

Mom, I think you should let the party co coordinator and party adviser do their job aside from that too, I can also employ someone to be in charge of all the fake marriage things, you don’t have to bother yourself on all of this”I said.

“ No, I want to be in charge of everything that concerns you, a girl that could blackmail or maybe she even worked with the opposition party only God knows can do anything, she must have a reason for doing this and the reason is known none other that she trying to gold dig and gold diggers could do anything to get whatever they want, she might even have a mind to do something beyond hurting you but God forbid, I can’t leave you at this stage my son, I will be with you until she is no more your wife”. My mom said.

“ Mom please, just take it easy with Shade, she is just a small girl and we have both gone through a lot in the last few hours please, she’s been crying so much and that’s not good for health” I said and my mom pauses and she opens her mouth and shuts it and narrows her brow and I know whenever my mom does that, she has something not appealing to say.

I moved my eyes sideways cross my leg and pick my laptop and place it on my laps.

“ Kunle, you are defending that girl so much, it shouldn’t be what must not happen between you both , don’t tell me you are already falling for that girl? Don’t tell me you are already falling for her crocodile tears? She raised her voice a bit.

“ Mom please, don’t …..don’t …… think that way, it’s not about me falling for that girl, it’s about me just feeling for the poor girl , moreover we haven’t gotten a result from the ongoing investigation and I do not want to insinuate mom, what if she is innocent of all the allegation we placed against her? I want to take it easy with her and I am not falling for her because I am not interested in women right now” he says.

I will call in my PA to take every note of what you said now, the photoshoot, stepping out, meeting of her family and also the press conference whatever is remaining because, I am so busy right now working on my speeches for the upcoming campaign because you know we would be using every medium to be campaigning right now” I said and I stood up and walk back to my desk .

I couldn’t even continue writing , my mind kept going back to how my mom spoke to shade harshly, I don’t even know why I am so bothered of the way my mom spoke to her, those words really hurt her that is why she ran out of my office.

I steal a look at my mom and I could see she is busy on her phone and she muttered out.

“ Imagine how that stupid girl let my son name be dragged in the mud, people will never stop talking about the sex tape” she says and hissed.

I didn’t say a word, I picked the intercom and dial my PA’s number, I want to keep her busy with Bassey , so that I can go and check Sade because I  know if my mom knows I want to go and see shade , it’s going to be another lecture of how she wants to ruin my career.

“ Bassey , please come in” I said.

Few minutes later.

Bassey came in with his tablet in his hand.

“ Sir” he says with a bow.

“ My mom has some  list of things that she would like you  to do list for our change of plans because of everything that happened today.

“ Mom Bassey is here to take the list of the things you said the we would be doing in few days” he said.

“ Oh, yes Bassey, come sit and I would also like you to help with new ideas as well” my mom says.

“ Yes” Bassey replied and he goes to sit.

I sat for a while when I realize both of them are engrossed in their discussion I stood up and shove my hand into my pamts pocket, I looked out and I walked out of my office and I walked to Shade’s room, I knocked but there was no reply and I slowly open the door and I see her lying on the ground with her hair scattered over her face, she has a long hair not as long as the white people or the Arabians but for we here in Africa or should I say in Nigeria , what we considered as long hair. Her hair is also the full type, she had it bond together before now but now the hair is scattered  that tey fall over her face, she was sleeping like a baby, I closed the door slowly because I didn’t want the door to make a noise that will wake her up.

I walked towards her and I crouch down before her and I use my hand to move her hair away from her face, she had cried so hard that I could see her eyes swollen despite that she had her eyes closed , she had stains of tears on her face and I use my finger to trace those tears on her face but one thing made me stare at her for long, despite how  messed up her hair was, swollen eyes, stained face, she was looking extremely beautiful, if she had enough care , she would have been discovered to represent us in the beauty peagant but she had no height though, that could have been what will disqualified her from representing my country as a beauty queen, she has this dark shining colour and her lips are so beautiful. I carried her gently and she opened her eyes and I paused in my tracks and then she closed her eyes again and I took her to the bed l placed her gently on the bed and she sobbed in her sleep and stare at her for a while and she slept off again.

She must have cried so much due to the words of my mom, my mom is just being mad at how people has been speaking ill of the family she built for years. 

I helped turn on the A/C inside the room.

Not like I am not always angry each time my discussion pops up online but it has happened solution is what we need and investigating the issue, I just feel bad for Shade because something in me is telling me she didn’t do it deliberately but how did she get to my opposition party before she was used is something I want to know because I know whatever had happened is from the opposition party.

I walked out of the room and I walked down stairs into the living room because I know by the time she would wake up she must be hungry.

I dial the housekeeper number on my cellphone, I asked her to come and she came to me with her head bowed while I was standing in the middle of the living room.

“ Sir you sent for me” she says.

“ yes, I sent for you, concerning Shade, the girl in the visitors room” she asked.

“ Your wife to be? She asked, I stare at her with no answer because I know she always like act silly sometimes.

