

I didn’t say a word instead I just weep because I it’s not like I am interested in the so call marriage but it feels like I am being accused of gold digging.

She looks at me again from head to toes.

“ I can believe some girls can be so cheap to let their nakedness on the internet, my son is a young handsome and rich man and influential that even with his nakedness on the screen, girls will still send thousands of messages wanting him but you a nobody throwing your video on the internet and thinking you have gotten a place in the house of the Martins and you think I will let you remain here, my dear that’s a lie and I even know my son will never ever let a riffraff like you be his wife”she said to me and tears just kept dripping down my face.

“Among all the maid I have you are the one I detest the most because you are so sluggish but I  never knew you were so smart at ruining people’s career, tell me who paid you?! She shouted at me and I trembled as I was standing. “ Who paid you?! I know people like you are stonehearted but don’t worry, you will soon be the one to announce on your own that you want a divorce “ she says and I went down on my knees.

“ I swear I make the video and I wasn’t paid to make any video, I wouldn’t have want my nakedness out there or I have nothing against your son, why would I want to ruin his career “ and the next thing I felt was a slap on my face and I cried more because her palms looks soft but were so hard on my face.

“ You don’t talk while I talk! She shouts at me. “Who is talking to you that you are talking! She shouts at me. “ you are beginning to see yourself as my son’s wife , the future first lady? Don’t even think or try to believe that you are my son’s fiancée,such a dirty girl that you are, you do not befit my son if not that the party and I felt we needed you to get votes from dirty and poor people like you , you think you will stand in my presence , I will be talking and you will be talking” she hissed and turns to leave and I forgot about the hot slap that landed on my face even though I still cry because I was being accused wrongly by Kunle and his mom.

Only for me to lift my face that was facing the ground and see her paused and I burst into tears, I am not even weeping again because of the accusation again but because she turned back, I am scared of being beaten and hearing another round of sermon of how bad and dirty I am. She walked up to me  and I was shaking while kneeling down with my eyes closed, I tightened my eyes.

“ Don’t even go out there and disgrace my son or you will be punish for that, my son would not stop me from punishing you” she says and I walks out glamorously like she use to and I quickly stood up when I knew she would have gone, I  lift my face , she has left and I quickly shut the door with my back rested on the door and I slipped down to the floor and I began to flashback to the word of both mother and son and I wept so hard, I wish I could runaway.

I heard some cars drove in and I peeped from my window and I couldn’t see any car but I think Kunle is back.

I was still weeping when I heard a knock on my door and I was even scared to open the door and I stood up and slowly go to the door , I peep through the doorhole and I could see it was Mariam at the door and close my eyes and place my hand on my chest and I open the door.

“ Ma’am please come with me” she says and the fear of being scolded again grip me and I stood with my head rested on the wall and Mariam was ahead, I stood , I didn’t follow her because I knew it means  kunle is back and interrogation time again and she comes back to me .

“Please Ma, come after me , don’t make Mr Martins scold me” she says with a pleading face, ofcourse I understand because I can relate as a maid.

I followed her but this time to Martins office, when I saw step into the office, I forgot I had been summoned to the office , instead I admired the office because I have always watch those offices in foreign films but never been to one and his mom’s voice brought me back to my senses and I trembled because I didn’t notice his mom, even I haven’t seen him , I never knew they were sitting inside the office lounge and I quickly looked down  with me interwining my hands his fear and I walked slowly with tears almost falling down my face , with my heart beating fast as if my chest was going to open and my heart would fall out, the beating of my heart raced more than a car on speed.

“ Look at how sluggish she is working” she says and I increased my pace towards them and I try stealing a glance at them and Kunle crossed his legs with his laptop on the table staring at me and our eyes met and he looks away and I also looked down looking away and the stupid thing about me that moment was that I admired him because I think he just got a new cut and his beard just matched up with his beautiful lips and I took a glance at him again and he was scrolling on his laptop and I just couldn’t stop stealing a glance at him and I smiled and said inwardly “ So handsome”.

His mother’s voice brought me back to life  from admiring Kunle.

“ We would still come back to you on who sent you but we should first handle this scandal well, both of you would have some photo session which I and the party has organized for you both and both of  you will to be prepared to meet  with  your family next tomorrow because he would follow you to meet with your family wherever you might of come from” she says disgustingly.

I am sure the wretched people in your village will feel proud of you that my son married a wasted product like you and I was sobbing loud and I could see Kunle held his mom hand, he looked and at her face and signal her to stop insulting me.

“ Kunle don’t stop me from insulting this girl, she ruin our plan! She was trying to ruin your image! People like this do not deserve pity, I won’t stop humiliating her and insulting her entire generation until everything is over and she isn’t part of this family anymore” she says.

“ Mom please” he says.

