
Heroes of Destiny

An unknown voice suddenly echoed out from the sky. " Dwellers of the earth " " The time has come to face your Destiny and fight for your glory in this harsh universe" " Defeat your diversities " " Weaklings became food for the strong, while The strong became the ruler of its own " " Heroes of Destiny Shall be the guide of the dawn " ... Demi Draco, Is a new streamer who just graduated college but due to unknown reasons, he can't find a job. So without any choice, he can only Livestream by the recommendation of his friend. But just when he thought that this will be his day from now on. The Descend of the unknown voice changes his life. But is it for the good... or for the worse? ... Image, not mine. Uploaded by Doanthanhtan If you find any bad grammar, please don't be shy to tell me, it will likely help me improve my skill which will be very good for both sides of this spectrum

Daoistoflust · Sci-fi
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2 Chs


And most of all, the two different camps are opposite each other.

Demi and the rest look at the layout of the terrain and convince themself that it was a MOBA that they know.

It either be Dota 2 or LOL. They at least tried them all and know all the mechanisms of the game.

Even the once who only plays in smartphone, have tried Mobile legends for once.

This game reveal just made them dumbfounded. They felt cheated, earlier they thought that the game will be hard but it seems that it was not as bad as they thought.

What a joke, At least every youngster. Have tried playing the classic Dota 2 or LOL.

Everyone cheered inside, as they look at the terrain including the nerdy Jessy.

Demi was the exception, On the contrary, his face was very ugly.

After a while of looking, He quickly figures it out. This will be the most gore shit that he will witness.

Looking at his teammates cheering like an idiot made him even more frustrated. No one has found out the true face of this game yet.

As they were still cheering because of the sudden burst of confidence knowing the thing they feared was also something they knew all along.

"What's the matter, Demi? "

" I hope I was just thinking too much, or else. I don't know what our future will go on "

Just when Jessy is about to ask what he means.

A screen appears in front of the human players.

The screen is about a blackboard in size with words slowly appearing. Demi and the few slowly comes forward and the emotionless voice rung out from it.

[ Welcome, players of humanity. Now you are in the arena of Doom. ]

[ Each player can choose one hero to use in the incoming battle. After choosing your hero you will receive their special skill and abilities. ]

[ The system in the game will calculate your score after tallying all the activities that you did. At the end of the game, you will receive A medal of gold, silver, and copper. The winner MVP will receive a diamond medal while the loser MVP only received a gold medal.]

[ Player with no medal will receive death ]

[ In the game, you can do anything. ]

[ Error... because the human has few abilities specialize some hero will receive special passive abilities ]

[ Players choose your heroes wisely. Lastly your actions will be Livestream worldwide. ]


In the outside world.

The world was seemingly devoid of humanity. An hour ago, the world government announced that people should just stay at home at the moment until they find out if this is real.

Now most human is staying at their home, waiting for a good news to arrive.

And then, suddenly when they were chilling with their own time. A screen suddenly appears like a ghost.

It levitates in front of them and it results in various reactions toward this. The news was exploding and the social media was clamoring.

Just when they were finding out what this mean. They suddenly saw a five human on screen.

Then a screen suddenly notifies them that they can chat in the Livestream using their mind.


[: What... damn... shit... Penis .]

[ Techno Scientist: Interesting! ]

[ : Wow ]

[ Ding... because there are many people in the chat, the system will eliminate ordinary people's qualifications to connect with the chat. ]


In the office of the World Government.

" Mr. President, what do you think "

In the middle of that chamber, the president of the World government was leaning on his table while looking at the screen.

On his side was his trusted aid in his reigning.

After America won world war 1. They unified the world as one country, and so many years have passed, and like what the first president predicted the divergent and racism was slowly thinning in mass.

Now in the early 21st century, The modern president of Of the UWG or United world government, Henry Liang. A half Chinese and half America.

" I don't know, this is far from our own grasp. Let all the scholars and scientists do their job, and give them the funds that they need. I'll only need a good result "

"Politicians can't do anything with this unknown... only our greatest weapon can protect us and that is science. "


and a loud bellowed shout coming from all directions.

It seems like this place was where the president planned their plans, as they have all the advanced computers and loyal henchmen.


[ Musical Rogue: Wow, what is this magic?]