“ She is still sleeping and I know by the time she would wake up she would be hungry, make her something she likes to eat” I said.

“ Sir, we do not know what she likes to eat? How do we give her what she like to eat? She asks.

“Ask her when she is awake” I said.

“ Okay sir” she said ,

“Clean up the room next room to my room and let me know when it is done” I said and I climb the stairs to go back to my office and I met my PA on the stairs.

“ Get me some coffee” I said.

“ yes sir”he replied and I walk back to my office and my mind went back to my ex and I flash back to our old good times, if someone had said she was cheating on me I would never have believed it, it still hurts till now.



I turn around on the bed and I open my eyes and I look down the bed, look at where I am even under the duvet and I could feel the cold temperature of the room and I look up, the A/C was on and I sit right again and look down , I close my eyes and open it, lots of confusion going on in my head right now.

“ How did I get here on the bed, I wouldn’t tuck myself under the duvet even if I climb on the bed to sleep and the A/C, no, I wouldn’t even turn that on, maybe Mariam actually did, no, I remember I didn’t sleep on the ground someone must have put me on the bed” I was still murmuring to myself when the words of Kunle’s mom flashes back to my memory, I know I shouldn’t have run out of the office that way because they are both my bosses but the insult is just too much.

“ Who gave her the right to insult me and my entire generation? She can insult me but not my family, running away from their presence feels so much like walking out from her site moreover she is my fake mother in law and if I want my peace till we would get divorced I should apologise” I said to myself.

“No, I won’t apologise, I know my right andmy family deserve some respect, we might be poor but we are contented and we are not thieves, afterall I am only being accused, if I wasn’t so stupid, would a stranger like me have been allowed to serve in such hotel, that usher must know something about the tape, I am going to find that girl and make sure the truth is out so that I can be free but wait a minute, can I really do this when my movement is being determined, I don’t even know what to expect next” I said to myself

A knock came on the door , I didn’t know if to answer or not, maybe it’s time for my purnishment for running out of his mom’s presence but I don’t think Kunle would do that, He might not be that man that smile so much but he respects women so much and I do not think he would do something crazy to me, I have been here, he has only shouted at me said ill words and he let them serve me some fried rice and chicken and juice which is my favorite if only I can ask of ice cream I will be happy at least if I am ill treated, I still ate something.

Maybe his mom has come to deal with me, that woman should be name she devil, she hates me from time, Grandma never liked her when she was alive, so am I and I can never like her for speaking ill of my entire generation, if she wants to beat me it’s fine but she should spare my mouth that I would use in eating all the food I have never had priviledge to taste” I said, the banging on the door continue and I stood up and I slowly open the door with my eyes closed , fear written all over me, I didn’t open my eyes until I heard a different female voice and I muttered. “Hmmmn” in a shock and open my eyes and I realize I haven’t seen this face today except for mariam an she is also an elderly woman in her fifties.

“Good evening ma” we both chorused greeting each other.

“ I should be greeting you ma and even address you as ma because my parents said elders should be respected” She smiles at me.

“ I cannot expect you to greet me because you are now older than me with money and position” she says and I was wondering what she meant by that, I was wondering what position.

“ Regardless of position, you are still an elder to me “ I said.

“ Ma’am what would you like me to prepare for you? And I stare at her in surprise and shocked and she repeated herself.

“hmmmn” I muttered , she could feel the shock in my voice.

“It’s an order from your fiancée moreover you will become his wife soon and I think he wants you to be free around him, just thinking.

“ free? Anyways, my opportunity to eat whatever I like as come.” I thought.

“ What about a bowl of ice cream and if I can have some biscuits , I have been dying to eat that for a while” I said.

“ no problem ma, I would order that for you ma” she says. 

“ Don’t order biscuit, order a shawarma, with that I would have a beautiful sleep this night” I said and the elderly woman laughed.

“ What about dinner? What you asked for is just for refreshment? The housekeeper says.

“Refreshment? Ofcourse no, that is infact a food, I use to struggle to buy that one in three maid when I was a maid with Mr kunle’s mom, sharwarma nd Ice cream is enough for me as a dinner” I said.

“ Alright ma” the housekeeper says and takes her leave.

I close the door excited and I forgot about Kunle’s mom and I think back to Kunle and I smile, such a nice and arrogant man, he cares about my health, he’s not bad, he’s got the six packs, pinks lips beautiful eyes, he’s rich, he has that height every girl wants in a man, gosh, I am going to become his fake wife soon, I just wish I would be able to think straight staring at all his features” I said to myself and I thought again.

“ Shde, can you think like a real hustler, this family hates the poor, just take a look at how his mom spoke ill of your family, Kunle can never fall in love with someone like me, I am never his class and I don’t even want to start thinking of all his features before it starts getting into my head, the most important is I would get something out of all this , uhmm, some bad things happen in one’s life for a purpose. Once the divorce is over I will travel overseas with my mom and siblings, we would live there and then I remembered my sex with Kunle, I need to speak with him so that I I don't end up getting pregnant but how do I tell him.