protected.

Observing from the shadows, Rizki's heart went out to these captive souls. Empathy surged within him as he contemplated the agony they must endure, trapped in a web of exploitation and oppression. A surge of indignation ignited within him, fueling his determination to challenge the existing order and make a significant impact on this twisted world.

In a low tone, a male voice emerged from the group, saying, "These ones are extraordinary, you know. Possessing unique abilities, each of them."

A woman's voice joined the conversation, carrying an air of calculation. "Agreed. They cost more than what we could spend in our lifetime if we can sell four of them together!"

Rizki's fists clenched involuntarily as he listened, the flames of determination burning brighter with each word spoken. Rizki blurted "Those assholes!! They are not commodities!" as he saw those. But then, he covered his mouth and hid immediately. Good thing nobody noticed as he said so, since to those people, he spoke an unknown language.

"That was close!" Rizki hid inside the rock, muttering in his mind in fear. But curiosity defeated his fear; he decided to peek from the hole beneath the rocks that seemingly big enough to fit his face.

He then noticed the other man who yelled to something that led the agonizing voice to be heard. It made Rizki furrowed in anger, cursed, "Fuck! They are not your game consoles!"

He decided to move, but there was a word that echoed thorough his mind,

"Recklessness will result nothing but killing you, mate."

He moved his foot back, hid his head and crouched, words echoed in his mind again as he determined, "Yes, Anwar. I can't be reckless.".

As Rizki contemplated his next course of action, a peculiarly loud dragging voice caught his attention. Curiosity piqued, he inched closer, revealing the presence of four identical female elves who were scared as there were another round of screaming again. His astonishment was evident as he murmured, "Twins? Elves? Now that's something new. That's four of them with similar features!"

Eager to share his discovery, he reached for his phone and messaged Faye, "Faye, you won't believe what I've stumbled upon. Four identical female elves, and they're quadruplets."

While awaiting her response, Rizki discreetly snapped a photograph of the quadruplets through the hole, their captors blissfully unaware of his presence. The image captured their distinct features, serving as a testament to the remarkable nature of their existence.

Rizki tapped his message next after he sent the image, he tapped it quickly as he muttered in his mind, "You won't believe it, but I think I had spent my whole lifetime luck by getting this!"

Faye's reply was swift, brimming with amazement. "Quadruplet elves? That's unheard of. Twins are already a rarity among elves. Get more photos if you can."

Rizki nodded to himself, a smile tugging at his lips as he appreciated Faye's enthusiasm, even from a distance. He managed to capture a discreet image of the quadruplets and sent it to her, his fingers dancing across the screen in anticipation.

Faye's astonishment was palpable as she responded promptly, "This is beyond extraordinary. I've never encountered anything like this among elves. It's not just twins; it's quadruplets. Something truly unusual is at play here. And don't worry, I'm the one who decides your luck, and your luck is still intact."

Rizki who read those replied in voice note, "Erm… this is not what I expected, But okay."

Upon the skies, Faye chuckled as she heard that voice note. She then replied as her finger danced on the screen she owned, "Joke aside, make sure that they're alive and safe."

Lost in contemplation, Rizki leaned against the cold cave wall. The weight of the situation bore down on him as he considered the implications of his discovery. His voice barely rose above a whisper as he confessed, "I can't bear to witness this anymore. But can I really take them all on at once?"

Amid his internal debate, Faye's voice echoed through his phone once again, "Remember, you once took down eight people single-handedly. Your skills are solid. You've got this."

Rizki's fingers flew over the screen as he typed his response, "I know, but this is different. Four against one isn't the same as eight. Not to mention that those people who guard the girls aren't human."

Faye's voice of encouragement came through, "You've got the experience. Have faith in yourself. You can handle this."

Rizki tapped out his reply, acknowledging, "Alright, I'll do it, but it won't be a walk in the park."

Soon after, Faye replied with determination, "You're not alone, Rizki. You have me to guide you indirectly. I will guide you while I can, the rest is on you."

A quiet resolve settled within Rizki as he absorbed Faye's words. His mind became a whirlwind of thoughts, strategizing his options and plotting his approach. He recognized that the odds were stacked against him, but his determination blazed brightly as he understood and typed, "You're right, Faye. I can't keep asking for help from a god without trying. I will try to make this work."

Another message popped out swiftly from his phone shortly after he sent the message, "Good Luck, Rizki!"

With a soft exhale, he muttered to himself, "Time to formulate a plan." Closing his eyes, he allowed his thoughts to unfurl, each idea connecting seamlessly with the next. The silence of the cave enveloped him, providing a canvas for his strategy to take shape. Minutes stretched into a meticulous process of visualization, risk assessment, and anticipation of potential outcomes.

When he opened his eyes again, a newfound clarity greeted him. He knew precisely what he needed to do, even if it seemed audacious and fraught with peril. The pieces of the puzzle had aligned, forming a daring plan that might just tilt the scales in his favor.

"Let's do it!" he declared with unwavering resolve as he walked towards the light.