
Hell Bound?

a Harry Potter love story with anger, betrayal, blood, love, etc.. A girl who was now almost healed with the past incidents and was now focusing on her extracurricular activity, living a normal life but then........... She turned thirteen, she stepped into her teen age and had many plans for it but everything changed when an old man came to her house and told her things she had only dreamt of and now she is stepping into a whole new world with secrets that were breaking the unbroken, so can she keep up with them or will she broke? Can she cherish the love of her life or will be dragged to hell? Will she be able to rescue the ones she love or will watch them die infront of her eyes? Will she make the right choice or will choose the wrong? Read it to find out. POA: Complete [94,219] GOF: ongoing OOP: .......... HBP: .......... DH1: .......... DH2: .......... STARTED: 30th May 2022 ENDED: N/A *REGULAR UPDATES* The description sucks-but the story is pretty good! Mention of deaths, blood spill, language. It is a crossover of Fate:the winx saga... NOTE: I DO NOT OWN HARRY POTTER UNIVERSE ALL RIGHT GOES TO J.K. ROWLING. I only own Adriana Black, Alex, Stella, Coral, Mille, Robert, Sara,Mia, etc.. Now open it and enjoy!! A sweet message: HOMOPHOBIC PEOPLE CAN KINDLY GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THIS STORY!!!!

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12 Chs

9- Care of Magical Creatures

Harry POV~

"It's the worst omen of death!" she said and I could hear gasps from everyone's mouth.

Everyone started talking about it leaving Ron, Hermione and Adriana.

Ron was looking terrified while Hermione was huffing not taking it seriously but Adriana's look was difficult to read.

I was not able to tell she was angry, terrified or concerned.

The voices were getting on my nerves and I new it was a matter of few seconds till I-

"Guys! It's getting too much now if you all are done making scenarios in your mind, then we are late for our next class." Adriana spoke in a some-what-calm voice but her tone was so stern that it was clear that there will be no discussion about it.....atleast not in front of me.

They all nodded and Professor Trelawney said.

"Yes, she is correct, please pack your bags and move to your next class."

We all packed our bags and started walking towards the door.

"Dear! You have the inner eye, please practice." the professor said to Adriana who was looking at her with a straight face.

She nodded lightly and smiled at her and went out of the class.

Me, Hermione and Ron bid goodbye to Dean and Neville and went to follow her because she don't know any way of the castle.

We caught up with her but she didn't noticed because she was wearing her earphones.

Hermione tapped her shoulder successfully gaining her attention.

"oh hey!" she said taking her earphones out of her ears and putting it back into her bag.

"you alright?" Hermione asked her cautiously.

"yeah!" she smiled

We started moving towards our next class which was Transfiguration.

Hermione and Ron went to sit in front while I sat at the back seat.

I saw Adriana comming towards me.

Why is she comming to me? I thought and my question was answered.

She came and sat with me. I looked at her while she just smiled innocently at me.

I looked at her smiling and didn't realised when a smile fought it's way on my face.

I tried to focus on the lesson but was not able to do it because again and again I dozed off and Professor Trelawney's words started repeating in my head.

I looked at Adriana and saw her struggling with the same problem as mine.

~Author POV~

Harry and Adriana both were not paying attention in their transfiguration class.

They were lost in there own worlds.

Harry was thinking about the grim about what would happen if he dies.

And Adriana on the other hand was thinking about her upcoming competition.

She got an owl from her mum (which she didn't knew how) telling her about how she got selected in her fighting trials.

She thought of how she is going to practice on her fighting skills.

Yes, she was fast and her reflexes were pretty good but if she didn't practice her body would become stiff and it would be difficult for her to fight.

While they dozed off their transfiguration teacher changed into her animagus form which was a tabby cat.

No one clapped or cheered for her amazing transfiguration so she turned back into her human form jumping off the table and said.

"Really, what has got into you all today?"

"Not that it matters, but that's the first time my transformation's not got applause from a class."

Everybody's heads turned toward Harry again, but nobody spoke. Then Hermione raised her hand.

"Please, Professor, we've just had our first Divination class, and we were reading the tea leaves, and -"

"Ah, of course," said Professor McGonagall, suddenly frowning. "There is no need to say any more, Miss Granger. Tell me, which of you will be dying this year?"

Everyone stared at her.

"Me," said Harry, finally.

"I see," said Professor McGonagall, fixing Harry with her beady eyes.

"Then you should know, Potter, that Sybill Trelawney has predicted the death of one student a year since she arrived at this school. None of them has died yet. Seeing death omens is her favorite way of greeting a new class. If it were not for the fact that I never speak ill of my colleagues -"

Professor McGonagall broke off, and they saw that her nostrils had gone white. She went on, more calmly.

"Divination is one of the most imprecise branches of magic. I shall not conceal from you that I have very little patience with it. True Seers are very rare, and Professor Trelawney..." she stoped and then continued.

"anyways Potter, you lookin absolute good health to me!" she said while staring at him from up to down.

"And you will have to submit you homework to me next week but....if you die then there is no need for that." she finished and everyone laughed and to Adriana's surprise Harry too.

"Now wined up and write an essay on how to become an animagus, and it should be of two rolls of parchment.

She said and everyone started packing their things and moving out of the class.

~Adriana POV~

professor MCGonagall told us our homework and said to write an essay on 'How to become an animagus' and said to write two rolls of parchments.

"what's a parchment?" I asked to harry in a whisper.

"I will show you when we get back to our common room, okay?" he asked and I nodded.

