
Chapter 264

happy forever" Linda spoke softly.

Chloe watched her shoulders heave, and realize she has made a plan "can you come and sign this?" She requested, putting a document on her desk.

Linda returned to her desk and signed it.

"Congratulations, Jeane" Jo said, and gave her flowers, she took, and smiled.

Amanda leaned forward and kissed her cheeks "congratulations, dear".

"Thank you" Jeane appreciated with a bright smile.

"Do you have what in mind to do after graduating?" Amanda inquired.

Immediately Jo heard that he abandoned what he was discussing with a friend "I am the one making the decision, she will be the president of the company" Jo commented, and abandoned their discussion.

Jeane wrinkled her nose in offence, she made a funny face that cracked Amanda's up, she started laughing, Jo finished talking with his friend and came over.

"What did I miss?" He inquired.

"Jo, I feel like I am being punished here" Jeane protested, Jo smiled and patted her back "that is your position according to ..." He sighed, and took his words back.

He quickly took Amanda's arm, when he saw that Jeane is getting emotional.

"We have to go get a fitting wedding gown for you," he said and led her away, Amanda hesitated, but she bulged.

Jeane stood, with a serious facial expression, Lucy came over to meet her 

"Do you think he still remembers?" Lucy asked, Jeane, has always been talking, and hoping about one person to show up, which Lucy knows.

"I think he does, he surely knows" she smiled bitterly, and her eyes teared up.

Lucy put an arm around her shoulder "you don't have to be worried, he will surely come and look for you someday, maybe, he is having a hard time" Lucy tried to make her see reasons.

Jack and Sam came over, carrying bottles of beer, singing loudly.

"Summer holiday is here" their two sang.

Lucy rolled her eyes at Jack, he grinned the moment he saw her reaction "I am planning to be a musician, Lucy, don't you want to marry a musician?" He taunted.

Lucy rolled her eyes and pouted her lips contemplating what he just said: "what is that?" She retorted.

Jack became louder, emphasizing the words "I want to become a musician" he declared.

"Stop drinking, you have begun to spout so much nonsense, you don't have the talent to sing, why don't you try something worthwhile" 

Jack listened to what she said and nodded "all right, I will just as you have said" he agreed.

Jeane started laughing, seeing the two lovers argue and settle immediately.

A luxurious car pulled over, "I have to leave now" Jeane bade her friends goodbye, before walking towards the car.

A Pang of pain surged into her heart, and she became emotional, she glanced at her school momentarily, feeling emotional, before entering the car.


Jeame's wolf roused the moment the driver started the car and started driving away.

The next day, it was

Jo and