
Her Imperfect Life

Tracy a young, teenage, college girl who'd lost her virginity at a much younger age in a quest for true love,is torned between trying to balance an excellent and exemplary life, a peek from the worldly life and satisfying her thirst for a perfect life, After many failed attempts of a love affair, she finally meets her soulmate, Steven Timothy in a social platform. She tries to correct her unholy and sinful past, sacrificing a whole lot to make this new found love the perfect one.Things get bloomy and smooth when suddenly he has to leave …"with a promise of coming back for her after a year"... and seek for greener pastures to give her the perfect life she wants. After an unjust school contest, unfortunately her past comes knocking again. She opens up with mixed feelings and reluctance, fear of unfaithfulness and strings of an uncorrected past egging her on. As things get worse, Steve discovers this and plans a break up without her knowledge. Now she's in love with two guys. Who will she go for? If Steve...will she succeed in convincing him they are meant to be? as her unquenchable thirst for a perfect life goes on.

Bless_Jhay · Teen
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7 Chs

Our First MeetUp- things are getting heated

So days turned into weeks and we kept chatting. We talked about almost everything, our birthdays, family school and any other thing we could think of. I really liked him, he wasn't a fan of calling neither was I.we both felt more comfortable chatting than calling. On my part I felt like I won't know what to say on a call. It will be mostly silence on my side. Most of my calls didn't normally last for more than five minutes and that's when the other person is doing the talking. One day he popped the Virgin question. I will be turning 16 in the next one week. The answer should be yes considering my age but here I was confused. I've always been this kind of girl who wanted to keep her virginity till marriage. Even the kind of friends I kept had the same goal. This topic brought back fresh memories of what happened 3 months earlier. I really do not feel like talking about this. Should I just wave it off? I thought to myself. Should I just say yes let's get on with the conversation? How well do I trust him? But I liked him, so I decided to just open up and tell him the little I can.

"I'm confused" I typed back.

"How? What makes you confused" I'm sure he was confused as well. I felt a bit scared not knowing whether to go ahead.

"Alright so this is what happened, I met this guy, we've been friends for long, he offered we sit out, only to end up in his house and he attempted s*x with me" I was shaking while typing this. I summarized it the best way I could for him.

" Okay so why then are you confused if he only attempted?" He asked, seeking for clarity.

" Pls can we change this topic, I'm not comfortable" I typed fast. I was shaking and tears welled up my eyes. Memories of what happened that day washed over me. And I started hating myself again like I did that day after that incidence and the following weeks. I promised not to talk to anyone about it except my future husband. I was so sure I wasn't going to let any other guy touch me again. Even bestie didn't know the exact details of what happened. Of course I had called her that day to tell her. I had told her I was confused as well and she had assured me I was still intact but did she know the full details?

"It's okay, I'm so sorry for pushing further" he apologized sincerely.

"It's okay it's nothing" I typed back while wiping off the tears that had trailed down my cheeks with the back of my palm. "So my birthday is in a week's time" I started saying deliberately changing the topic and trying to clear the air between us.

" And I know how much you hate it, are you looking forward to it?" Of course I had told him about my birthdays. I also knew I won't be getting any gift from him because he was broke at the moment. I'm used to not getting gifts so that was nothing.

" I have a favour to ask of you". I told him

"And what could that be Angel" I blushed, it seems that's all I do these days.

"I would love you to escort me to the studio later this Friday. I want to snap some pictures against Tuesday, which is my birthday. Also we would get to finally meet". Yeah, all these days, weeks and months. We had gotten this close without meeting each other before. Not like distance was the problem, I just didn't have much freedom to step out anyhow without a round of so much questioning from both parents. They were so protective. Most times I felt their over protective nature would only make me go against them and become bad. But others would say "someone who wants to be bad will still be bad, even under their parents' roof"

"Yes of course, it would be my pleasure" I could feel he was so happy. He's been asking to meet me for a long time now and I kept giving him different excuses. This Friday I would fulfill someone's dreams. I felt Happy too.

* * * * *

My phone rang as I was about to stroll into my neighbors compound. I went to get my makeup done by my sister's friend who happened to live a few blocks away from us and could do a makeover. She wasn't a Pro but at least I could afford her. This was going to be my first makeup. I was feeling all giddy on the insides.

"Hello Tee" Dominic's voice sounded through the phone.

"Hi Dom" I answered back. I knew he wanted to talk about the time. I made a quick check at the Time and it was 10:00am. This was the time we were supposed to meet but I hadn't done anything yet pertaining to my shoot. I have just destroyed my first impression I thought to myself.

"Yeah, it's time already, what are you doing and where are you?" I could hear the lack of patience in his voice. He couldn't wait to meet me.

"See, Dom I haven't done my makeup nor dressed up yet. Would you mind if we shifted the time a bit" I told him truthfully, asking for extra time.

"Alright Angel anything for you" he said, making me blush again. He made me feel so good. "So what time would be favourable?" he asked.

"I should be done by 12pm' I replied giving myself 2 hours but I knew it would take longer than that so I couldn't tell him that. I didn't want to make him lose his patience.

