
Here be Dragons

This is a story on fanfiction, am just copying it. This story happened to be the very first story I read and I thought about sharing it to y'all. Here be Dragons by fadedaura. .................... They were given a chance... an opportunity to escape the clutches of the Fates. A single gambit by he Old Gods forever changes the game as the newest members of the wolfpack tear through the Seven Kingdoms to create the home they always wanted. The Game of Thrones would never be the same. Eventual crossovers with other franchises. (AU, Stark Centric, powerful North)

PrimalVoidDragon · Phim ảnh
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"... I don't want to hear another word from you Stark. I'm the King. You will open your treasury for my inspectors and donate three quarters of it to me! And this port you are building... I will appoint one of my men to be the overseer. Don't want you dirty dogs disturbing the trade routes my family established for centuries," Aerys yelled at Rickard Stark who stood in the center of the room without a change of posture or emotion.

Actually the king didn't give a single chance for the Northern Lord to explain anything. Whenever Rickard opened his mouth and started to say something, the king would go on about something else. In the end Rickard just elected to stay silent until the king was done.

All around him, most of the courtiers were pointing and laughing at him. Rheagar stood next to his father and kept a keen eye on the Northern Warden. The man may have not shown any emotion, but he could see it. It was in his eyes. A fury like no other... a fury that put the infamous Barratheon fury to shame, like a winter storm decimating everything in its path But this was not the kind of fury that lashed against its adversary... it was the kind that waited patiently. The kind that lashed out at the weakest point... the kind that took away everything with one strike. Rheagar wanted to stop his father but the mad man was on a roll.

"What are you waiting for your filthy dog? Get out of here. You will leave with my inspectors in three days. Until that you are confined to your chambers," Aerys yelled at the large man. "Aegon Targaryen should have torched your kind when he had the chance! Trying to change things! I'll show you how to change things! And get me the Master of Laws! I want to change their filthy habit of dodging taxes! I will burn you all!"

Rickard Stark just turned around and left without another word. But Rheagar was extremely alert. His family had made an enemy. An enemy they should never have crossed. He wasn't sure how the North would retaliate but he knew that Northerners were people with long memories. They would rally behind the Starks even if it meant their deaths. Even today they didn't like the fact that they were associated with the Seven Kingdoms. They never fought with Aegon the Conquer. They didn't consider them part of the Targaryen dynasty. All it needed was for a Stark to call for his banners and name himself the new King in the North and the entire North would gather behind him without complaint. Before Aegon was even born, and before the Dragonlords rose in Valyria the Winter Kings ruled over North with no contest from anybody. Even the Andals who conquered everything wasted before Moat Cailin. It was always a sore topic for the Northerners about King Torrhen's decision. Now his father had stoked the Northern pride and they had no idea on how the First Men would react.

"...And send your so called genius son to me. He will be part of my King's Guard," Aerys screamed after Rickard.

The Northern Lord didn't even respond to that. He kept walking out.


And that was the last time he saw a Northman. Rickard Stark disappeared during the night with his three guards much to his father's ire despite the guards outside the Stark Residence in King's Landing. The king ordered a force of a thousand men along with his appointed tax collectors after the Northern Warden and that was the last time anybody saw them. They got news about the force until they entered the Neck and in the lands of the Crannogmen, they just... disappeared. There wasn't even a sign of a fight breaking out. The king wanted to send a larger army, but to Rheagar's relief he listened to his advisors and called it off.

The day after Rickard Stark disappeared, the Inn of the Kneeling Man had gone up in flames. Nobody knew who had started it, but the inn and the surrounding area had been rendered uninhabitable by the uncontrollable flames that lasted two days straight. Folk in Riverlands were saying that it was a sign saying that the Northmen were done kneeling to outsiders and were ready to take up their mantle once again. To this day there were no concrete proof on how the fire erupted.

After that reports stopped coming. First the spies employed by other Lords went silent. Varys got a wind about a chest that arrived in Lannisport as a gift containing heads of Tywin's spies along with a note. Varys even found out the chest contained the heads of two of Tywin's relatives... of whom Varys wasn't clear. But whatever was in that note said to have scared the lion to his bones that he pulled all his resources that were sabotaging the Starks. He didn't even seek revenge like he would have for the death of his relatives, how distant they may be from the main family.