We went to Ron and Hermione and started heading towards the next class when I remembered something.

"hey!" I said making all three of them stop.

"I want to talk to professor MCGonagall for a minute. can you all please wait 'cause I don't know the way?" I asked and they all nodded.

I went to professor MCGonagall who was sitting on the chair settling some papers.

"Good morning professor!" I greeted.

"Good morning Ms. Black! How may I help you?" she asked kindly.

"Actually...ummm..... I..... Uhh..... I don't know how to say it....." I stammered.

"there is no need to stammer Black, if there is something important then please continue." she encouraged.

"actually the thing is... I got my mum's letter and it said that I got selected for the semi finals for my fighting academy and I wanted to practice it because if I don't then my body will become stiff and I will lose." I explained.

"It is really great Ms. Black and congratulations but....how may I help you?" she asked.

I rubbed my neck and continued.

"I wanted to ask that is there any room in castle in which I can practice?" I asked and she just looked at me.

"very well, let me ask to Professor Dumbledore and then I will let you know!" she said standing up.

"okay professor! Thank-you" I beamed and went to my friend who were waiting for me.

~Professor MCGonagall POV~

(A/N: didn't saw this comming.. *^▁^*)

Adriana told me that she has been selected for the semi finals of a fighting competition and I feel so proud.

Her parents would be so proud only if Sirius didn't chose the wrong side.

~Adriana POV~

We finished our lunch and went outside the castle as it was time for our next class a.k.a Care for magical creature.

Harry, Hermione and Ron guided me to a wooden cabin sort of house which was tall.

I was not able to figure out if it was a hut.

A particular huge man came from the hut with a dog.

He had long black curly hair and beard which was of normal size for him because he was very huge.

He wore a kind smile and beamed at Harry, Hermione and Ron who smiled back at him.

They must know him! I thought.

Then he turned his large head towards me.

"yer Black, eh?" he asked and I nodded.

" 'ts good ter see yeh, I am Hagrid, yer care for magical creatures teacher!" he introduced himself with a kind and welcoming smile.

I smiled and said "it's good to see you too, professor Hagrid!"

"let's wait for the other ter come an' then we 'ill start with our lesson." he said and the four of us nodded.

After 5 minutes the students from both houses Gryffindor and Slytherin gathered in front of Hagrid's hut.

"Now follow me!" he said and started moving.

For a split second I thought he was taking towards the forest but then he turned and leaded us towards an opening.

I have always loved nature. It was like I have a connection with the nature and I could talk to trees and plants.

I know it's weird but..... I just rely on nature more than people.

"Now take yer books out 'nd open it!" Hagrid instructed and I did what he said.

I looked around and saw people struggling with it and then a cold voice came.

"and how exactly we do that?" it was Draco Malfoy.

He asked with a smirk on his face.

"no-one opened their books?" Hagrid asked in shock.

He asked and my hand shot in air.

Everyone looked at me some impressed and some confused.

"you did?" hagrid asked

"yes" I answered shortly

"very good! Now the ones who has not opened their books yer 'ust have to stroke its spine" he said with Hermione's book in his hand which she had closed with a belt.

He opened the book and the book started trying to bite Hagrid's hand but he stroked his gigantic hand over the book's spine and the book shivered and dropped motionless on Hagrid's hand.

"okay! Now yer 'ave yer books and now yer'll need animal, righ' I'll be back!" Hagrid said and went in the forest.

"when my father will know that this big oaf is teaching he will surely do something." Draco malfoy said and his spoons laughed behind him.

"Shut up malfoy!" Harry said approaching him.

Okay! This isn't going to end well. I thought.

"Oooh, the scar-head got courage to support that big oaf." Draco said handling his bag to Crabbe.

"I said shut up!" Harry repeated angrily.

Malfoy was going to retort but his eyes went wide and he whimpered lightly pointing behind us.

"Dementor! Dementor!" he shouted and we all wipped our heads around to look but didn't found anything.

I am going to kill that bastard. I thought and turned my head towards him and saw him and his paid 'friends' doing the ghost action with his fingers.

(A/N: idk, how to describe it so here is the gif, sorry!)

Harry was going to say something when Hermione put her hands on Harry's shoulders and turned him away from then not before giving them a nasty techque

I was not standing with them cause I was not in a mood to talk to anyone because I was busy thinking about my competition.

What if she cannot help me? What if I lose? What if I will not be able to fight? What if my old techniques are not good enough?

"oooooo!" lavender squeked breaking my trance.

I looked where she was pointing and saw many creatures tailing behind Hagrid.

There body was like a horse but with wings like an eagle.They all had one thing in common that was their beaks,all of them had yellow sharp beak that would easily rip your skin. They had fierce orange eyes that were looking at us alarmed.

Many people backed away including me because.... Say me a coward but I am really not interested in killing myself.

A relief washed over me when I saw they had a belt around there neck to resist it from attacking.

They were of many colours. Chestnut, black, brown, white and grey.

I looked at all of them but the grey one caught my eye. It's fierce orange eyes were deep and I saw emotions in them.

It turned its head and looked at every students face and then at last our eyes locked.

I felt a bond between us which led me to smile to myself.

"Hagrid! What are this?" Ron asked a little terrified.

"these Ron" He said pointing his finger towards the creature.

"are hippogriffs!"


So I want to create a special bond between the hippogriff and Adriana cause it's important anddd....I love this grey hippogriff.

Will meet you in next chapter, till then....