"Alright then,bye Angel. Just call me as soon as you're done" I nodded and smiled as if he was here. The call ended and I walked up the steps of their house. I used the back side because her dad was around, and also to avoid too many questions. I knocked and Adele opened the door. Adele was her name, she's Tall a bit chubby, enough front and back with a glowing fair skin. A pure definition of beauty. The makeup took 2 hours though it was a simple one. I went back home and put on a skin tight red gown. It was above knee length but not too short with big sparkling diamonds designed in a "V" shape just above my chest. The cloth covered my shoulders and went down to my elbows. My hair which I tied up in a rose style letting down two in front was more like a brown but pale red coloured, twisted, tiny braids. Everything complimented my dark skin. I stared at the mirror and I looked so transformed. She had used a nude colour on my lips with less eye shadow. I nodded satisfied with my looks but a bit shy because I knew I would get so many stares today. I checked the time and gasped, it was 1:00pm. How did the time fly so fast? I checked my phone and there was no missed call from Dom. I wondered if he was angry with me. I picked up my red bag, stuffed my silver heels and a few things I would need, put on my black slippers and headed out of the gates. Like I had said all eyes were on me. I wasn't used to this kind of attention.

Halfway there I dialed Dom's number and it rang and he picked it up.

" Hey Dom" I started sounding so nervous " I'm so sorry, the makeup took so long". I could hear him sigh on the other side of the call which made me more nervous.

"It's okay, I Know it's girls stuff" some seconds had passed before he replied.

"I'm truly sorry, okay? I'm almost there" I kept apologizing.

"I'm tired of waiting though, but then anything just to finally meet you Angel '' this made me calm down a bit and I struggled to smile. The tricycle finally dropped me off at the circus where we were supposed to meet. I started strolling, ignoring the stares from people. It was damn hot, I was more concerned about my makeup getting ruined. I brought out my phone and looked at his picture one more time hoping I won't walk past him without recognition. Just then my phone rang, it was Dom. I picked.

"I've spotted you" His voice came through Immediately. I turned and started looking around a bit to find him.

" Really? But I can't spot you" I replied, still searching.

"You're in a red gown" I felt sad and a bit shy that he spotted me first.

"Yeah, where are you?" I answered, still trying to locate him.

"Walk back a little you will see me" ouch and I had walked right past him. Smiles. I strolled back a little bit and I did see him. We just stared at each other without a word. On my part I didn't know what to say.

"It was worth the wait" he finally broke the silence after checking me out. "You look so gorgeous" he went on.

"Thank you" I blushed. "Now let's get going,we are more than late". I said while grabbing his hands.

"Not we, you. It's your fault you know" he said as we boarded a mini bus and settled down. I turned to look at him actually noticing him for the first time. I had been too busy to do this Immediately we met. I was thinking of how to get home before 6 which is my curfew. So he didn't look bad. He was quite tall and slim. Not too ugly not too handsome. Forgive me but we all have our dream guy, a mental picture of what we want him to look like. He had the height and body but certainly not the looks or fashion sense. He was fun to chat with which means he should be fun to be with too.

We got to the studio, It was a one room divided into two sections using an orange coloured curtain. One section for the clients and the inner section for editing and shooting. I did the shoot but it was a nature shoot. I didn't like the interiors. What held me there was the editing. I got to meet some other Facebook friends there, mostly guys. I got so many compliments. We gisted about so many things while waiting for the pictures to get edited, I got to know that he was 20 and not yet in college too. I kept checking my time and complaining of my curfew. Most of them were surprised, they felt I should be allowed to stay a bit late. Well I wouldn't blame them, they don't know how my parents behave most especially, my dad.

"It's getting late, I should get going" I told Dom after checking the time and it was 5:30pm. The client's room was now empty. I had just 30mins left and I knew it wouldn't be enough time to get back home. The stress of boarding several transportations and possible traffic congestion was not the only problem but it was the rainy season, the interior roads leading to my house were bad. I've been living there for the past 8 years. No changes.

" What about your pictures?" Dom asked.

"You know what? You can go back home anytime right?" I asked him and he nodded. "Good you will get them and send them to me" he nodded again. "So let me go tell them I'm leaving" I said while attempting to stand. He held me back. I was about to turn and ask what was wrong but I met his face so close to mine and his eyes staring at lips.

I got caught in the moment, slowly he started inching forward, not taking his eyes off my lips for once. I wasn't helping him out. I sat there transfixed. I tilted my lips slightly open as his lips were about to touch mine. Just then the door opened and we shifted away from each other, then I realized I had been holding my breath the whole time. I started breathing heavily trying to catch my breath. Without looking at him I got up abruptly and went over to the inner room. After informing them of my departure, I came out and found him in deep thoughts. I called out his name but he didn't reply.

"Dom," I said again, this time gently shaking him. He turned and stared at looking like he was lost.

"Do you mind escorting me outside?" he nodded before I could finish asking. So we stepped out into the cold evening and walked in silence.

"I'm sorry about what happened back there" he finally broke the silence, grabbing my hands gently. It felt so good. With the cold breeze blowing in my face I looked up to the sky hoping this moment would last. Thoughts about going home late left my mind as I tried to enjoy the moment. I wondered why he was apologizing. Maybe it's the most manly thing to do. Hadn't he seen I had wanted it as much as he did. But I would be rushing things by accepting that fact.

"It's fine," I replied absently. He turned to look at me. I could feel him staring but I didn't look his way. Because I was blushing badly while relieving that moment over and over again. That wouldn't have been my first kiss though but my first romantic kiss. Others were done totally without my permission and I didn't like it.

"Okay, you should board a bus here so you won't be late" he said finally breaking the silence and ruining the moment for me. I didn't want to let go of his hands but I just had to. He stopped a bus for me and I reluctantly let go of his hands and boarded the bus. I waved at him as the bus drove off.

I alighted at the park and strolled into a music store to get the latest albums. Even if I'm not celebrating anything, at least I should dance to loud music all day, I thought to myself. Maybe there will be a change this year. I smiled while trying to decide between two different albums I just picked.