Even Olenna Tyrell was rumored to have gotten a note of mysterious origins. What it said and what Olenna did as a result was still unclear. That woman was so hard to read sometimes. She was well versed in court politics that put the other Lords of the realm to shame.

Then Vary's little birds stopped replying, effectively closing off the North. Even the Ironborn who usually raided the Northern shores didn't return after their skirmished over time. Whatever the Starks were implementing was big and the other Northern houses have rallied behind them with no questions.

"Anything else?" he asked the effeminate man.

"There is one thing...," Varys began. "I don't know whether I should mention this to your highness," the man fiddled with the hem of his sleeves as if tormented by indecision.

"What is it Varys?" Rheagar asked intrigued.

"I have one man who came all the way down from the North with news. This is the only authentic source of news I have. I don't know whether he would be able to come back again if he returned to his previous post. So I'm keeping him hidden at King's Landing for now."

"What did he tell?"

"The person who is behind for all the Changes in the North is not just Charles Stark. His two siblings are just as instrumental in these changes. My man managed to find out that the port at Sea Dragon Point and the navy being built there is done under the supervision and guidance Perseus Stark. Everything there is of his design," Varys said slowly. "Even Zoe Stark is said to have done amazing things. I don't know the exact details."

One smart wolf was bad enough. Now Rheagar had to deal with three. And that was without counting Rickard Stark, who was said to be a man of Olenna Tyrell's caliber.

"What else?" Rheagar asked with concern. By the way things were going; even he would not be able to pacify the Starks in his lifetime. If they were to be incorporated to the court politics again, he would have to lay the ground work so that his children could do it in the future. But then again he truly wanted the Starks by his side to fulfill the ancient prophesy.

"Not all houses are included in the Stark's expansion. But the ones that have joined have increased their wealth and standard of living exponentially. By the time my man left the North, only the Boltons, Whitehills and a few other major houses wasn't included to this group. These houses are mostly in the dark about the details but Boltons are already guessing something strange is going on. Their people are already leaving their settlements by these Lords to settle down in more 'developed' areas. They are getting antsy. They may prove to be an asset or a disaster to us if we actively move against the Starks."

"Boltons? No wonder... they and the Starks have a rather bloody past. That must be why they aren't included in whatever plan the Starks have thought of. But the Whitehills? What have they done for their seclusion?"

"I have no idea. The only thing I can think about is that they are a family that follows the Faith of the Seven. They have Andal roots because of intermarrying."

"Then the Starks are finally getting rid of the Faith," Rheagar mused. He always wondered why the Northerners allowed septons to spread the religion that the Northerners hated. Sure, it was a stipulation in their surrender but the Starks who were devout followers of the Old Gods had allowed the faith to increase their power in the North. He had seen the tension between the two faiths amongst the smallfolk. Whitehills being isolated was proof that the followers of the Old Gods were striking back for all of the misdeeds the invasive religion did to them.

"There is another thing, your highness," Varys began.


"Do you know about the assassination attempt on the Stark triplets when they were three years old?"

"I've heard about it. Didn't they capture the culprit and handed them a punishment that put the Bolton practice of flaying to shame?"

"Yes... But do you know who sent the assassins?"

"No," Rheagar said intrigued. "Who was it?"

"It was the King, your highness. Tywin Lannister sent the man on King's command," Varys replied slowly.

"WHAT?" Rheagar yelled. He stood up and started to pace around the table. This news was going to complicate things further. "I guess Rickard Stark know about it?" he asked Varys absent mindedly.

"Yes," the spymaster replied.

"Why would he do that?" Rheagar asked himself. Rheagar could never fathom to understand a mad man's mind. If the news got out in the open, it would tarnish the Targaryen name further. His attempts to reunite the kingdom would also come to a halt. Their three centuries worth of legacy would vanish like smoke in the wind. And the prophesy… the destined prince would never be born.

"My thoughts are that he was jealous of the Starks for their good fortune. The king wanted a large family so that he could go down in history as the man who brought the Targaryens out of extinction. But he tried for so long to have you, only to be given stillborns. Maybe he was incensed about the rumors that the Starks were blessed by the gods and wanted to quell it. I do not claim to understand his majesty's mind. But all I can tell is that the Starks have not forgiven King Aerys for that. They are a family with a long memory. They can hold grudges for generations," Varys replied.

"They have yet to forgive us for not fulfilling the Pact of Ice and Fire," Rheagar sighed. "Now this… is there any way they could be reasoned with? Any way we could put this all behind us?" he asked himself almost tearing his hair away in frustration.