“ Look don’t even tell me to stop! This girl is very wicked trying to ruin a reputation I an your father build for years, I read comments online that we rich people always fail to train our children, I read so many insults directed at you and the whole family and you dare tell me not to insult this girl and her entire generation and her entire village” she says, I didn’t even know when I turn and ran out and I could hear Kunle call my name.

“ Shade! Shade!! And his mom called him too.


I opened the door to the room , locked it from behind and slipped down to the floor, I wept and kept flashing back to all the humiliation from his mom.



I returned from where I had went too and by the time I returned my mom was with Shade and I knew my mom would have done her own job because I know her very well, I knew the way she had been blaming that girl  when I had gone to my parents house, I knew she was going to deal with her.

My PA had been reading some comments for me on people discussing the issue on social media platform even though the video had been taken down but I know it would still be discussed by the media, many crazy comments were directed at me and my family, I held my fist throughout the comment, at first ,I cussed Shade inwardly and then I thought of it in a different way that my security were loose that is why, I faced my PA,

“ Did you think Shade did the video? I asked and he paused for a while.

“ Sir , I wouldn’t says yes and I wouldn’t say. “ if you ask me , I feel convince that she didn’t do the video but in another way round if you ask me all this young girls of this days cannot be trusted, they can do anything for money and you know sometimes if someone hasn’t encounter the problem that is beyond his or herself, one will say I can’t do bad, it depends on individual how much they are willing to risk to save their terrible situation, I am not saying she is in any situation but many stories like that has been told that, they did such things out of no choice” my PA says and I look out of the window as the car drove on the highway with my PA response and I felt maybe I should be easy on her and try and get some truth from her but coming into the house and finding my mom, I know she would have dealt with the girl.

It’s not like I like Shade but whenever I look at her I see a small girl that shouldn’t even be a maid but in school, I wonder why her parent made her come to work as a maid at a very young age when her mates are in high school.

Although I do not know her age but I can tell she is less than twenty.

My mom flashes a smile at me as I enter, I can see that she is happy because I agreed to their plan and I know she dosen’t like Shade, what my mom care about right now is me winning the election, even what I cared most for now but Shade also on my mind because I just feel I should let her go but I can’t because I also have to listen advice from the party and I want to get back to my ex.

“ Son, I have come with the plan I and the party discussed” she says and I nod my head.

“ can we go to my office to discussed it” I said to my mom.

“ Sure, sure son” she said and stood up while her PA was beside her smiling at me, Emily has always try to get closer to me but I don’t just feel anything bringing us close, my spirit just doesn’t go along with her as she was smiling at me , I frown my face something I even find so hard to do with Shade, I find it so hard to be mad at Shade, I guess my pity for her but this Emily of a girl, it’s always way easy to frown at her or shout at her.

I and my mom walks into my office.

I walk to my office lounge while my mom followed me.

“ I know you are so furious at how everything happened and I know you never wanted to marry Shade but she can always be a trophy wife till you divorce her” he says.

“ Mom, it’s fine , it’s part of the game we play in politics, you talking about the plans you and the party already had on everything to be in order” I asked coldly.

“ Yes, we discussed……I cut in.

“I am sorry mom, why isn’t the party technical adviser here instead of you? I asked coldly because I do not want her to handle things for me because her way and my way of plans always go against each other but I love my parent so much, when I looked at how much they have put into my ambition I just let them decide.

“ yes, I volunteered especially now that Shade is here, I want to handle things myself because a girl who can do cause scandal to your life can harm you beyond this” she says.

“ I have securities assigned to watch her mom, I have CCTV all around, so you do not need to bother yourself on her issue” I said.

“ Whatever but I have already talked to the party chairman to let me handle things till it dies down, so as I was saying before you cut me short, I already contact a photographer that will take the picture of both of you being romantic and loved up, we would upload it on your social media pages” she says and I sit right because this plan looks stupid right now, why would I take a picture with Shade and post it on my page, I know the youth of this days, they will still dig out that pictures for me in future even if it has been pulled down from my social media accounts. I sit back properly annoyingly.

“ Why is our love up pictures needed , mom don’t let us go into that plan please” I said looking away angrily.

“ Son, this will let people easily forget when you have a conference with the media houses tomorrow, it’s just a pretense” she says.

“ Fine, which other plan do we have ? he asked.

“ She will accompany you to the conference tomorrow and you need to meet with  her family the following day and I want you to try as much as possible to make it real” his mom said.

“ is that all? I asked .

“yes for now, we want everything rapid before the campaign rally that will come up.

“ Okay mom” I replied.

“ can you tell your PA to help me call that evil girl name Shade here? My mom said.

“ Mom please, can you not call her evil, just call her Shade,she is also a human being, you and I know this will be from the opposition party, I don’t want to conclude that she willingly did it that is why I have my men watching her for now, I want to get a proof before concluding everything I have we have been talking about that she did it was just an insinuation” I said.

" I am not insinuating because I know she did it to get you " my mom says.