
Her Imperfect Life

Tracy a young, teenage, college girl who'd lost her virginity at a much younger age in a quest for true love,is torned between trying to balance an excellent and exemplary life, a peek from the worldly life and satisfying her thirst for a perfect life, After many failed attempts of a love affair, she finally meets her soulmate, Steven Timothy in a social platform. She tries to correct her unholy and sinful past, sacrificing a whole lot to make this new found love the perfect one.Things get bloomy and smooth when suddenly he has to leave …"with a promise of coming back for her after a year"... and seek for greener pastures to give her the perfect life she wants. After an unjust school contest, unfortunately her past comes knocking again. She opens up with mixed feelings and reluctance, fear of unfaithfulness and strings of an uncorrected past egging her on. As things get worse, Steve discovers this and plans a break up without her knowledge. Now she's in love with two guys. Who will she go for? If Steve...will she succeed in convincing him they are meant to be? as her unquenchable thirst for a perfect life goes on.

Bless_Jhay · Thanh xuân
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7 Chs

I'm not High!


Two days to my birthday I'm Seated as usual at home doing nothing, scrolling through different social media platforms, laughing at jokes posted. Some friends who actually remember that it's my birthday in a few days message me wishing me a Happy Birthday in Advance. Of course Zoe, my bestie wasn't left out.

"Babe, happy birthday in advance" Zoe texted.

"Thank you babes" I replied back.

"So how far have you gone with the preparations for the celebration?" she typed back.

"Babe you know already, there's usually no celebrations" I reminded her.

"You have to look for a way to change that, you can't continue this way". She kept pushing.

"I Know babes, don't worry I'll think about it, if I come up with anything I will let you know". Just then Christian's message entered. I abandoned Zoe's own to go check it out.

"Happy birthday in advance daughter" I opened Christian's message and it read. It's been a long time since he texted. I thought to myself and decided to send it too.

"You haven't been looking for me" he replied back immediately". Actually he's been busy with school recently. I can't even remember the last time we spoke. I met Christian last year the same year I met Kelly. Kelvin Solomon, that was his name. The guy who's left me in a confused state as to whether I'm still a Virgin or not. But he preferred to be called Kelly. Someday I'll share this story. Christian happens to be in the same state University as my sister Diana. That's how we even became close. I remember he once asked me out but I had turned him down so he asked me to be his daughter which I readily agreed. Then that was the trending thing, having a second father on social media or having a best friend of the opposite gender. We all knew how this kind of relationship ended. Well as for my own father daughter relationship? We hadn't even met yet.

"So can we meet?" Speaking of meeting, Christian's message popped up.

"Yeah, sure. Venue and time?" I don't know why I agreed that fast but let's just say I would really love to finally meet him.

"10am at the circus" he typed back.

"Pls dress sexy and keep to time" he stressed. I was about to type back asking what he meant by that when he sent "Lol, just kidding".

"Alright then, see you tomorrow" I texted back rounding up our chats.

Dad had travelled that very evening. I knew he wouldn't be around that's why I accepted the meeting with Christian. Now I was left with just my mum to face. I told her I was going to meet an old High school friend of mine pertaining to my birthday. She had thrown all kinds of questions on me and I had tactfully answered them. So by 10:20am the next day I arrived at the circus wearing a tiger print, knee length straight gown with black, flat shoes to match. I was never the type of person to keep to time. I brought out my phone and dialed Christian's number informing him I was there. He told me he was there too and asked me to walk down a little and I will find him. Truly when I walked down a bit I did find him. I was surprised I was able to recognize him on the first meeting, unlike Dom.

"Hi" I said while accessing him. He was well dressed putting on a senator top made with Ankara material on a black trousers. He was short and fair skinned. He didn't look that bad.

"You're dressed a bit too serious and outdated" he said and I froze. Seems he had been checking me out too. "Your gown looks nice no doubt but if you had put on slippers instead of these flat shoes it would have made a whole lot of sense" he went on. And I just kept mute. I couldn't believe he was actually saying that to me on the first meeting. Seems he is the " I'll say it exactly as it is" kind of guy. " Let's go sit there," he said, pointing over at a spot. Not even stopping to think for a moment how I felt about what he just said.

We strolled down there. It looked like an abandoned stadium, you could see the place that must have been created for the audience to watch. It had a round structure. On the open floor, chairs were arranged in a round table manner and drinks were served. Looking ahead I could see the different stages owned by different people where the drinks for sale were stored. This place could pass for a sit out.

"Are you always this quiet?" Christian asked as we sat down on one of those tables." What would you love to take?" He asked immediately, not even waiting for the first answer.

I looked around and realized everyone was drinking alcohol.

"Aren't soft drinks sold here?" I turned around to ask him, a bit shy.

"Wait, don't tell me you haven't taken alcohol before," he asked surprised. "You're a big girl, you have to try it".

"I don't want to get high" This time he burst into a fit of laughter. Heads turned towards us I just wished he could be a lot less louder about this "It depends on the type you take though, also a bottle would do no harm".

"So you're saying I won't get high?" I asked, lowering my voice.