Without the Starks he wouldn't be able to give birth to the promised Prince. The Prince born of Ice and Fire. He knew that Zoe Stark would never even consider giving him her favor, the son of the man who almost ended her life. This prophesy was the cornerstone in his plans for the Seven Kingdoms. He needed to figure something out to get one of the Stark girls to his embrace. And that was what he was going to do tonight.

"I don't think so, your highness," Varys answered his rhetorical question. "The Stark saying may be 'Winter is Coming', but we all know the common saying amongst their people."

"The North never forgets," Rheagar answered almost immediately.

"Yes, a Lannister always pays his debts, but the Northern memories are long and they have patience to deliver their judgment slowly."

"You may return to your duties Varys. I need some time to clear my thoughts," Rheagar said dismissing the Master of Whisperers.

"As you command," Vary bowed and glided out of the room closing the door behind him leaving the Silver Prince and his two most trusted King's Guard to their thoughts.

Percy swore under his breath. He couldn't help but cruse the sweltering heat of the south and he could only blame himself for his misfortune. He was the one who volunteered for this harebrained scheme. The worst part of it was leaving Windshear behind. This was the first time he was separated from his familiar since he hatched for him. They were not yet ready to bring out the storm dragons into the public as it would only cause more panic and confusion in the already confused nation.

The South was vastly different from the environment he grew up in. The people of the North grew in an unforgiving environment and that led them to be more community oriented. There were little luxuries as they didn't have time to enjoy such trivial things. You didn't know when you would meet your end. Be it from the untamable wilds or the savage bandits that roamed near populated areas. It was said the First Men of the North grew up as hardy as the trees of the North, both adapted to whether anything the nature threw at them. But that was before he and his siblings started to shake things up and introduce a change that every man, woman and child above the neck welcomed. And it was the reason why they flocked around their house despite their past differences like moths to a flame.

In contrast, the Southerners had little to worry about. Most of the land was populated, and these settlements were close by unlike in the North where you had to travel for days on end to get to their neighboring settlements. Food was there in abundance. Dangerous wildlife, the kind that could wipe entire villages out didn't exist. With this abundant wealth, they had turned to court intrigue and whatnot to keep themselves occupied. The only danger they faced were each other. During the short time Percy was in the South, he had seen people who were like brothers turn on each other for benefits. This cutthroat competition was one of the things keeping the societal stagnancy.

And here he was... all alone, roaming about the outskirts of the Citadel. He was looking at ways to get inside discreetly. He didn't seem to be out of place since the area was full of young men about the same age as him going about their duties in Oldtown. But luck didn't seem to be on his side as he had been doing the same thing for three days. He had seen several ways in. But the problem was to avoid internal security to get about his task without a problem. The reason why he was still loitering about was because he still couldn't find a pattern in their security rotations.

This was one of the most secure places on Westeros. The maesters weren't known for their generosity when it came to knowledge they had gathered.

Percy went to an outdoor inn just across the Citadel's main gate and sat down in the shade. He was going to probe the situation inside tonight. Maybe he would be lucky and get to his objective in one try. He had a trump card known as magic to help him get there. It was one thing he didn't consider in his plans since he didn't know whether the citadel had anti-magical security systems. The maesters may discredit the existence of magic in public saying their infamous quote about how it was not magic that should rule the world but men, but even they knew that magic existed from all the documented facts from history. Oldtown was an old settlement. Who knew whether they had wards like Winterfell?

He wasn't actually alone right now. Sif and Fenrir were somewhere about hidden in the shadows. The hellhound pups that Mrs. O'Leary bore had grown up substantially in these past five odd years. They stood taller than any human in their natural form. Luckily they could change their size unlike their mother and mostly seen in the size of a regular wolf. Maybe it was a trait they got from their father, the mighty Cerberus. The pups had started to follow the other Stark members after they got used to them. Sif and Fenrir always followed him. No matter where he went at least one of the two followed him. They were identical in every single way except for their gender.

Zoe had named one Blacklight in honor of her pseudo familiar in the hunt and taken it under her wing along with about a dozen of direwolves. Neither Charles nor he commented on the fact that she was starting to emulate Artemis' hunt trying to form her own band of followers. Zoe was a little vain in this regard. Luckily they didn't geld males on sight. Her deep hatred for males was mostly sated and these days she went all out on people who escape justice.

