
Heroic Conquest: Anti-Hero In Another World

Rizki Irawan's fate took a startling turn when a goddess selected him for a singular, paradoxical mission: to be the villain in a parallel world. Initially, Rizki embarked on his journey, expecting it to be a typical narrative. But all expectations shattered like glass when a looming darkness, the ominous entity known as the Dark Alliance, cast its shadow upon the realm of Acra. The once-peaceful land was on the brink of succumbing to this malevolent force, and time was running out. With a heart divided between his divine mandate and a growing determination to protect Acra, Rizki defied convention and chose an unprecedented path: Be an Antihero "You tasked me with being a villain, and now you ask me to become a hero. Well, I'll do both," Rizki declared, setting forth on a journey to reshape destiny in a world where boundaries between hero and villain blur. --------------- Release date: Daily 23:00 GMT+8, 2 chs/d Mass release 5chs every end of month, +20 if castle or above is given at least once. [Warning: Extreme violence, explicit sexual content and disturbing content ahead, please read it in discretion and refrain from replicating such in real life]

iDagon · Fantasy
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128 Chs

Missing Daughters

The forest stretched as far as the eye could see, adorned with tall trees and shimmering lakes. Amid this breathtaking scenery, Rizki found himself halted by a stern-looking female elf. "Trespasser," she accused, her gaze fixed on him with suspicion.

His heart raced as he absorbed the majestic surroundings. The forest whispered with the fragrance of flowers and the rustling of leaves. The elven village bustled with activity, as elves of all ages worked together harmoniously. They constructed weapons, engaged in trade, and cultivated crops, forming a tapestry of cooperation. The village exuded tranquility, as if the elves lived in perfect harmony with their natural surroundings.

A noteworthy aspect was the uniformity among the elves. There was no visible racial diversity; instead, they presented a united front. The village's architecture was a testament to this unity, with treehouses interconnected by branches, necessitating agile climbing skills to navigate. The central feature was an ancient tree, its immense age evident in its gnarled bark. A door within its massive trunk led to an interior reminiscent of medieval dwellings, a striking contrast to the exterior.

Interrupting his thoughts, the female elf tapped his shoulder, her manner a blend of reprimand and guidance. "Rudeness won't serve you well here," she chided in a softer tone.

Rizki nodded, comprehending the importance of respectful conduct in this foreign realm. A commanding presence emerged from the forest's edge, a male elf radiating authority. The female elf knelt before him, and Rizki followed suit, acknowledging the male elf's status.

The male elf's voice resonated with gravitas as he addressed Rizki. "Who are you, and what brings you here?" he inquired, his tone demanding answers.

Rizki wasted no time, explaining his confusion and the circumstances of his unexpected arrival. He displayed his school uniform as proof of his unfamiliarity with this world. The female elf discreetly nudged him, her intent clear – tread carefully.

Rizki adjusted his approach, expressing contrition. "I apologize if my presence has caused any disturbance," he offered, aiming for a more diplomatic tone.

The male elf maintained his stern demeanor, leaving Rizki in suspense. After a prolonged silence, he requested evidence. Rizki retrieved his smartphone, a link to his own world, and presented it for inspection, hoping to convey his genuine intentions.

The male elf scrutinized the device from various angles before meeting Rizki's gaze with a modicum of understanding. Relief washed over Rizki as he discerned a subtle softening in the elf's expression.

With a gesture, the male elf dismissed the elves who had apprehended Rizki. The female elf's look confirmed his newfound freedom.

"Follow me," the male elf instructed, and Rizki complied. Their footsteps wove through the village, each sight and sound painting a portrait of a world he had never fathomed.

Reaching the ancient tree, Rizki marveled at its colossal presence. The interior, a nod to medieval architecture, was a striking departure from the forest's exterior. Here, within the tree's weathered trunk, Rizki felt the weight of history and tradition.

The male elf introduced himself as Varian Danielle XIX, and Rizki's restraints were removed, symbolizing a measure of trust. As a cup of tea was offered, Rizki accepted it, appreciating the gesture.

Varian's demeanor shifted, and he shared the plight of his missing daughters who had ventured into the forest. Rizki listened attentively, absorbing each description with care. As Varian finished, Rizki offered his assistance, proposing a mutual agreement – aid in finding the missing daughters in exchange for resolving the misunderstanding that had led to his arrest.

Varian regarded Rizki thoughtfully, contemplating the proposition. "You offer a unique perspective, Rizki. Your sincerity is evident, and your willingness to assist is commendable."

Rizki met Varian's gaze, his determination unwavering. "I may not fully understand your world, but I believe in common ground. We can bridge the gap between our worlds, Varian."

Varian's eyes reflected a mix of curiosity and concern. "And how do you propose we achieve this understanding? How can a bridge be built between realms so different?"

Rizki leaned forward, his voice earnest. "Through communication and cooperation. By sharing knowledge and learning from each other. I can help you find your daughters, and in doing so, perhaps we can find the means to clear the misunderstanding that brought me here."

Varian remained silent for a moment, lost in contemplation. Finally, he nodded, a decision made. "Very well, Rizki. Your offer is accepted. We shall embark on this journey together."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the forest, their conversation had laid the foundation for a partnership that transcended worlds. In the heart of the enchanted forest, amidst the tranquility of the elven village, a bond formed – a bond that would be tested, tempered, and forever change the destinies of both Rizki and Varian.

The evening arrived, casting a serene palette of colors across the sky. Rizki sat in a quiet corner of the ancient tree, his thoughts turning to the events that had unfolded. With his smartphone in hand, he typed out a message to Faye, recounting his conversation with Varian and the decision they had reached.