"Daughter, trust me I've got you covered" this time he spoke in a low tone. "I won't let any harm come to you" I thought I saw a flash of concern in his eyes before it snapped back to his loud mode as he beckoned on the bartender to place our order. We gisted about ourselves and got to know more about each other. I found out he was 22, not bad. I've always had a thing for guys four to six years older than me. I feel that at least one of us would be a lot more mature and there will be respect too. Soon our orders arrived. So I was served a 33 drink and him, another brand of alcohol I didn't bother to check. I was drinking this not to prove to him that I'm a big girl. Hearing that from him sounded irritating like it was a normal thing to do. It didn't fit my personality but you know sometimes you have to try something wild not to impress anyone but yourself. I took the first sip and felt a sour taste. I took the second and concluded it was an acidic taste. I heard Christian goggle beside me obviously from the way my face was all screwed up due to the taste of the alcohol. I turned and gave him a death stare. From his looks and sudden silence it showed he was a bit intimidated. Dear me, I wonder where I got such boldness from. I kept taking sips upon sips, gisting and laughing out loud with christian. I didn't care about the rest of the world around us anymore. I really loved this feeling.

"Oh my God!!" Christian exclaimed in shock. I gently followed the directions of his eyes and it landed on my empty bottle of drink. I hadn't even realized I had finished it.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Daughter I didn't expect you to finish that, you look tipsy" he said while calling the bartender to settle our bills. I hadn't even realized I had gotten High.

"I'm not high,but you said I wont get high" I said, totally confused and acting like a child. I made to get up and he reached out to help me. I waved him off and stood up on my own showing him that I was still in the right frame of mind.

"I didn't say you're High. You're just a little bit high. Besides I didn't know you would end up this way. Maybe it's because it's your first time". He explained. I only nodded. "Okay daughter my apartment is close by, come and rest until you're fit to go back home on your own" he offered. Oh so kind I thought to myself while nodding again in response. He grabbed my hands and we walked down the road, boarded a mini bus and settled down.

He hung his arm around my neck, shifting me closer. I snuggled into his arms and rested on his shoulders. I was sitting close to the window. From the corner of my eyes I could see us drive past my church. We kept going and drove past the main campus of my University.

I sat up getting a bit scared.

"Where are we going dad?" I asked him. He smiled a bit surprised that I finally called him dad physically.

"Daughter,I already assured you no harm will come to you okay?" He replied not exactly giving me the answer I expected. It did calm me down a bit though but I'm sure he wasn't the type of person that would kidnap me in broad daylight. "We are going to my place and we are almost there". He added. Truly a few minutes later we alighted and I let him lead the way. After a few turns to the left and then right he came to a halt in front of an apartment. I assumed it was his house. The walls were a faded pale blue colour. The houses surrounding it were built opposite each other, demarcated and rented out to people. His own stood on it's own. I saw children playing around and indulging in games I used to play in my childhood days. I watched them with fantasy. Beside me Christian fished into his pocket in search of the keys. After a few minutes of searching he found it and with just one turn to the left unlocked the door. I watched him step in and hesitated a bit

"Are you gonna stand outside all day?" Christian asked, obviously noticing my hesitation. I looked around once more and stepped in. Once in, I took in the sight of the apartment. I realized it was a one bedroom. It had the same faded pale blue colours like the ones outside. The bed was placed by the left side close to the wall. Just above it was the window. Opposite the bed was his plasma television hung on the wall with the necessary electrical appliances beneath them. To the right of the bed was his wardrobe constructed by using curtains for privacy. I could see his gas cylinder and other utensils. The room didn't look that bad for a student. I started missing my own room in our house. It was spacious. I always get scared when left alone in the house. I noticed his room was tidy and neat but he was busy putting one or two things in places. I walked over to the bed and laid down. Few minutes after I had closed my eyes to rest I felt a hand lifting me slightly and dropping me back making me lay on his laps. Christian started playing with my hair disrupting my rest. I sat up and he immediately placed his hands on my face pulling me forward for a kiss.

"I don't like kissing" I said while shoving his hands away from my face.

Suddenly I was transported from the bed onto his laps, my back a few inches away from his chest. His hands reached up and squeezed my br*ast I gasped a little and leaned back. Relaxing comfortably against his chest. I seemed to be enjoying this feeling so I let him fondle my br*ast. His hands snaked under my gown stroking and drawing irregular shapes on my laps as it kept edging forward. He reached out and touched me down there against the fabric of my panties. I jerked forward in shock. I hadn't realized his hands had somehow found its way into the top of my gown because at that moment be stroked my bare br*ast. I bit my lips in an attempt to prevent a moan from escaping as I leaned back and relaxed again against his chest. I could feel a warm and wet feeling down there. He dipped his hands into my panties straight into my warmth, thrusting it gently in and out. At this point I hadn't realized soft sounds were escaping my mouth. Abruptly he let go of me and flipped me over on the bed. My knees on the bed and my palms facing down on the bed in a kind of dog position. I could hear him fumble a bit with his belt. He lifted up my gown from behind, pulled my turquoise blue coloured panties down and a hot and strong flesh came in contact with my warmness. Christian was about thrusting in when all of a sudden I felt like my sense had been restored back. I realized that exactly what almost happened between Kelly and I, three months ago was about to repeat itself. I pushed Christian away from me, got up and dragged my panties up.

"I'm going" I said as I bent down to grab my bag. I reached out to arrange my hair back in place and straighten my gown. He stood up and held my hand about to say something but I cut him off and walked towards the door without another look at him I stepped out. His neighbor stared at me like she could see through me and see what went on behind the four walls of the room I just exited. Guilt washed over me as I walked past her looking down trying to hide my Shame. Tears threatened to burst out of my eyes but I looked up and blinked severally trying as much as possible to hold it in. I boarded a minibus and settled in, negligent of the world around me as I went into deep thoughts of what Kelly had turned me into.