Irontooth was the pup that followed Charles at first but had then taken to like Silena better than his original companion. Since Silena lived with them at Winterfell these days, Irontooth kept alternating between following the two. He abandons Charles right away whenever he sees him going to do something boring like forging or doing his lordly duties. At these times he visited Silena as she spoiled him rotten. This was the pup with something like a multiple personality disorder since he acted in two different ways around the two which was totally in contrast to each other.

Nemesis was his mother's while Ares followed his father. They had personalities that were almost identical to his parents. Nemesis was wild and free, spending most of her time out in the woods. Ares on the other hand rarely left his father's side. He was the quietest of all of the pups.

His younger siblings were given Freya and Raijin. Freya was the only pup with a different colored coat. While all of its siblings were pitch back, he was light grayish in color with a pure white underbelly. Lyanna loved her little companion and often bragged how different she was from the rest of the litter. Raijin on the other hand was just like his brother. If a hellhound had ADHD, it would be just like Raijin. The duo could never stay in one place for more than five minutes, always sneaking out of the castle looking for trouble and tailing Zoe when she went out.

The hellhounds were rather territorial about their partners and it was seen when their partners were threatened in any way. But they also came and went as they pleased much like the direwolf pack at Winterfell. Often they wouldn't see one or more of the hellhounds for weeks before they turned up again only for another to vanish. They were wild as they came but oddly seem to sense when their partner was in trouble. Though they had grown up, Percy still called them pups since he was the one who was given their responsibility. And that was a responsibility he took to heart since Mrs. O'Leary was his pet and was one of his closest companions.

The North had changed a lot ever since their discussion after the discovery of Winterfell's Nexus. Charles had taken it upon himself to completely change Wintertown unlike his half hearted efforts prior to that. Entire sections were torn down and rebuilt to 'Charles' Standard'. When their father saw how efficient Charles was, he stepped down and gave the reins to his son to lead his people. Their father was still the Warden of the North, but he had completely shifted all his responsibilities to the three of them and relaxes with his wife. If you wanted to see father, he was most likely at the baths enjoying his newly found freedom with his friends.

The most impressive thing was the introduction of the bath houses. It was styled after the Russian banya with features taken from the Roman baths. It was widely celebrated and people actually set aside a time of the day to visit the place. It had become a great place to socialize. When Lord Wyman Maderly saw its success he wanted one at White harbor as well. Soon every family with close relation to them petitioned for one. But the one at Winterfell held significance above others since it was the largest and also the first to be built.

They also got to meet Silena again. It was always fun watching Charles melt in her arms. She could play him like a fiddle and played with him she did. She came to live with them in Winterfell after their eleventh name day. But she left the castle now and then to oversee some of the things she had started to implement at her birthplace. Silena was instrumental in tracking down the grains that could weather the harsh northern climates. Now the swampy areas around the Neck were full of rice fields, the Rills and the Barrowlands cultivated with corn and wheat and the Umber and Karstark lands with potatoes, cabbages, carrots, etc. Sure it had taken them a massive labor force and a long time to prepare the lands, but it was all soon rewarded. The smallfolk were especially grateful for the increased farming opportunities. And after three years since their father's confession, the North was finally self sufficient in grain. The initial plan was to make their land self sufficient and slowly increase production so that they could export their produce in time.

"Excuse me! Is this seat taken?" a voice broke Percy out of his thoughts.

Percy who had been reclining in his chair with his feet propped up on another seat sat straight when he saw that he was at the only table which wasn't full of people. All other spots had been taken by the patrons to quench their thirst in this exceptionally hot day. The pitcher of cold wine he had ordered was mostly empty as he had subconsciously sipped the beverage while deep in his thoughts.

"No," Percy replied as he glanced at the person who disturbed him. His eyebrows shot up when he saw the two people standing in front of him. He did not know them... but one of them brought back memories of a time that was and wasn't meant to be. His single biggest 'what if?' The question that had gnawed him day in and day out during the time in Elysium... the only secret he had kept from Zoe… the decision that would have meant for a different outcome of his short life.

"Thank you," said the man seating himself in the seat next to Percy while pulling a seat for the lady who had to be his sister seeing that they were so alike.

"Hello," Percy said without any changes in his facial expressions. But he couldn't help but steal glances at the young lady right in front of him. They were so alike that it couldn't be a coincidence. It was almost as if fate was mocking him right to his face

"Hi," the man replied. "Name's Arthur Dayne. And this is my lovely sister Ashara."