"Hey Faye, you won't believe what happened today. I got arrested by elves in this amazing forest realm. Long story short, I offered to help their leader, Varian, find his missing daughters in exchange for resolving the misunderstanding that got me arrested. He agreed, and now we're on this journey together. It's like something out of a fantasy novel!"

Faye's response came swiftly, her words flashing on the screen. "Rizki, that's incredible! You're living your own fantasy adventure. Remember, I can provide knowledge, but I can't assist you in the practicalities of finding individuals in their world. Be cautious and stay safe."

Rizki nodded to himself, grateful for Faye's guidance. He knew he was on his own in navigating this unfamiliar realm, but he was determined to make a difference.

A flicker of curiosity sparked within him, and he typed another message to Faye. "By the way, Faye, do you know anything about how people in this world might enslave elves or treat them as playthings? Varian mentioned a history of mistrust between elves and humans."

Faye's reply came after a moment's pause. "Unfortunately, yes. In some fantasy realms, elves have a history of being captured and enslaved due to their unique abilities and magical attributes. It's a dark part of their past, one that has led to the mistrust you mentioned. Such practices are abhorrent, and it's important to approach this topic with sensitivity."

Rizki's heart sank at the thought. "That's terrible. I can't imagine treating anyone like that."

Faye's words were tinged with agreement. "Indeed, Rizki. It's a reminder that every realm has its own challenges and conflicts. Your presence there might help bridge gaps and reshape perceptions."

As the night deepened, Rizki sat in the quiet of the ancient tree, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. He knew that this journey was just beginning, and that the road ahead would be filled with challenges he couldn't anticipate. But he was determined to make a positive impact, to show Varian and his people that not all humans were the same.

The following day dawned with a sense of anticipation. Rizki found himself in a specific location within the elven forest, surrounded by the enchanting beauty of nature. He sat beneath a grand tree, his smartphone in hand, his fingers dancing over the screen as he scrolled through its features. He couldn't shake the feeling that there might be a way to use the device to navigate this unfamiliar world.

His brows furrowed as he swiped through various menus, hoping to find a feature that could help him pinpoint locations or track individuals. Yet, every attempt proved futile. Frustration gnawed at him as he realized the limitations of his technology in this fantastical realm.

Turning to his trusted source of guidance, he typed out a message to Faye. "Hey Faye, quick question. Is there any way to navigate and find specific places or people using my phone?"

Faye's response was swift, but not quite the answer he had hoped for. "Rizki, I can't assist with practical navigation in their world. Remember, my knowledge is limited to what's available up to my last update."

Sighing in mild disappointment, Rizki typed his next question. "Fair enough. But can my phone at least use a flashlight or something? There's this cave I'm curious about."

Faye's reply carried a helpful hint. "Yes, your phone should have a flashlight feature. It could be useful if you're planning to explore that cave."

Rizki's eyes widened at the revelation. The possibility of navigating a dark cave with the aid of his phone's flashlight was both intriguing and nerve-wracking. The realization that his device could be a tool in this unfamiliar world offered a glimmer of hope.

Curiosity piqued, he couldn't resist probing further. "Wait, how did you know about the cave? Did you have some kind of insight into what I'd encounter?"

Faye's response held a touch of playful mystery. "I'm not a fortune teller, Rizki. It was just a wild guess on my part."

A mix of surprise and amusement flickered across Rizki's face as he considered Faye's words. He chuckled to himself, marveling at the uncanny timing of her suggestion. It was a reminder that even in this fantastical realm, some things remained unpredictable and mysterious.

With newfound determination, Rizki turned his attention to the cave that lay ahead. He could feel the allure of its unknown depths, drawing him closer with each step. The entrance was dark, a void waiting to be illuminated by the beam of his phone's flashlight.

As Rizki approached the cave's entrance, he spotted Varian overseeing a group of elves engaged in various tasks. Approaching with a respectful demeanor, Rizki sought the leader's attention. "Varian," he began, "I was wondering if there's any way I could accompany your group into the cave. I'd like to help and learn more about this place."

Varian turned to face Rizki, his expression measured. "The cave holds unknown dangers, and our people must navigate it carefully. It might not be wise for you to join us."

Rizki nodded, understanding the concern. However, a determined glint entered his eyes. "I appreciate your concern, but I come from a place where challenges and danger are a daily part of life. Back in my world, I'm actually the leader of the 18th Gang in my school."

Varian's brows furrowed, curiosity evident. "A gang leader? That's quite different from our realm."

Rizki grinned, a touch of self-deprecation in his tone. "Yeah, it's not as intense as it sounds. Brawling and fights are common, but I've learned when to hold back. In a way, it's given me a sense of when to face danger head-on and when to be cautious."

Varian considered Rizki's words, his gaze measuring. "You make a valid point. But why do you wish to come along? What do you hope to achieve?"

Rizki's eyes held a determination that matched his words. "I want to help, to contribute in any way I can. I don't believe in letting others face danger alone. Plus, I'm genuinely curious about this cave and what it might reveal."

Varian's demeanor softened, a hint of understanding in his expression. "Your spirit is commendable, Rizki. However, I must prioritize the safety of my people."

Rizki met Varian's gaze unwaveringly. "I respect that, Varian. But here's my offer: I won't ask you to risk your safety by going inside. I'll explore the cave on my own while you and your troops watch from outside. If I find any clues or information, I'll let you know immediately."

Varian regarded Rizki thoughtfully, silence stretching between them. Finally, he nodded. "Very well, Rizki. Your proposal makes sense. But remember, caution is of utmost importance."