
Heroes of Destiny

An unknown voice suddenly echoed out from the sky. " Dwellers of the earth " " The time has come to face your Destiny and fight for your glory in this harsh universe" " Defeat your diversities " " Weaklings became food for the strong, while The strong became the ruler of its own " " Heroes of Destiny Shall be the guide of the dawn " ... Demi Draco, Is a new streamer who just graduated college but due to unknown reasons, he can't find a job. So without any choice, he can only Livestream by the recommendation of his friend. But just when he thought that this will be his day from now on. The Descend of the unknown voice changes his life. But is it for the good... or for the worse? ... Image, not mine. Uploaded by Doanthanhtan If you find any bad grammar, please don't be shy to tell me, it will likely help me improve my skill which will be very good for both sides of this spectrum

Daoistoflust · Khoa huyễn
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In seemingly void space, a young man was looking around.

His face was tainted with confusion as his last memories are when he just slept after a whole night of streaming.

Now when he wakes up, he finds himself in an unknown place with nothing in there.

The young man was named Demi and his surname was Draco.

He looks handsome with a little bit of nerdiness on him and he was tall at least 6.5 feet.

" Hey? someone? Anyone? "

" Damn, is retribution coming after all this time? Did the girls I fool curse me? or Did they hire someone to kidnap me? "

" Fuck!!! "

He curse and curse until his lips was devoid of moist and his eyes was slowly morphing into fear.

Demi felt deeply regretted fooling girls in the past and now he was in here with no one to talk to.

Just when he is about to be mentally breakdown.

A sudden screen appear on his front.

[ Please wait for the four players ]


"What are you?!! Noo! where am I?"

[ I am the main System, As for where you are right now, You're still in the lobby. Please wait for the remaining players to enter before proceeding into the game ]

" What do you mean game, and why I am in the lobby "

Now that he knows that he was not in danger, Demi felt relieved from the tension that he felt but it didn't last for long.

[ The game was called Destiny. It follows the rule of 5v5 heroes and each player can get help from the heroes of each world ]

[ The game will be a whole day or a whole week long, depending on the roulette. ]

[ The game will reward the team who wins and the losing team will not get anything. The rewards are Universal coins or UC in short, they will be used to buy anything in the shop. ]

[ The lost team will not get anything but when they got three lost-streak, an disaster will appear on your planet. It will be varied. ]

[ When someone in each team performs very badly, The game will dispose of them after the game ends "

"Okay... That's very detailed, it even includes some questions that I was about to ask "

" Wait?! Are you by chance sentient? "

[ Yes ]

That response shocked Demi but not too much, he was still doubtful about his situation right now. In his mind, those girls that he fooled in the past were more likely to take revenge on him than in this fantasy-like situation.

So he will just wait and see the situation after the other players arrive, and at that time he will find out what this is.

But it seems that Demi's wait was not that long as a stream of light appear in the sky... Or the seeming sky in this void place.

That light pierces through the void. As a pillar of light condensed on the seemingly ground.

Demi's eyes were fluctuating and right now his feelings were chaotic.

His eyes were showing the emotion that he felt in his heart. He knows that even though the planet earth has gone through a long way in the advancement of technology, it was still far from producing this kind of magical phenomenon.

This is more likely to happen when I am still sleeping, or am I?

Demi reach out for his cheeks and pinch them. After the searing ache disappear, he let out a sigh.

Right now, he figured two things. This is not a conspiracy made by the girls that he fools and secondly, he has to survive whatever this is.

The Pillar of light disappear and a nerdy girl was looking nervously around. Her eyes were tainted with fear for the unknown.

She looks typically an American nerdy girl. With two braid hair and a school uniform. She was seemingly a high schooler.

In his experience, this type of girl will likely be fooled rather quickly.

If that was the past, right at this moment. He will likely flirt with her and make her fall for him.

But he swore to be a good person, he even change his looks. He left his wild haircut and have nice hair and sometimes he was even wearing an eyeglass just to look like a nerdy boy.

" Hey! Umm, Don't be scared I'll not bite you "

After looking enough at her, he call for her because she seemingly didn't notice him even though he was in her front.

" Ummm. H-hey..."

The eyes of the girl that were clouded by fear were slightly cleared. It seems that his presence helps her heart cool down.

" This is the situation, I was sleeping but when I woke up I find myself in this forsaken place ... so if you know something can you tell me? "

He said that with the natural sincere smile that he made, it was not that difficult for him as he was very used to smiling sincerely all the time, especially when someone ask him something that he wanted to hide.

The nerdy girl was called Jessy Viola. She was an American citizen.

She said that it all began with a voice in the sky. It said a few sentences that shake human civilization to its core.

So every time it will appear, It will choose five humans to participate in the game. All of the participants will be only 18 until 40 years old.

And some of the stuff the screen tell him earlier.

He was contemplating when he felt Jessy was weeping.

" I'm gonna die, I'm sure of it? "

"Why did you think so "

His eyes dim a little as he knows why she was talking like that, It seems as if there was a player who play pretty badly. The game or the creator of this game will disposed them.

And looking at this girl who he thinks is someone who was sheltered all of the time.

" I'm weak and I..."

Just when she was about to have a mental breakdown, she felt someone embrace her tightly. That embrace Seemingly warm her cold heart.

Even though it was abnormal for her to just accept a hug from someone she just met, that hug was the thing that she needed the most right now.

While Jessy was feeling the embrace from a guy, Demi pitied her because he knows that was true.

He can't even promise to protect her because he, himself doesn't even know a thing.

The only thing that he can do right now, is to make her optimistic about her future or else, her fear will come true.

" Hey, did anyone tell you that your hair smile nice "

With a dumb smile plastered on his face, he look at that face that was slowly burning.

Right now, even though she was not his type, he think that she was adorable.

The two were talking with each other while sitting side by side, only at a distance from each other.

Jessy was slowly showing a smile while listening Demi Idiotic story about him. In his experience, making a girl comfortable was as easy as walking.

The two were cherishing the time with each other while it was still all right.

Time passed and the remaining player arrive.

It seems Jessy was the only girl that was chosen by the system.

[ Players of earth, Be ready for war ]

After hearing that emotionless voice, the people who were scattered around while looking doubting their future looked at the direction the voice come from.

" Hey, Demi. I'll survive. "

" Okey. "

Looking at the determination in her eyes made him relief. The time he spent with her, made him unwilling to see her die here.

I'll survive, for you and me, Demi.

I Demi Draco will see, what this game will show.

With different reasons on their mind, only one is their goal and that was to survive.


[ Welcome to the Plane of Destiny ]

With that display, the screen made a dazzling light out from it.

Demi and the others cover their eyes as they will the Scorching ache from the sudden flash.

After the light disappears, Demi who has an annoyed look on his face look at his surroundings.

So it seems the Void was just a veil, what it hide was a huge plain with many terrains on them.

Demi looks at the layout of the map and finds them familiar.

And it seems that he was not the only one who find this familiar, all the players from earth shared the same look on their faces.

In Demi's mind, looking at the squarish terrain some hills here and there. Trees was divided by a river that comes from the edge of the map and end on the other edge of the map.

There was seemingly a bush here and there.

A gigantic infrastructure towered the map of the three different paths.

Each has three tower blocking the path of an enemy.