
Hero and Demon King is the Newlywed English

In a world called Esteria, for thousands of years a war has been fought between the royal alliance on the Prossa continent against the royal alliance on the Edda continent, the war that lasted for thousands of years had brought enormous destruction in the world of Esteria, this made Merliana, the strongest entity in Esteria became angry, Merliana then condemned this world, if they remained stubborn to continue the war then this world would be swallowed up by abbys, reluctantly, eventually the kingdoms on both continents made a truce, and as proof that they were at peace they finally married Freyja Arnlaulffrson Princess of the Midgard Kingdom with Loki E Veil The new King of the Muspelheim Kingdom, this is the story of two people who hate each other, mortal enemies on the battlefield who are forced to marry, live and go to school in the same place while continuing to pretend that they love each other for the safety of their world.

dame_Ningen · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

The Newly Married Couple Finally Met

A beautiful morning with a blue sky, white clouds that adorn the sky adds to the beauty of the atmosphere at Merliana Royal Academi, an elite school for nobles from various kingdoms in the world of Esteria, a school where to learn various sciences, from martial arts, Witchcraft, Crafting, General Science to State Administration, this school was established as a continuation of the peace agreement between the Kingdoms on both continents, where one of the contents of the agreement was,

"Every Kingdom must send representatives to attend neutral schools where students will learn to live in harmony with one another regardless of race or status."

Located on the island of Merian, the island controlled by Queen Merliana which is a neutral zone, this school accepts students from all races both light creatures and dark creatures, with one basic rule that must be obeyed by all students, all forms of conflict in this school must be resolved by fair.

The school building itself is more like a majestic pearl white palace adorned with hundreds of windows that adorn each side of the walls, the floor is made of white marble glittering in the light coming from the sidelines of the window, three towering towers that skyward add to the grandeur of this school , this school is equipped with various facilities that support the activities of its students, from the magic laboratory, self-defense arena, sports fields, workshops, dormitories for staff, teachers and students, cafetaria to the largest and most comprehensive library in the world.

Today is the first day of the opening of the school that's why the school staff seemed very busy with all kinds of preparations and needs for the school's opening ceremony, at the school gate the students began to arrive, just like in normal schools in general, but even so, restless faces clearly drawn on their faces, it is natural for them to feel anxiety, a few months ago they were enemies, many of their immediate family or people were injured or even killed in war, hatred, vengeance, anger and fear still left an impression in their hearts , a feeling that can not just disappear, but now they have to go to school in the same school with people who they consider to be enemies, certainly not something that is easy to accept the people they have been fighting as classmates.

Even the cool breeze that blew through the shady trees was not able to calm the tension between the students, as well as the 2 who had just come from opposite directions, in front of the school's gate, 2 people who had been born were destined as rivals and enemies the eternal finally meets.

"Ara ... Ara, Loki-sama."

"You are very diligent, you come to school this early morning," said Freyja, smiling sweetly at Loki.

(Why did this jerk come to school early this morning, even though I chose to come early so I don't have to meet this jerk)

"Wah ... wah, Princess Freyja."

"You also came this early," Loki said with a sweet smile drawn on his face.

(Damn me, why in the morning did I have to meet this annoying girl)

"That's because I can't wait to go to school here, and meet you, Loki-sama, so I come to come very early in the morning."

(I also can't wait to beat you up soon)

"What a coincidence that I am also the same as you Princess Freyja."

"And Princess Freyja, you look's very beautiful when wearing that school uniform,"

(You look like a washing board wearing a school uniform)

"Thank you, Loki-sama, you also look very handsome in that school uniform,"

(I feel like throwing up)



It's ironic, two mortal enemies, two people who hate each other now have to put on a fake smile that decorates their faces, a smile that they have to show, if only this wasn't part of their agreement maybe they would have taken up arms at each other and fight until the last drop of blood, but now the two mortal enemies must pretend to get along and be friendly in front of others, for them this is the biggest insult they experienced but even so they must continue to pretend especially when Queen Merliana is watching them, just one mistake that made Queen Merliana angry that their world would end, really a play that really tormented them mentally.

