
Her Unmatched Powers

She Ran down the dark alleyway to try and avoid the killers who were after her, the killers were still hot on her trail but she didn't want to reveal who she was as yet what was she to do. She bent the corner almost causing her to lost her footing but she kept going she soon saw street lights, just up ahead was the main road if she could just make it out onto the busy streets she could loos the killers in the crowd to make her get away. "Come on don't let her escape we need her come on hurry it up men" one of the thugs shouted in frustration he could not believe that he was letting the girl escape he knew his boss would kill him if he doesn't return with the girl, but at this point catching the girl seems impossible she had made it to the end of the alleyway and out onto the busy streets escape the men by merely a thread ."I should have stayed home but I need to find him no one else want to do it so I will" she said to herself as she walking amongst the people to hide herself from the killers...….

Sumiki_Jungi · Kỳ huyễn
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: Small Talk

Looking into the book as they both read, to break the silence between them Xie asked "So how has school life been going for you" he said as he lifted his head from the book to look at her. "it has been not so good especially when the teachers are giving a lot of graded work to do" she replied solemnly as she kept a dull look in her book as she continues to read "oh, yeah that is true teacher" he answered agreeing.

Silence then consumed the air surrounding the two as there was nothing else he could say "Way to go Xie... how does someone start a conversation like that" he said to himself "well.....I don't even know what to say at this point" He openly admitted to her "well at least you were honest about it some people would try to continue the conversation" she said with a joking voice she then got up from her seat and stretched her arm up "were are you going?" he asked seeing her get up.

"I am going to go to the school's library" she says well stretching her arms "can I come with you" he asked as he got up from his chair with the book in hand "sure" she said as her avoid like eyes began to show Sparks in them she looked at the boy who was standing beside her he was equally excited to go with her. She had never seen someone equally excited to go to a library just like her even if the school books weren't really that interesting, they both left the classroom heading for the library. Upon reaching there they could see that a lot of students were rummaging through the books in the library obviously trying to find interesting books to read but all there was was books about history, Legacy, Sports and other nonfictional books.

"So what book are you looking for in the library" he asked looking at her curiously as they walked into the library she responded nonchalantly "well, I am not really here for the books in the library they aren't really interesting I'm just here to use the computer" she responded "the computer?, What are you going to do?" he asked looking at her with a puzzled face because in the library people come to read or look for specific books to read "oh nothing special, I am just going to look up some online books to read considering the fact that I'm almost done reading the book I already have" she said pointing to the book in the Xie's hand "okay then" he says.

They had finally reached where the computer were in the library and had taken a seat at in front of a computer Shirumi then powered on the computer and went to one of the search engines on the computer to look for the regular website that she would read her books on. While she was doing all this and Xie was watching someone had entered into the area where they were and was walking over to them.

Late update but it is out thank you all for your patience upon waiting for the next chapter it is short I know but I am working on a lot of stories else were and I am the only monitoring they so bear with me and again I thank you all for your patience with me.

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I want to thank you all for your support and for those who had read my story so far it means a lot to me!

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