
Her Unmatched Powers

She Ran down the dark alleyway to try and avoid the killers who were after her, the killers were still hot on her trail but she didn't want to reveal who she was as yet what was she to do. She bent the corner almost causing her to lost her footing but she kept going she soon saw street lights, just up ahead was the main road if she could just make it out onto the busy streets she could loos the killers in the crowd to make her get away. "Come on don't let her escape we need her come on hurry it up men" one of the thugs shouted in frustration he could not believe that he was letting the girl escape he knew his boss would kill him if he doesn't return with the girl, but at this point catching the girl seems impossible she had made it to the end of the alleyway and out onto the busy streets escape the men by merely a thread ."I should have stayed home but I need to find him no one else want to do it so I will" she said to herself as she walking amongst the people to hide herself from the killers...….

Sumiki_Jungi · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 5: Why are you here

[Luca, 16 years old, 6'7]

~Shirumi and Luca were forced roommates. Who lived in an apartment they went to the same school her parents and his were friends, and decided it was time for you both to get along. They hired an appartmenr for the two of you. Shirumi and Luca were basically enemies.~

Luca was heading over into Shirumi's direction, Shirumi's face twitched in annoyance at Luca's sudden appearance from out of nowhere she didn't like him one bit Luka was now standing in front of Shirumi with an intense look.

In the hushed confines of the school library, Shirumi shot Luca a disdainful glance as he approached. The rhythmic tap of her pen against the open book revealed her irritation at his intrusion into her study sanctuary.

"What do you want, Luca?" she snapped, not bothering to mask the irritation in her voice.

Luca, undeterred, slid into the seat opposite her with a grin. "Just thought I'd join you for some quality study time, roomie. We need to ace those exams, after all."

Shirumi's eyes narrowed, suspicion flickering in their depths. "I highly doubt your sudden interest in academics. What's your real game here?"

Luca leaned in, his gaze unwavering. "Maybe I just want to get to know my mysterious roommate better. Uncover the secrets beneath that cold exterior of yours."

Shirumi scoffed, trying to maintain her composed facade. "There are no secrets, Luca. Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to focus on my studies."

As the library's silence enveloped them, Luca couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Shirumi than met the eye. Undeterred, he subtly observed her movements, noting the subtle signs of a double life.

Their forced cohabitation became a delicate dance between rivalry and intrigue. One day, while searching for a misplaced book, Luca stumbled upon a hidden compartment in Shirumi's backpack. To his surprise, he discovered a sleek, concealed weapon and a stack of documents with coded messages.

The realization hit Luca like a revelation. Shirumi wasn't just a mysterious roommate; she was a player in the dangerous game of the Mafia world. A powerful, enigmatic figure hiding in plain sight.

As their worlds collided, the library became the backdrop for a clandestine tango between two people who started as enemies but found themselves entangled in a web of secrets and danger. The school library, once a quiet refuge for study, transformed into a silent battleground for the hidden identities of Shirumi and Luca.

Guys sorry for the late update I had this in my draft for a while and forgot to publish it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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