"The heir of Starfall and the beauty of Dorne," Percy said with a smirk. "I wonder what you are doing here in Oldtown without any guards."

"So you know about us," Arthur said with a smile. "But we are at a disadvantage. Why don't you introduce yourself."

Percy looked around to see whether there were 'little birds' flying about. Since the incident at the capital, he and Zoe had taken it upon themselves to hunt these little pests that spread rumors. They were aided by Howland Reed and the trio had gotten quite good at spotting the Spider's little lackeys and eliminating them without raising alarms. Winterfell was already cleared of most of the spies by their father when they started this project. They only had to give a cursory sweep to catch the rest that remained. Then they went to White Harbor, Bear Island, Last Hearth, Karhold, Barrowton, Rylls, Torrhen's Square, Deepwood Motte, Ironrath and other places where the Lords cast their lot to stand behind the Starks no matter what when they were eventually brought into their development plan. It was a tiring job, but they were able to roam the entire North doing it. The Storm Dragons were a real help in ferrying them about and they completed the task within six months with the rest of the North not even finding about their flying mounts.

"If you are looking for spies, you can relax. I had this inn swept with my men today," Arthur said with a relaxed shrug. "I found out about everything about this inn's patrons. You were the only one I could place anywhere. You are clearly the son of a noble. I can see it in your posture. You are clearly a talented warrior as well. But you don't match any known child of a noble, unless you are a bastard or a hidden child. Then again you are out in the open… in this very spot for three whole days doing Seven knows what. So who are you?" Arthur asked a little forcefully.

"Doing detective work on me, are we?" Percy asked with a smirk. "Don't worry I'm not here to sabotage whatever you are planning I didn't even know you had brought the whole place to yourself. But that would explain seeing the same faces three days in a row," Percy mused. He hadn't thought much about this inconsistency opting to believe that this was how things were in the South since he was unfamiliar with most of their customs.

Arthur's hand went to his sword. Percy held his hands up. "Relax. I'm just messing with you. You wanted my name. Do you want the real one or the alias I go by these days? I still haven't figured out whether I can trust you or not."

"Real name, please," Ashara replied for the first time. "And I promise that if you aren't going to interfere with our work, we won't interfere with yours either. On that you can trust us."

"Alright I'll bite," Percy decided to take a leap of faith. It wasn't like him at all to trust another especially when he was in potentially hostile land, but Ashara really reminded him of Calypso. Their resemblance was uncanny. He wanted to trust this figment of hope he had within him. He had yet to decide what he would do with this information, but he wanted... no he needed to know where this conversation would lead. Would it be the start of a new friendship?... He didn't know. But the feeling inside him wanted him to take this small leap of faith. If things turned sour, he could always escape with Sif and Fenrir.

"My name is Perseus Stark."

Both Ashara and Arthur drew a cold breath when they heard his name. He couldn't help but curl the corner of his mouth involuntarily at their reaction. He knew something like this was coming since it was the first time a Stark had ventured South after the disastrous fallout his family had with the Targaryens. Then there was the fact that of the 'wolf trio,' he was the person others knew nothing about. Charles who was called the 'smart wolf' was given the moniker 'Charles the Harbinger,' because he heralded change for his people. The system that had been in place for thousands of years was changed almost overnight. He would go down in history with the likes of Brandon the Builder, Brandon the Breaker, Brandon the Shipwright and the likes.

Zoe on the other hand called the 'silver wolf' but that changed when she tamed the direwolves to earn the moniker 'Zoe the Huntress'. She with her wolves to hunted the highwaymen that were robbing, killing and raping against their father's wishes and thus her name came to be. She was seen as the darling of the smallfolk. Handing out rations for the unfortunate and helping children, she was the only member of the three wolves that mingled with the people the most. There was also one other thing that Zoe did, that both infuriated and endeared his sister to him. The moniker was never given to her by the people like the one Charles gained. Instead she used her popularity to spread rumors and thus 'Zoe the huntress' came to be. It reminded them that although all of them tried to forget their past life, a part of it was engraved in their very souls. It was what defined them and it could never be replaced.

He on the other hand was known as the silent wolf. But he too wanted a cool nickname like his siblings. He didn't want something boring like Perseus the Warrior or something on the same lines. But he wanted something that would make him known no matter what… something like 'Perseus the Thronebreaker' where he got it in a fantasy about him shattering the Iron Throne, or 'Perseus the Winterwraith'. But to get a name like that he needed to do something big, something spectacular that would make him go down in history. So here he was, biding his time for an opportunity.