"Now this is how a married couple should be." , a soft and petite voice was heard from the schoolyard a small child's voice that made them both shed cold sweat, a petite girl who was only 140cm tall walked up to them, in a gothic lolita-style white outfit decorated with purplish rose ornaments, in her right hand holding a white umbrella while a large magician's hat covered her silver hair, she looked like a tiny doll, but she was not an ordinary child, even she was not a child, she was the strongest being in the world, the Void Witch was more precisely the Old Hag Void Witch Merliana.



"Who are you talking to, Grandma?" asked Loki.

"Grandma …?" Merliana said while glaring at Loki.

"No ... I mean Queen Merliana,"

"You want to die quickly, huh," said Freyja while glancing at Loki.

"I just let it slip,"

"Loki … Freyja."

"Yes!!!" Answer both of them.

"I am very happy that both of you, who are HUSBAND'S WIFE, want to go to school in my school," said Merliana who made the people around them look at them both with strange eyes.

"We are the ones who feel happy and honored to be able to attend this school," said Loki.

(You old hag, she did this on purpose so everyone knew we were married)

"Yes, Queen Merliana."

"Being a student of the strongest person in the world is an honor for us," Freyja said.

(This is the most embarrassing day for me, I quickly leave here)

"In that case, good."

"Please go in and get around first."

"The opening ceremony of the school is still in two hours."

"Ah, thank you Queen Merliana."

"Then I will excuse myself first, Queen Merliana," said Loki while speeding up his steps.

"Queen Merliana, then I also excuse myself too," said Freyja, with a face as red as blood, wanting to feel like they could quickly get out of the awkward and embarrassing situation that they are now experiencing, but before they could leave the place a call from Merliana to stop their both.

"Hey you guys."


"Ye … yes Queen Merliana," "You ... yes, Queen Merliana," both of them answered, in their hearts feeling uneasy feelings, since they both lied to Merliana that they loved each other, Merliana kept teasing them with strange requests.

"You're the NEWLYWED right."

"So why don't you walk hand in hand together?"

"Isn't it natural that HUSBAND AND WIFE WALK HAND IN HAND," Merliana said.

"B ... but Queen Merliana."

"Isn't that something inappropriate."

"I mean school is a place of learning not flirting," Loki said, trying to find an excuse.

(Damm You old hag, you want to torture me)

"That's right, Queen Merliana."

"It's not nice if other students see it," Freyja said.

(KILL ME ... I can no longer accept this humiliation)

"It is okay."

"I am the principal at this school so I made an exception for you two," Merliana answered lightly.

Give in ... yes, Give in, is all they can do right now, their helplessness in front of the strongest figure in this world who can easily destroy the whole world with just one finger flick, her command is absolute without being able to refute, her anger can bring destruction and end of this world, the two of them could only look at each other with reluctant and disgusted expressions, the order from Merliana was absolute although it was more similar to the death sentence for them, maybe now they thought it was better for them to be swallowed up by the Abbyss than to have to join hands with their enemies, slowly Loki stretched out his hand which was trembling because of anger, his eyes that seemed to want to kill someone and a forced smile indicated that he was really not willing to do it.

"Co…me…on...Prin…cess Freyja," Loki said with a face that held his anger.

"Ok ... okay Loki-sama." With a face that held back annoyance, Freyja reached out her hand, maybe if this was on the battlefield, what Freyja held out was a sword to Loki's neck and cut him down.

They can only give in to accept strange orders from Merliana, for them the most important thing is to relieve anger from Merliana even though it means they have to throw away their self-esteem, while holding hands (although perhaps more precisely they walk while striking their hands each with such strong force as if they wanted to crush every bone in their partner's hand) they walked into the forest behind the school, looking for a lonely place where they no longer needed to play as a couple who fell in love, their steps looks very awkward more like running than walking, along the way the sharp eye gaze incessantly directed towards them from other students makes the mood of the two of them more messy, their top priority now is to immediately escape from this place, without them knowing it, among the crowd of students who looked at the strange behavior of the two of them, there was a girl who looked at them both with a sharp look, eyes filled with revenge, hatred and anger.

"You traitor…" said the girl softly before she turned and disappeared from the crowd.