
Chapter 263


"You are under arrest Jake, for murdering Mr White," the cop said, Jake's mother regained her senses immediately.

"Let go of my son, he didn't anything" he wades in.

"Fuck, you are accusing me now? Amanda?"

Even Amanda he was referring to was just as surprised as he is, she glanced at Jo as if he was just looking for means to drive them away, but he looked resolute.

Is he putting up an act?

"Sir, the evidence we have here, shows that you and your mother poisoned him, come with us to the station" before the aged officer could complete his statement.

Some low ranked officers placed handcuffs on their wrists and took them away, the two of them lowered their heads in shame.

The press was very excited to see the mother and son, taken away by the cops, they swam to them immediately.

"Sir, why is the police taking you away?"

"Ma, is it true you chase your brother's daughter, who is to own the company away?"

"How did you manage to snatch the company, sir?"

The cameras were continually clicked as they seek to capture the best moments, even if they were not answering, they still bombarded the mother and son, with a series of questions till they were taken away.

Jo embraced Amanda "you should stop crying, you don't look pretty while crying" he teased her.

Amanda chuckled and lifted her head "I am not going to cry" she assured him, but her eyes were bloodshot.

Seeing her sad, made Jo uncomfortable, he hugged her "I won't let anyone ever hurt you again" he promised.

The news that the son and mother are gone for good 'caused an uproar in the company, they barely could get over the news.

When board meeting was called, and a new C.E.O was introduced, the one who should have been the C.E.O, two staff came out of the conference room, looking daze.

"Fuck, you must be kidding me!" One of them exclaimed.

Three days later, Linda sat in her office, she picked up a cigarette and lit it, she wore a diamond ring, on her ring finger.

Smokes emanating from the cigarette danced in the air, the door to her office opened and Chloe came in, she stood briefly before proceeding to sit before her best friend.

"I thought you promise to stop smoking" she reminded her friend.

Linda sighed "I know, but I can't help it, I am just pissed, Jo is going to get married to that bitch, look at what he has done for her" she tossed a newspaper to her friend.

She took it and glanced at the front page, after reading the column she sighed "hey, you are now married, don't tell me you are jealous over such a matter?" She asked with an arched eyebrow.

Linda rolled her eyes, stood and strode towards the glass wall, from there, she could see the bustling City.

"They should be happy for some time, but they won't be