"Shhhh!," he shushed them when he saw that they were about to make a racket. "I'm not supposed to be here you know. So keep it quiet."

"What are you doing in Oldtown?"

"Are you really the Silent Wolf? You are different from what I imagined."

"Are your brother and sister here as well?"

"What is it like in the North? I hear things have changed since your brother took command over from your father? What is he like by the way?"

"Is your sister beautiful as they say?"

"Can we meet them?"

The brother and sister started to gang up on him firing question after question at Percy. Percy tried to open his mouth to answer but each time he did the other sibling would overpower him and ask another question. In the end he just watched the one sided conversation with amusement. The brother sister duo was turning out to be fun to hang around. He didn't trust them at all to reveal his purpose here, but the duo looked like they were fairly decent people from the way they interacted with him. Of course this could be deception on their part, but Percy was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he would gain some new friends all the way on the other side of the continent

He held his hand up to slow the out of breath siblings. Arthur who looked a little older than him had the typical Dornish build. He wasn't overly larger with bulging muscles, but had a lean fit body like a runner. He had deep black hair with lilac eyes and a face that told another that he was a kind individual. But now he was all red faced with excitement.

Ashara on the other hand was just like Calypso. The same facial features… the same silhouette. It was like reliving a memory from Ogygia. The only differences they had with each other were their eyes and their hair colors. Ashara had deep lilac colored eyes that conveyed a wide range of emotion while Calypso had soft brown eyes that matched her kind personality. Instead of brown locks, she had soft raven locks that gave her an exotic look despite raven hair being common throughout Westeros. She, who was silent at the beginning of the conversation, was somehow leading it after she found out who he was. From what he saw, she had a fiery personality that attracted him.

"I'll answer what I can," Percy began. "I'm alone, so you can't meet by siblings. Most likely they are at Winterfell. But knowing Zoe, she might be somewhere out in the wild with our father hot on her tail," he added with an afterthought smiling at the mental picture.

"We'll just say that I'm sightseeing for now. What else?.. Yes my sister is really pretty like Lady Ashara here, and no the descriptions don't do her any favor. Yes, they call me the Silent Wolf for some reason and no, don't know when they started to call me that. Winterfell is a wonderful place with new things to discover every day. And finally yes, the North has started to change since brother took the reins upon himself relieving our father to run after my wayward sister and younger siblings."

'That's it I think,' Percy thought as he tried to recall all the questions the siblings posed at him. He answered them the best he could without giving any secret away.

"How long are you staying in Oldtown?" asked Ashara, still blushing slightly about his comment on her beauty. She was finally tuning down her excitement and started to act like a typical southern lady which didn't seem to match her at all. Even Arthur had calmed down significantly.

It was then Percy realized on the impact they had caused just by closing the borders of the North. Currently almost no information passed down from the neck and everybody was curious on what was going on. They couldn't completely stop the flow of information as there were peddlers, travelers and merchants who ventured back and forth between the kingdoms. So the southerners had vague bits and pieces of information about the great changes that was happening in the North. And in the centre of this change were the Stark triplets. They were amongst the hottest topics for gossip during social gatherings.

Charles was already engaged and everybody knew that. In the North they were called the golden couple because of their services to their people. Charles developed the North while Silena was instrumental in keeping them fed. But that left with the Silver Wolf whose beauty was said to outshine all southern ladies and the Silent Wolf who rarely appeared in public. His sister had quite a public profile and her deeds were bound to reach southern ears. All those who wanted to line up for her hand had to forget about the idea ever since his father stormed out of the Capital without anybody knowing severing multiple bridges behind him. If Zoe was ever to be wed, it would be with someone Rickard Stark agreed… that was their thinking anyway. As if Zoe marry somebody just because she was ordered to.

Of all the Stark siblings, he was the most mysterious. That was probably why the Dayne siblings were so excited to see him. If they got to know him, they had the bragging rights about being the first to meet the Silent Wolf, or any of the three wolves for that matter. Also he was one of the most eligible bachelors despite being the second son of the Northern Warden.

"I don't know actually," Percy replied. "I may be gone by tomorrow or if delayed the day after that. South is not a safe place for a wolf these days you know?"