[ Musical Rogue: Hey!! why is my nickname have a rogue on it... My glorious fame was far from A rogue ]

[ Manly Beauty Queen: HAHAHHA, Now I love this system... I swear on my name that you deserve that Nickname ]

[ Techno Scientist: ... ]

[ Wise King: ... ]

[ Glorious Dog: ... ]

[ Genius Masochist: ... ]

[ Prodigal Son: ... ]

[ Musical Rogue: Dang... A dog, a Masochist, and a prodigal... And most of them all HAHAHA a manly Queen. HAHAHA this is freaking hilarious ain't it ]

[ Musical Rogue: Whose this pretentious Wise king, Even the novels I read are not as pretentious as him. ]

[ Loyal Henchman: His the UWG President ]

[ Musical Rogue: ... ]

[Manly Beauty Queen: ... ]

[ Prodigal son: ... ]

[ Glorious Dog: ... ]

[ Spoiled Tsundere: ... ]


Demi was formulating his plan when he heard a loud bellow on his side.

" I'll surely survive this without a doubt. With my 26 years of Playing Various Moba games, Without a doubt, I'll be the MVP "

"Dang, that is a whole new record their buddy. So do that mean you can lead us right "

"26 years... That's more than my age "

" Sigh... I thought that I'll be the First Human to have achieved MVP in this game "

Shaking his head, Demi walks away from them and continues what he was doing when he was blocked by a petite body.

" Demi? What are you doing? "

Looking at that naive look in her eyes, he wanted to warn her but he seemingly can't decide to tell her or let her find it out.

But after deciding that letting her find out will only break her, telling her right now will likely make her fear and nervous but it will be good than breaking down in the middle of the game.

" Listen, Jessy, I think this game will not be as simple as you guys think. Now listen, what will be the important thing when you want a higher score in a MOBA game "

" Killing and supporting? "

" Exactly!! "

" What do you mean? "

Looking at that innocent look made Demi hesitate but he just shake his head in dismay.

" So look here, earlier right when we are looking at the screen... I apparently figured out that we will not be controlling the heroes that will come, instead, we will be the heroes. "

" Becoming the hero on a Moba game which represents Reality... will be far from the easy game that you all think "

His eyes were fixed on her eyes who were slowly morphing into a vortex of fear.

Inside Jessy's head, she was feeling like someone who had just been thrown into a cold river after drying herself.

She was not as stupid and innocent as she was, in contrary if you hint it to her. She will likely find things on her own with her brain.

Connecting the killing and reality of Moba.

Then it will be far as easy as what they were talking about.

Because they were not far from the rest, the guy's also heard what Demi said.

It was like he just throw them a cold bucket of water, they quickly woke up from their dreams.

One guy can't help but cry out toward the screen.

" Is what that guy said true? "

[ Affirmative ]


In the outside world, the screen portrays what they were talking about.

So when Demi said the cold truth and the affirmative response of the System make them feel edgy.

Earlier the simple guys were cheering after they found the crux of the game.

But the reality is as cold as the winter, they quickly realize that it is not as simple as what they were thinking.

On the screen, the common people look at the big wig as looking pillar for them.

[ Realistic Author: It's as what I was thinking...They will surely be traumatized afterward]

[ Wise king: I just hope that they will bring good news after this ]


Looking at his teammate's low morale. Demi decides to take action.

" System, is our opponents have been here the first time? "

With the low moral, Demi and the few will surely lose.

Now he just hopes that the system will say yes or else, he doesn't know what he will do in this case.

What a joke... If the system says no, he can't protect anyone even himself will be in danger.


[ Techno Scientist: Oh! good gracious, at least even if they loss we can still have one player who will go out. ]

[ Realistic Author: ... ]


[ Affirmative, for the fairness of the game. Your first opponents will also have their first fight here ]

After the screen display that, the guys and Jessy breath a long relief.

Even Demi who look nonchalant outside was slowly calming down.

With just that, they can at least outsmart their enemy with their cunning mind.

No one can defeat humanity if they will use their brain, or at least that was what they believe.

[ Now players, choose your own hero ]

Then a screen flash on their front.

In the outside world...

All the people were dumbfounded as they look at the hero in front of the players.

It includes all the big wigs lurking on the screen.

It was even so much for the players.

Demi who was in the middle was looking at the guy who has a mustache and iconic salute, With his military uniform and nazi on the tag.

The evilest general in History.

" You got to be Kidding me?!!"

" General Hitler!! "