
Hero and Demon King is the Newlywed English

In a world called Esteria, for thousands of years a war has been fought between the royal alliance on the Prossa continent against the royal alliance on the Edda continent, the war that lasted for thousands of years had brought enormous destruction in the world of Esteria, this made Merliana, the strongest entity in Esteria became angry, Merliana then condemned this world, if they remained stubborn to continue the war then this world would be swallowed up by abbys, reluctantly, eventually the kingdoms on both continents made a truce, and as proof that they were at peace they finally married Freyja Arnlaulffrson Princess of the Midgard Kingdom with Loki E Veil The new King of the Muspelheim Kingdom, this is the story of two people who hate each other, mortal enemies on the battlefield who are forced to marry, live and go to school in the same place while continuing to pretend that they love each other for the safety of their world.

dame_Ningen · Fantasy
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4 Chs

The Beginning of the Newlywed Part 2

Meanwhile in the Muspelheim Royal Palace, in the Royal Throne Room, a very large throne room decorated with emblems from the Kingdoms that aligned with the Muspelheim Kingdom adorns every corner of the room, Loki sits on his throne sit with leaning, his face looks a little upset, occasionally he playing his black hair with his fingers, his blood-red eyes glared at his reflection that reflected in the crystal ball floating in front of him, his broken right horn reminded him of the past that he didn't want to remember, the horn that was the pride of the dragon race, because of that many nobles who looked down at him, after his father Farbauti E Veil abdicated, he had to replace his father's position as Overlord, King of darkness, as the youngest Overlord in history. He not only assumed the responsibility of a great Kingdom, but he also must fight for unification of different races that often in conflict in his Royal Alliance, his relatively young age is often a reason for members of his Kingdom alliance to doubt his ability to lead even more because he has lost one of his horns, but various doubts from his subordinates are able to he overturned with the ability as a leader and a reliable strategist, making him the most respected King in the Kingdom of Muspelheim.


A knock on the door came from outside the throne room shake Cain from his reverie.


"This is me, Your Majesty."

"Sygn Bloodlust."

Sygn, Loki's trusted figure, the girl from the Undead Vampire Race, the silver-haired girl is Loki's trustworthy right hand, while everyone doubts Loki's ability, Sygn is the one who faithfully supports Loki as King, Sygn comes from the royal family of Bloodlust, a very influential family in the Kingdom of Helheim, therefore the support of Sygn was very meaningful to Loki.

"Sorry, Your Majesty."

"All preparations for your departure have been completed," Sygn said while bending down.

With a little reluctance Loki stood up from his throne, for an Overlord who is arguably the strongest in the history of his kingdom this marriage was a manifestation of his defeat, since childhood no creature in his Kingdom can force him to do something he does not like, but this time he is helpless, there's only two choice, between marrying his nemesis or the whole kingdom will be swallowed up by Abbys.

Walking down the hallway of the palace corridors occasionally Sygn glanced at her king, worried expression expressed on her beautiful face, Sygn Bloodlust had known Loki since childhood, that girl was always by Loki's side to accompany him as a bodyguard, so it was natural that she could know what was now is being felt by the King, a King with high self-esteem who must now succumb for the sake of his Kingdom.

"What's wrong, Sygn?" Loki asked.

"Ah nothing, Your Majesty," replied Sygn nervously.

"Eh, sorry, Your Majesty."

"Are you really sure about this marriage?"

"I mean ... this marriage happened because of coercion."

"Why do you have to bear your father's mistakes."

"Ah, I'm sorry I said sassy," Sygn said, trying to correct her words.

Loki smiled at the words of his childhood friend, gently stroking his childhood friend's hair that made Sygn's face blush. "This is not about who is responsible for who, but someone must do it to protect the people in his kingdom."

In this world maybe only three people have seen the gentle expression on Loki's face, Sygn his childhood friend, Hela his younger sister and his mother.

"But I'm grateful that someone is worried about me."

"And didn't I tell you to just call me Loki."

"Ah ... that ... that ... because ... that ..." Sygn was embarrassed by the words of her king, for her the figure of the man who was now beside her was the person she respected the most in this world, a figure that was like a savior for people in Edda continent, so it's only natural that she is often feel embarrassed when she is beside Loki.

In the Royal Hall, a large circular room in the center of the palace, a teleportation portal to the city of Velgard had opened, next to the portal, Royal Knights and High-Ranking Officer in the Kingdoms had gathered in the hall, their eyes staring intently at their King, some of them strongly opposed the marriage between their King and the daughter of their mortal enemies, many who considered this marriage an insult to the whole kingdom, an old man in black buttler clothes walked over to Loki, he saw the look on the face of the king who looked upset.

"Your Majesty, all preparations have been completed for your move," said the old man with a smile.

"Thank you, Grandpa."

"Then where are Hela and Mother?"

"Your mother still has needs to do while your sister Princess Hela is in her room."

"The servants have tried to call the princess but the princess won't open the door."

"She must still be sulking because of my marriage."

"Your Majesty let me call Princess Hela," Sygn offered herself.

"It is okay ..."

"My sister must still be angry because of my marriage."

"But Your Majesty,"

"Leave it, it's better like this."

"Grandpa ...Sygn …I'll be going."

"Have a save trip, Your Majesty," said the old man.

"Have a save trip, Your Majesty." Only those words were Sygn able to say when looking at her king's walking towards the portal to his new life, in her heart she cursed her helplessness which made her unable to help the figure she admired greatly.

Meanwhile in his office the former King Frabauti E Veil sat at his desk, his graying hair and wrinkles on his face as if to illustrate that the man with a height of 200 cm was full of eating the acid of life's salt, the former King who was once known as the Deathbringer had his face looked very serious while reading each sheet of documents piled on his desk, he repeatedly frowned like something was up in his heart until a knock on the door broke his concentration.



"It's me, dear."

"Laufey, come in!"

Laufey, wife of Frabauti, Queen of the Muspelheim Kingdom and Mother of Loki and Hela, beautiful, tall, slender woman from the Succubus Race, the most beautiful woman in the entire Muspelheim Kingdom, with her very beautiful face and her black pearllike hair made her look very seductive, a pair of black wings on her back and a long devil's tail add to the elegance of the woman nicknamed the Black Queen.

"Has that useless child left?" Frabauti asked coldly.

"He just left."

"Oh, I see …"

"Laufey, can you close the curtain!"

"Yes … my dear." While heading to the window behind her husband's desk, she reached a blue curtain that adorned the window and pulled it up to cover the window, she looked at the husband who was sitting at his desk with a gentle look.

"Have you closed?"

"Yes Dear."

Farbauti fell silent for a momment, his face bowed toward his desk, there was something that upset in his mind, like there was a regret that was briefly drawn on his old face.

"That stupid brat, why you accept the terms of that old hag."

"What a useless child."

But dear … even though you always say cruel things to our children, but aren't you the one who most worried about our child's. "

"Wh ... who said I was worried about that useless child."

"Really ... who the one came to Queen Merliana begged to release Cain from the marriage bond while saying that all of this is your fault if Merliana want to punish someone you will accept the punishment."

"Ho ... how do you know that ..."

"You also secretly formed special forces to look after our children while on the battlefield."

"That's ... that's for watching over him so he doesn't make mistakes."

"My husband ..."

"You are really Tsundere son of a bitch," Laufey said with a sweet smile.

"Mama ..." Maybe from the outside Frabauti is like a frightening, cold, cruel and assertive person but many people don't know he is a Tsundere who is very ... very ... very fond of his wife and two children, behind his cold attitude towards his son he is an overprotektive father ... Yes, you could say Frabauiti is as bad as Raja Njord.