"Oh," Ashara said. You could literally see the disappointment wafting from her across the table.

"I don't know what you are here for, but we could hang around until my work is done," Percy said to her in order to cheer her up. For some reason he didn't like seeing her sad like that.

"Alright," she replied, he spirits climbing up immediately.

"So tell us about yourself," she immediately fired again not giving either her brother or him a chance to put out a word.

"You want to know about me?"

"Of course. Everybody wants to know about the infamous 'Wolf Trio'. But they don't get the chance d they? I have the opportunity that nobody has and I'm going to use it to find everything I can."

"You'd better sit back comfortably. When Ashara finds something interesting, she rarely lets it slip past her," Arthur said signaling a serving girl to bring another pitcher of wine.

"Alright," Percy sighed leaning back on his seat once more. "What do you want to know?"

"What is it like in the North?" she asked starting with a small question.

"The North…. The North is a large unexplored place with so many things to see and explore. It is a beautiful place for those who know how to survive and respect it. I do not think any Knight of Summer be able to survive the harsh conditions up there. Unlike here, the North is like one giant community. It is a place where you need to put the needs of the many before your own. This sense of community helps us to survive… it also helped us when the southerners invaded because unlike in the south, our people tend to stick with our own and not betray our own kind. Of course there are exceptions, but you can look over them as they are so rare. That is the North."

"So that is why you Northerners are so direct. You don't try to deceive your own people and you expect us to be as direct as you," Arthur added after hearing his thoughts on the North.

"Yes, but many of the Lords in the south have exploited us because of this. You can see why many of our people disdain the southerners."

"Tell us about the changes in the North," Ashara urged impatiently.

"Changes… what changes?" Percy asked with a twinkle in his eye that didn't go unnoticed by either of the Dayne siblings.

"Perseus," Ashara growled.

"We are into first name basis now are we? Fine it matters not. I don't like all these customs and ceremonies you southerners adhere to."

"And you can call us by our first names too," Arthur stated and his sister gave a curt nod of impatience.

"What do you want to know?"

"Tell us about the rumored bathhouses," Ashara said leaning forwards.

Percy had to smirk inwardly. Of all the new additions to the North, bathhouses were probably the only thing the civilians were mostly exposed to. Thus it was probably the only new thing the southerners knew they had established in the north.

"Do you know about the hot springs in the North?" he asked them.


"Well… the North has a large underground water network that is naturally heated by magma. It is mostly hidden deep beneath several layers of soil, but at some places, this network comes to the top forming hot water springs. One such place is at Winterfell. Our ancestor used these springs to heat Winterfell so that it could survive the harshest of winters. My brother used this unused natural resource and established the baths to provide our people with something new… something to improve their lives. And that was the motivation behind it. Baths are a place of community… a place where the lowest pheasant to the highest noble can go relax and mingle irrespective of their social class. It also has many health benefits."

"How is it structured?" Arthur asked.

"Mostly it contains three main areas; the entrance pool, the hot water pool and the steam room. The entrance pool is where you enter and wash your bodies first. It is mild in temperature. If you spend a few coins, you would be given special oils and salts that are beneficial for your health. After enjoying a soak in this pool, one can enter either the steam room for a hot steamy relaxing experience or the hot water pools. Both these areas are large and have their own entertainment, be it music or any other art form. People tend to switch between these two rooms quite often and spend up to two hours at the baths. We have already noticed the effects of the baths amongst our people. Skin conditions have all but disappeared. Now they do not catch fevers as often and many of the common ailments have started to disappear. Women especially enjoy this venue as one added benefit is glowing radiant skin. Well, that's the short version on the baths."

"What about the ladies? They don't share the baths with the men I hope?" Ashara asked.

"Most of them do actually. But for those who wish to have a more private experience, the baths have their own private chambers to facilitate them," Percy replied.

So Percy began to answer the sibling's inquiries the best he could. He didn't reveal anything about their military capabilities and reforms or about their newly established industries. Those industries needed to have a solid start before their produce was given permission to be exported. For now their products were not even sufficient to distribute amongst their own. Charles and Silena predicted that it would take another couple of years before they are export ready.

They talked about their respective childhoods and their families. Percy recounted all of the happy memories he made with his siblings while Arthur explained on how much a pain it was growing up with both Ashara and Allyria. They talked and laughed without noticing the piling up empty wine jars or the setting sun.

"So… the next Sword of the Morning, eh Arthur? How is it to be one of the most recognized swordsman in Westeros?"

"I'm not the Sword of the Morning yet. That honor belongs to my father Ulrik Dayne. Until he passes down Dawn to me and offers me the mantle, I'm not the Sword of the Morning. A lot of things changed for all of us when your father stormed out on Aerys. Even my family was affected. My father is postponing handing me the title because he seems to be afraid of something. He is waiting… I don't know what he's looking for, but I do know that it has cost delayed my dream for two years now."

"But lately father has been confined to bed. He won't tell us what happened. He rode off one day without any guards and returned a fortnight later with wounds. He's been poisoned. Our maester wasn't able to identify the poison, but it's slowly killing him. We were able to retrace his steps to Oldtown," Ashara added.

"So you are here to find out what happened?" Percy guessed.

"That is a secret of House Dayne," Ashara said hotly.

"Relax," Percy smirked holding up his hands again in surrender enjoying it when Ashara lost composure and reverted to her fiery self. "So what are you going to do when you get the office?"

"I'm thinking of joining the King's Guard. I'm not the one to rule land or order people about. But what I can do is fight and command soldiers under me. So I thought the best way to utilize my skills is to join the King's Guard and be a shield for the people."

"And father doesn't want you doing that," Ashara shot back.

"And there you have it. This is the argument that has been going on in our household for over two years now," Arthur said to Percy shaking his head at his sister. "They don't believe I should join the King's Guard because of King Aerys. My father says that the King's Guard are not what they were like twenty years ago. Now they just follow a mad king, not caring about their duty to the people. Joining King's Guard is my dream you know? I don't think I could find another purpose if that is taken away from me."

"He's not wrong you know," Percy said to the man.

"See, even Perseus agrees," Ashara ganged up on her brother.

"Obviously, I'm quite biased when it comes to the Targaryens. They have done nothing but insult, exploit and humiliate my family. But I sense a huge turmoil in the future. The Seven Kingdoms are spiraling into conflict and I don't know when and how it would start. So it would be of best interest to your family to stay away from the Throne, at least until Aerys is replaced with a suitable heir and this tension calmed down," Percy explained slowly to the man as he had shot him a look of betrayal. "That was one of the main reasons my father closed all contacts with the Throne. We won't be used like we were during the Dance of the Dragons, only to be forgotten and cast aside for our efforts. You could always find a new purpose. But throwing yourself into a mad cause will not only end your life, but it will also bring harm to your family. So think about it when you argue with your father again."

"I see," Arthur said with a sigh. He sat with a faraway look on his face as he slowly emptied his tankard of wine without another word. It was hard to guess what was going on inside his head. Ashara mouthed a thank you at him and he gave her a smile.

"What about you, m'lady?" Percy asked Ashara.

"Oh, I have nothing much going on in my life other than turning down marriage proposals that seems to come by the dozens each day. I don't want to marry so soon. So after I return home, I'm going to take a long hiatus from the public."

"I don't think that would slow down your suitors," Percy said.

"I know… but at least I won't need to meet them in person. What about you?"

"Me? Well… after I return home, I have a few things planned. Don't know how things would turn out but I'm hoping everything could be settled peacefully. After that I suppose I would have to chase after my sister who's preparing to sneak out to venture in the lands beyond the Wall without permission."

"What? Why would Zoe do something so dangerous? And if you know about it, why won't you tell your parents so that they could stop her?"

"Our parents already know about her little adventure. They can't stop her from going no matter how much they argue as they already made an agreement some years ago. Father would give her a full armed escort despite her whining. But it's the land beyond the Wall, so no one knows what to expect. As soon as I'm done with my tasks and if Zoe had already left, I will follow her tracks to ensure her safety. Not that she would need it mind you."

While Arthur was alone with his thoughts, Percy and Ashara really got to know each other. By the end of the day Percy could honestly say that he gained to new friends.

"Ashara, lets head back to our rooms, it's getting dark," Arthur broke his silence. "Perseus, you are welcome to join us and have dinner together."

"Come let's go," Ashara pulled him up seeing a bit of reluctance on his face.

"Alright, fine," after you Percy said as he followed the two inside the inn.

He wanted to get ready for his heist, but that had to wait until he finished dinner with the duo. He did enjoy their company after all.

AN: What do you think. Don't forget to send me your POWER STONE. Like always review, favorite... and all the other fun stuff.

See ya later.